Friday, October 4, 2013


Hello Everybody,

Trusting you are all well.

Yes, it is Friday, and I am so happy, its weekend time! I love the weekends, its free time and less stress time. I only work half day on a Friday and so I have that extra little bit of time. Its wonderful.

I received this newspaper report from a friend, and it is shocking. We have just overcome the lies and deception regarding the death of Nelson Mandela and corruption surrounding this ordeal. Local South African news points toward the president being a part of the controversial Gupta family illegal landing in this country. Although denied, but I actually believe this review is the crux of corruption and greed portrayed by the government. There is no turning back, we have the ANC in power destroying our country and the only way a democratic change will happen is to use our vote in the general election next year to change our future.

I think all stories relating to the South African Government must be read with the recollection of past wrongdoing before a conclusive choice to accept whether the stories are truthful or not.

Well South Africa is not a democratic country and it would probably take another hundred years before democracy is actually delivered to the people of this land.
How to get rid of bribery and corruption within a misleading government? Hmmmm I must ponder that thought.

I guess I will be thinking about this and write another blog before the weekend is over.

In the meantime, have a great weekend.

Wishing you all the best.

Your friend

Monday, September 30, 2013

Finally the Mandela story is published

Hello everybody,

Trusting you are well.

Yes it is Monday and its cold again. We went from hot summer weather to icy cold winter weather in 24 hours. I don't usually write a blog on Mondays, but I did say I would give the link for the long awaited Mandela story.

Mandela Legacy Betrayed by Family and Country
A South African Trilogy: Part III - Why Mandela Has Not Been Allowed to Die

Mandela link

This is a photo of Nelson Mandela taken during April this year.

I was told that another article will be posted on Tuesday or Wednesday this week regarding this Mandela story. It will be an editorial on why the Guardian Express continuously reported on the Mandela death story and provide answers to some of the critics. Sounds like a good read and I to am looking forward to that.

I believe that Mandela is 'kept alive' for political reasons only.

We are all entitled to freedom of speech.

Have a good week.

Your friend

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hello everybody,

Trusting you are all well.

I know, everybody is waiting and so am I. The reason for the delay in publishing the last part of the Mandela trilogy is unknown to me. I was assured that it will be posted soon. I have read the draft, and as I said, it is an excellent article with loads of sources and vital information to prove that there are reasons why Madiba will not be declared dead.

My second book, The Anglurian Story - Sipho and the Golden Nails is now available on Kindle and here is the link just in case you want to have a peek.

Sipho book 2 Kindle Link

Here are the links to my new articles published this weekend.

Fracking Article link

Fracking In Africa link

I was reading all about Tupac, 'I am so not with it' as the kids would say. I found his quotes and songs rather interesting, although I would say that Bob Marley is more of a favorite than Tupac. Anyway here is a picture of Tupac and a quote of his, which is meaningful. He certainly made a lot of sense with some of his more famous sayings.

“Only God Can Judge Me That which does not kill me can only make me stronger. I don’t see why everybody feel as though that they gotta tell me how to live my life ”
- Tupac Shakur

Hopefully the truth regarding Mandela will be told this week.

Take and have a great week.

Yours friend,

Monday, September 23, 2013

A long lazy weekend, a published book, and three new novels

Hello Everybody,

Trusting all is well.

I have a long weekend. It is fantastic, and I am enjoying every minute of my free time. It is now Monday, and since Friday afternoon I have done almost nothing! I went into lazy mode, my mind totally shutdown, actually I never knew I could be entirely useless. Anyway, I still have the rest of today, and tomorrow as free time and I have decided to get out of 'useless mode' and try and be a little normal, and by that I want to try and write or do something productive.

I have not written any new articles, or any attempt to continue with my novels, but I have taken one decent action and that was to finalize the publishing of my novel – The Anglurian Story: Book 2 – Sipho and the Golden Nails. Yes, finally, it is available on Amazon and I think it will be on kindle tomorrow or sometime during this week, and I will post this link as soon as I have the information. Here is the link for Amazon.

Amazon Link

Yes, it is now time for me to concentrate on other books, and this is such a difficult task for me. There are three books in the series. They are all adult content, and I must say, I am actually shocked, I never knew such horrid actions occur in the world today. I am naive and probably a prude so this is difficult, but I will finish the novels. Let me give you a brief synopsis of the three books that hopefully will one-day be published.

My Purple Shaded Mind -
This book is almost complete and it is quite a decent story about internet friendships and the humor shared by people engaging in long distant relationships.

Merci – This book is kind of halfway and aborted just because I cannot find the time. It is about a fifty year old woman and her lonely life.
Merci joins a dancing club and gets involved with some strange people. Lesbians and drug addicts add to her never-ending problems of socializing.

Secrets from the Past – This is the most difficult book I have attempted to write. It is based on real life situations, and dark secrets from women who have given me their stories to share. The book has four stories ranging from a motherless child who was abused and fell pregnant at a young age. A rape ordeal where the victim said the grueling police investigation was worse than the actual rape. The third scenario is based on a meeting between two friends and how their lives were almost destroyed by that meeting. The fourth story is a few one page stories reflecting on the sometimes shocking or unusual experiences encountered by some people who wanted to share.
(I have not decided on a cover yet).

The only other news I have is that the long awaited final part of the Nelson Mandela death trilogy is due for publication this week, probably within the next day or so. I have read the draft, and it is worth the wait, quite informative. Will keep you posted.

The big secret of life is that there is no secret!

All the best,
Your friend,

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Green Tea the Good News Tea

Hello Everybody,

Trusting you are all well. It is Sunday and I am enjoying the time away from work plus the beautiful summer weather in Johannesburg.

A quick update regarding the NM death reporter story. It has been a quiet week, and I have been allowed to live a normal life. I had one radio interview, that was alright, I was allowed to tell my side of the story.

The long awaited final part of the trilogy will be published this week, and then I am sure there will either be a nasty response or people will ignore the article. I think everybody is so tired of hearing the same old same old story about Nelson Mandela.

Well for this week I want to share a post that was published in the Guardian Express a month or so ago. It is all about the good benefits of Green Tea. I have committed myself to try this tea, and can honestly say, I feel more energetic, and healthier. It works.

Green tea the good news tea

The potent plant nutrient called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, found in Green tea is proving to be the good news tea and is the best medicine for a healthier life style.
The Japanese and the Chinese have been drinking Green Tea for thousands of years. The tea is not only for their pleasure but also for the health benefits. Green Tea contains ingredients that are more effective, antioxidants and vitamins than regular teas. It is low in caffeine, with a distinctive smoky and nutlike flavor. The tea can be taken either hot or cold, with lemon or honey.
During the production and processing of Green Tea, none of the active ingredients such as catechins and vitamins is lost through fermentation and oxidation as occurs in normal tea processes. The green tea leaves are either steamed or pan-fried to retain their active ingredients.
Cholesterol is a wide spread problem around the world, and research has found that the EGCG in Green Tea actually helps prevent fat build up in the arteries. The tea can help to prevent cardiovascular disease.
The Journal of Applied Oral Science tested the effects of EGCG against bacteria found in the mouth and it is proven effective against bacteria in the mouth. Several other journals have confirmed the antibacterial effect on harmful dental bacteria.
The active nutrient EGCG in Green Tea has proved to be an effective and natural inhibitor of the cancer cell metabolism in breast tumors. Further studies by the Cancer Prevention Research reported that the EGCG in Green Tea suppressed the lung cancer cell growth and can prevent and inhibit colorectal cancers. EGCG aids the body by killing prostate cancer cells.
The EGCG in green tea, similar to other catechins activate fat burning genes in the stomach and can speed up weight loss. Green tea is the overall fat buster. Energy levels remain stable, and the tea is found to balance the sugar levels. The blood sugar spikes and crashes that result in fatigue irritability and cravings for unhealthy foods are also controlled by the improved insulin use in the body from the Green Tea.
The active ingredient contains a potent antioxidant that can positively affect the skin cells. It can prevent skin damage and wrinkling. The EGCG is considered more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. It is reported that free radicals are increasing linked to many serious illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes. Another benefiting factor from the tea is the protection of the skin against UV damage.
The research continues, and more health benefits are being discovered. Green Tea, rich in catechins, vitamins and minerals is a miracle from Mother Nature, a tea that boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and improves health. The good news tea with an increasing variety of beneficial health factors.

Do take care and have a super week.
Your friend,