Friday, April 1, 2016

South Africa Oil Dumping an Environmental Disaster

South Africa
How important is the environment in South Africa and is there a disaster looming from illegal oil dumping? Many questions remain unanswered or perhaps censored by companies who do not comply with regulations. According to the waste management legislation in South Africa, the disposal of hazardous waste into landfill is prohibited. Used oil is defined as hazardous waste.

Dumping used oil into the ground causes the soil and groundwater to become toxic and contaminated. Many mining companies dispose of hazardous waste illegally by dumping into the ground, instead of following correct procedures. When oil is dumped into the ground, it will penetrate further into the ground over time until it ends up in the water supply. While the oil seeps through the ground, it will kill any plants and animal life it comes into contact with. Dumping oil in the ground contributes to killing the earth, the environment, animals, fish, birds, and ultimately, humans. Future generations will be affected, and it could take up to 165 years of heavy rainfall for the contaminated ground to be safe again.
South Africa
Some concerned people will report incidents of illegal dumping of waste oil. Concerned workers or nearby residents are ultimately responsible for the government to intervene and close down mines or companies who do not comply with legislation. What happens when an incident is reported, and no action is taken, does this mean that there is corruption, and bribery infiltrating the system. Do mining companies resort to bribes and avoid hefty fines or possible closures? The answer is unknown, but one can assume that because of the current high corruption and fraud statistics intensifying around South Africa, it is possible.

Illegal dumping of oil, grease, and diesel appeared to be a normal activity at the Nkomati Mine, situated near Machadodorp in Mpumalanga. A practice that continued for an extended period, and without any repercussions. When staff raised concerns, the doubts were quickly dispelled followed by dismissals.


(Images used with permission from Johan Greff)

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