Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Who controls the South African Government

AFRICA: The African continent is home to the second largest source of strategic minerals. Russia is the other source, and it now controls both pools of minerals via its numerous client states in Africa: 
Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, the Congo, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Libya, and many others.

 Russia indirectly controls almost all African governments by having established a dependency on Soviet-era military hardware--even those that currently play as if they are in the UN’s sloppy orbit. None of the African states are capable of governing themselves with stability anymore and thus are constantly susceptible to control or conquest. The Sudan is the sole African nation so far drifting into the Chinese sphere of influence as China desperately seeks to secure more exclusive contracts for oil--one of China’s biggest strategic weaknesses. 

The kingpin of the Russia’s African strategy, however, focuses on southern Africa.

South Africa’s ruling ANC Party has always been a not-so-secret Communist Trojan horse in that country and will eventually turn over all of South Africa’s resources and strategic geographical advantage to Russia. 

The horn of southern Africa is one of the world’s strategic choke points.

WRITTEN BY Joel M. Skousen - December 23, 2004

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