Saturday, March 21, 2015

Jacob (and your ANC-Bastions)

Rhodesia used to be a "jewel" in Southern Africa. Under Mugabe led-Zimbabwe, the country has become "practically dead".

Jacob - some say you secretly aspire to achieving the same "heights" as Mugabe, as you look up to him and his country on the map. A leaders legacy is determined by the positive impact he has had on his people. As you walk through the towns, villages, and baron farms in Zimbabwe, the words that flood my mind are: wretched, filth, neglect, suffering, oppression, communism, sadness, abyss.
The country that was once the jewel of Africa is greatly diminished and weakened beyond recognition. Jacob, do you still hold Mugabe with high regard? Do you still aspire to the great heights achieved by this man, like you would worship a false god? Shame on you if you do.
South Africa is steadily plotting the same course as Zimbabwe.
Jacob - what can you tell us today you are doing to avoid this same fate for South Africa? Don't spew fluff at us, give us real facts that demonstrate your commitment to avoiding the same black hole that Rhodesia fell into.
Please take note that I no longer will call you "Mr. Zuma" or "President". I will call you by your first name until you have earned your people's respect by showing us real leadership and dig us out of this hellish hole we find ourselves in.
Show us that you will build our country and not destroy it, so that the rivers of tears flowing through our townships can be turned into schools and improved services, and law & order, and unwavering integrity.
This in our Beloved Country.

Menzi Solomon Shange
Truth Whisperer

Calling all ANC Members
Please put motions forward at your next ANC Branch meetings to challenge why we let our ANC Leadership get away with stealing the people's money unapologetically.
Do we really want our children to look up to thieves?
How long can we continue to turn a blind eye?
If the people in government that we trust truly feign ignorance when confronted with this issue, then all ANC card holding members should be fearful that our leaders are not being more vigilant!
Remember that stealing comes in different forms - it could be writing false cheques, falsifying expenses, making cheques for "modified" invoices, creating fake transactions, overpaying with under the table expectations, manipulating tenders etc
I am confident that these disgraceful and unethical acts are rife within our ANC and government entities, which explains the vacuum in funding in key areas that jeopardize the security of our country.
If anyone asks for proof of this, then you have had your head deep in the sand of the Kalahari desert for too long. The department of public works officials and the ANC are all fattening their pockets while our people get neglected once again.
We must send a strong message to ANC leadership that this unethical behavior must stop or the ANC will be seen as the roadblock to The People claiming their right to liberation.
Menzi Solomon Shange
Speaking for the Majority

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