Saturday, March 21, 2015

Blacks Confusing Authority with Apartheid - Get Over It!

Blacks Confusing Authority with Apartheid - Get Over It!
By Menzi Solomon Shange
Without respect and adherence to a structured line of authority our businesses and government will fail.
Don't confuse Authority with Apartheid, you need a chain of command for a business to operate and to be profitable and economically prosperous.

In other countries, when your boss/manager/supervisor reprimands you for doing a bad quality job, it is part of his/her responsibility to maintain a good quality service or product. It DOES NOT necessarily mean there is Descrimination, Racism or Prejudice occurring.
I see this daily in South Africa - where my black brothers perpetuate our Failed State by claiming that anyone of a different color in a position of authority is guilty of racism and using old Apartheid methods on you. GET OVER IT my black brothers!
Our Black Led FAILED STATE is withering in the vine and your hang ups are a key factor in the inability of our people to build organizational structure, both in business and in the various arms of government.
Does this mean you should blindly trust someone in a position of authority? Of course Not, just make sure you understand roles & responsibilities and overall expectations, and if you are concerned about something use the appropriate chain of command to escalate an issue.
Yes I admit the memories of Apartheid hurt, and the real affects are still seen. Apartheid remains on our minds, and in the memories of our parents and grandparents, but we do THEM an INJUSTICE if we let the memory of a system long abolished hurt our ability to organize ourselves and build our infrastructure today.
Also please remember that the minority in power during the Apartheid era supported the abolishment of Apartheid. So let's not get too caught up in the pain of the past to where it impedes our ability to look forward.
These are the shackles of Apartheid you need to break free from!
By Menzi Solomon Shange
Fighter for Clarity in a world of struggles

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