Friday, December 27, 2013

Alarming Abuse of Weapons in South Africa and MORE!!!!!!!!

Hello Everybody,

I am back, my new articles are published and I want to share the links with you.

Article number 1

South Africa a Failing Democracy and a Case of Corruption

This is now a threat, and all threats need to be eliminated. To keep up the charade of being honest, it is difficult for dishonest people to look forward, they must look back, left and right, just in case someone recognizes a little evil lurking somewhere. Despite all these issues being raised with the SAPS (Police), despite cooperation from the SAPS, the issues are held to be above their mandate.

What a nightmare corruption is!

Article number 2

Alarming Abuse of Dangerous Weapons in South Africa

During October 2012, NGAM (a private company) discovered that weapons held at a place of safety under the supervision of the South African Police (SAP) were tampered with. This immediately initiated an investigation by the concerned company. It created a flurry of activity when the weapons were moved from their place of safety to an unknown location. The move was a deliberate use of deception with the SANDF issuing a false affidavit to the South African Police.

There is one more article that is not published yet. I am sure it will be sometime during the day. This is a really scary story, its about a weapon of mass destruction that is MISSING!!!!!! I will share the link once it is published in the Guardian Liberty Voice.

Thank you for taking time out to read my posts, I do appreciate this.

I have enjoyed the writing and sharing with all my friends and family. I am thrilled with all the new friends I have, and feel so blessed.

Take care now.
All the best.

Your friend

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