Friday, December 27, 2013

A Weapon of Mass Destruction is Missing!!!!

Hello everybody,

Trusting all is well.

The third artilce is published and this is the link for easy access.

Weapon of Mass Destruction Missing

This article is about a Dillon Gatling Mini-gun that has a six barreled machine gun capable of firing up to 3000 rounds a minute. This is a weapon of mass destruction and its missing! Now can you imagine if this mini-gun ended up in the hands of some fanatic group or terrorist organization? What a tragedy that would be.

In the published article is a snapshot of the letter sent to the President of South Africa, Mr. Jacob Zuma, requesting him to intervene in this matter. This letter was delivered on December 20, and no response has been received.

Such a sorry state of affairs! I ask myself if there is an end to this corruption and I can honestly say NO, not during my lifetime. I can imagine how vast the corruption is world-wide and I only have a small glimpse of the size of corruption in South Africa. It is scary, really scary. The world-wide corruption must be terrifying.
Yes that's it, read the article and you will discover how corruption in South Africa is dangerously rearing its ugly head into all the government departments.

Have a wonderful weekend, I'm off to the Johannesburg Zoo with family for the day.

All the best,
Your friend,

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