Saturday, April 6, 2013


Hello Everybody,

Well it is weekend again and hoping everybody is having lots of fun and enjoying the new day.

Continuing with the adventures of Sipho, the twins Emma and Irma.
Today I will share Chapter 4 with you.

Sharing some interesting pictures as well.

Before we share chapter 4, here is the the cover design we are considering using,

but it is not final, we might decide on using something else. Will keep you posted.

Chapter 4


Sipho, Emma, and Irma together with Idranda and the twins, Olomos and Ogmu were sitting outside on the terrace, wondering what they would be doing today, when Zanmorn appeared and greeted them. After telling them they would be touring Anglur, the children jumped up and wanted to know when they could leave. He told them they could go immediately and started walking down the stairs and looking back to see if they were following him. Sipho grabbed his arm and told him to wait for Lindiwe. Zanmorn turned around and told Sipho she would not be joining the group today. Disappointed, Sipho held onto his arm and with the others walked toward the gate. Once outside, they walked a few minutes toward a transport collection point for the train. They waited for a radar train to collect them and within minutes the train arrived and soon they were seated and ready to explore the city. Zanmorn enjoyed the trip, it helped occupy his mind and describing certain buildings, and events throughout the journey, gave him the much-needed assurance of being part of this great family.
The train stopped at the grand university of science. Zanmorn told the children they would take a tour of the facilities. Excitedly, they exited the train and followed Zanmorn. Soon the children were introduced to the head of the science department and a guided tour began. Sipho was elated; the facilities and technology within the one laboratory alone were overwhelming. Asking many questions, and enjoying the entire visit, he discovered a small jar with a fetus in it and stared at the unborn baby whom he felt sure had moved its arm. He quickly turned around to ask what was happening. The head of the department, Tylor, a tall thin man with deep-sunken blue-eyes, moved over to where Sipho was standing and pushed the jar to the back of the shelf, out of Sipho’s sight.
"This, my dear young man is no concern of yours!" he answered in an abrupt tone.
"I am sorry, it looked fascinating, and I was only making a simple enquiry." Sipho responded.
"Forget what you have seen and continue looking around the laboratory and remember, do not touch anything," Tylor told Sipho sternly.
Sipho walked away confused. He had a feeling that there was some mysterious reason why they kept the fetus and decided he would find out more about it.
Professor Tylor tugged Zanmorn’s sleeve and told him to report to Zanu that Sipho had seen the fetus. Zanmorn agreed and they walked up to the children watching their enthusiasm while they explored the rest of the laboratory.
After an extensive tour, the professor told them they would probably be able to come back another time. They thanked him and left. A train was waiting and upon boarding Zanmorn noticed that Sipho was deep in thought. He knew the child was curious about the fetus, but not wanting to debate the issue, he left it at that.

While travelling back to the Governor's home, Zanmorn did his best to distract Sipho's thoughts and diligently explained various buildings and places along the route. He watched an agitated Sipho and hoped they would soon be home.
Arriving at the manor after the walk from the station, Sipho ran toward the entrance of the house. Inside, he went to Zanu's study hoping to find him but was disappointed to find an empty room. He ran into the library calling Zanu but no reply was forthcoming. Lindiwe came down the stairs and hearing the concern in his voice enquired why he needed to see Zanu.
"It is no concern of yours," he answered in a sarcastic tone.
"Sipho, don't use that tone with me," she told him in a raised voice, while walking up to confront him.
"Sorry, I did not mean to be rude. It's just I need to see Zanu urgently. I want to spend more time at the science university," he told her in a more relaxed tone.
"Well Zanu is not here, he is meeting with the council members, and you can chat to him later," she said.
"Okay, I will, thanks," he said disappointedly and walked toward the stairway.
Lindiwe watched him and wondered what the real reason was for his eagerness to attend the science facility. She shrugged her shoulders and walked toward the open front door. Standing on the terrace wondering where the other children were, she sat down and waited. She heard their voices and assumed they were playing.
It was a perfect day. The sun was warm, the sky was a radiant blue, and there was a slight breeze. She sat there reminiscing about Zanmorn and his proposal. Her heart pounded at the thought of being so close to him, yet she felt a certain element of fear. She wanted to explore the relationship - wanted to feel the love of a man. Her emotions were so strong; her feelings for love overwhelmed her logic. Deep within her thoughts, she did not notice Zanmorn take a seat next to her.
"Lindiwe," he said in a soft voice as he looked into her brown eyes.
"Zanmorn," she said and jumped at the sight of him.
"Sorry, I watched you and you seemed to have drifted into another dimension."
"No, no. I was enjoying the peace and the wonderful weather," she lied.
"Lindiwe, we need to talk," he said in a more serious voice.
Lindiwe stood up looking down at him, afraid of what he was going to say. Not sure if she wanted to hear him, she told him they could meet later and without another word, she left and went inside.
Zanmorn stood up and felt a sudden urge to run after her and grab her and declare his love for her again. He showed restraint and knew he would have to let her go. He went down the stairs toward the pool and watched the children enjoy their games.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter. Wishing you all the best for the new week ahead and may you all be blessed.

Your friend, Laura.

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