Sunday, March 29, 2015


I have seen a recent trend of blacks trying to desperately prove that black-African society was more advanced than the world apparently realized prior to colonization. They are trying to address areas such as architecture, education, astronomy, technology, general societal infrastructure etc

What a joke!

After reading many of these I have concluded that those of you writing these articles are making a feeble and piss-poor attempt to do so. In fact your attempt is so weak it highlights the vulnerable underbelly of the desperate African who is trying to pathetically prove to the world that there is more to our history than there really is...
Even if African society had advanced medicine and "the first" university, and the pyramids (I am pretty darn sure no African engineered those) - there is very little that is accurately/reliably documented in the annals of history which actually provides the detail (and multiple-source corroboration) needed to truly substantiate the extent to the claims we hear. All you black pundits out there - there is clearly is a lack of solid supportive data for these claims.
The fact is, African tribes/societies were not as sophisticated and forward thinking as European and Asian societies at that time in world history, related to the areas of architecture, education, astronomy, technology and general societal infrastructure.

Let's face it, even now we exhibit fairly primitive tribal tendencies in the way we try to govern countries - we can't overcome tribal lores, we can't organize ourselves well in the various arms of government, we fall prey to which-craft and superstitions that affect our ability to make logical decisions. We have broken down a first world country into fragments of what it was 20 years ago, clearly due to tribalistic tendencies, which some might say are proof that we have not evolved, and never will evolve.

Our actions force scholars to wonder if black society is actually devolving since the period in history when we apparently engineered and constructed the pyramids, and invented telescopes. It's almost laughable is it not? Where are all these artisans today? Let me repeat -where are all these accomplished artisans today, and how did we lose all that knowledge in Southern Africa?
Accept your blackness my African brothers! Be proud of who you really are TODAY. Accept our limitations, and don't put in presences or create stick houses and make the rest of us look like lying fools.

We have many things to be proud about, but don't lower yourself by trying to embellish our history.
Let's look forward and encourage our people to excel at everything they do in the future. Let's teach our children to be engineers and architects and professors, and build our own pyramids in South Africa -- My God we have built NOTHING to be proud of really in the 20 years we have ruled this country, we have only torn down and destroyed!

Let's teach our children to be smart, educated, innovative, open and flexible, competitive, disciplined and responsible.
Let's not show them that it is acceptable to pilfer through putrid rubbish - we need to find ways to rise above that if we are truly the civilized people we apparently say we are.

Menzi Solomon Shange
The Speaker of Harsh Truth

Monday, March 23, 2015


Unbelievable. It is time to hold the ANC accountable for their lack of governance.
Really sickening! It's most definitely time for change! We want true democracy, decent infrastructure, proper service delivery, an end to a corrupt government, useless president with a Std 2 certificate!! I can go on, and on, and on!!
The amount of times I have been told that they have to vote ANC because they are "family". I want to scream. Then they won't vote at all because they won't vote for the white man's party, vote for a smaller party then someone who has ethics. One less vote for them and in someone else's pocket WILL make a difference. ( Comments on this photo )

Took me a while to gather myself on seeing this. Still at a loss for words. The ANC is so disgusting and evil. What you see on the attached picture below are the ANC toilets in Eastern Cape which are these part of the R631 million tender that Gwede Mantashe and some ANC thugs received. It is saddening to see daily, utter violation, humiliation and indignity we Black people are subjected to in this country by these ANC Black crakkkas. A fuckin disgrace and these ANC Black crakkas have the audacity to claim that they have ''a good story to tell'' or say things like ''proudly brought to you by the ANC'' when our Black people are being violated, humiliated and suffering like this.
I hate everything about the ANC, I have zilch benefits of a doubt to give the ANC, there is absolutely NOTHING to love about the ANC!!!
Phumelele Balindile Bali Mthembu

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Jacob (and your ANC-Bastions)

Rhodesia used to be a "jewel" in Southern Africa. Under Mugabe led-Zimbabwe, the country has become "practically dead".

Jacob - some say you secretly aspire to achieving the same "heights" as Mugabe, as you look up to him and his country on the map. A leaders legacy is determined by the positive impact he has had on his people. As you walk through the towns, villages, and baron farms in Zimbabwe, the words that flood my mind are: wretched, filth, neglect, suffering, oppression, communism, sadness, abyss.
The country that was once the jewel of Africa is greatly diminished and weakened beyond recognition. Jacob, do you still hold Mugabe with high regard? Do you still aspire to the great heights achieved by this man, like you would worship a false god? Shame on you if you do.
South Africa is steadily plotting the same course as Zimbabwe.
Jacob - what can you tell us today you are doing to avoid this same fate for South Africa? Don't spew fluff at us, give us real facts that demonstrate your commitment to avoiding the same black hole that Rhodesia fell into.
Please take note that I no longer will call you "Mr. Zuma" or "President". I will call you by your first name until you have earned your people's respect by showing us real leadership and dig us out of this hellish hole we find ourselves in.
Show us that you will build our country and not destroy it, so that the rivers of tears flowing through our townships can be turned into schools and improved services, and law & order, and unwavering integrity.
This in our Beloved Country.

Menzi Solomon Shange
Truth Whisperer

Calling all ANC Members
Please put motions forward at your next ANC Branch meetings to challenge why we let our ANC Leadership get away with stealing the people's money unapologetically.
Do we really want our children to look up to thieves?
How long can we continue to turn a blind eye?
If the people in government that we trust truly feign ignorance when confronted with this issue, then all ANC card holding members should be fearful that our leaders are not being more vigilant!
Remember that stealing comes in different forms - it could be writing false cheques, falsifying expenses, making cheques for "modified" invoices, creating fake transactions, overpaying with under the table expectations, manipulating tenders etc
I am confident that these disgraceful and unethical acts are rife within our ANC and government entities, which explains the vacuum in funding in key areas that jeopardize the security of our country.
If anyone asks for proof of this, then you have had your head deep in the sand of the Kalahari desert for too long. The department of public works officials and the ANC are all fattening their pockets while our people get neglected once again.
We must send a strong message to ANC leadership that this unethical behavior must stop or the ANC will be seen as the roadblock to The People claiming their right to liberation.
Menzi Solomon Shange
Speaking for the Majority

Blacks Confusing Authority with Apartheid - Get Over It!

Blacks Confusing Authority with Apartheid - Get Over It!
By Menzi Solomon Shange
Without respect and adherence to a structured line of authority our businesses and government will fail.
Don't confuse Authority with Apartheid, you need a chain of command for a business to operate and to be profitable and economically prosperous.

In other countries, when your boss/manager/supervisor reprimands you for doing a bad quality job, it is part of his/her responsibility to maintain a good quality service or product. It DOES NOT necessarily mean there is Descrimination, Racism or Prejudice occurring.
I see this daily in South Africa - where my black brothers perpetuate our Failed State by claiming that anyone of a different color in a position of authority is guilty of racism and using old Apartheid methods on you. GET OVER IT my black brothers!
Our Black Led FAILED STATE is withering in the vine and your hang ups are a key factor in the inability of our people to build organizational structure, both in business and in the various arms of government.
Does this mean you should blindly trust someone in a position of authority? Of course Not, just make sure you understand roles & responsibilities and overall expectations, and if you are concerned about something use the appropriate chain of command to escalate an issue.
Yes I admit the memories of Apartheid hurt, and the real affects are still seen. Apartheid remains on our minds, and in the memories of our parents and grandparents, but we do THEM an INJUSTICE if we let the memory of a system long abolished hurt our ability to organize ourselves and build our infrastructure today.
Also please remember that the minority in power during the Apartheid era supported the abolishment of Apartheid. So let's not get too caught up in the pain of the past to where it impedes our ability to look forward.
These are the shackles of Apartheid you need to break free from!
By Menzi Solomon Shange
Fighter for Clarity in a world of struggles

ANC - Stench of Death

ANC -Stench Of Death
By Menzi Solomon Shange
It is clear that the ANC is intentionally ignoring the cries of the people. The country is on a steep decline to the point where food, water and self-preservation for our working poor are foremost on many of our minds. The stench of death is nigh, but may be averted yet
This is a situation we should never have found ourselves, this resource-rich country, this innovative and industrious country, the last bread basket of Africa appears to be atrophied now beyond recognition, drained by parasites and grossly mismanaged
The song of the African bird is simply too distant to be heard...and few hear it any longer.
No doubt we have a rogue political party that no longer believes it's function is to serve the people, but instead is driven by darker motives...
Even worse it appears to be deluded to the rot that has permeated its very foundation.
The best option for the average person is to:
Voice your discontent to your friends, family, and to businesses and corporations - share common ideals with those around you. Do it with The Truth, a smile, with revelation, poise, and with laser focus
Ask your friends and family to do the same
If you know ANC members please tell them the people are ready for a major change NOW. Debate with them to show them The Truth
If you happen to have resources at your disposal, find ways to embarrass the ANC by pointing out their failings. Unfortunately we resort to this since our ANC leaders seem to be numbed to the declining standard of life of millions of people. Please be cautious when doing this and do not jeopardize your safety - the ANC has been known to track outspoken people down and intimidate them, and who knows what else
Find ways to inform the press (local and international ) of the outrageous things Zuma is doing, and expose all the neglect, incompetency and corruption that is so apparent
Black South Africans must shout out their outrage at the grave the ANC has dug for us these last 20 years - a different leading political party will be a breath of fresh air, and will be an easier change to make than you think
As tightly as Zuma and his cANCer hold onto their ill-gotten power, as quickly they will run like chickens when they realize the people have turned their loyalties to a more deserving party
Let's find that new party that speaks our language and addresses the real issues that plague our country. Once we find them, vote for them.
The spirit of democracy will live strong in a new party of strong resolve, integrity, and one that is focused on leadership of the people, for the people, all the people.
The ANC must be cut out like a tumor! (With no anesthetic)
The ANC must understand it is no longer wanted or needed.
Let us avert our ANC led course away from the stench of death...
Menzi Solomon Shange is from Kwazulu Natal where he spent his childhood. At the age of 18, Mr. Shange moved abroad to pursue his bachelors degree, after which he returned to South Africa, and currently lives in Gauteng. Mr. Shange owns a successful business that services the mining industry that he built from scratch. Mr. Shange started publicly writing in the last year and is providing razor sharp commentary on social-political issues, providing an insight and a vision that is striking a chord amongst many South Africans. Mr. Shange has developed a strong following, his powerful, intelligent, and unique writing style has become his key signature, and easily recognized by his loyal followers.