Tuesday, May 31, 2016

White Man You Stole the Land - Malema

Julius Malema said that Jacob Zuma stands in the way of acquiring land for the people of South Africa.  Economic Freedom Front (EFF) leader Malema has no sympathy for Zuma, president of South Africa. In fact Malema lambasts the president publicly and scorns the deceitful manner in which land reform progress lingers on. 
Malema said “no white man came with land”, the white man came with ships and guns and massacred the country. The white man came to steal the land and enslave the black man. It is a harsh statement yet historically the EFF and in particular Malema continues to boast in this fact. 

The land expropriation bill has been passed and now government will have the power to take land away from rightful owners and hand over to aspiring black farmers.  Aspiring farmers who no doubt will turn fertile, productive land into a barren wasteland. In the past, there have been no real success stories of black farmers willing to work hard and keep food production secure. The Zimbabwean farm lands were once the bread basket of Africa and today, there is nothing. Nothing has been gained and much has been lost. 

The EFF will be participating in their first Municipal election in August 2016 and remain confident of successfully gaining control of several municipalities. The African National Congress (ANC) control eight provinces and the Democratic Alliance (DA) control the Western Cape and a scattered few municipalities around South Africa.  The followers of the EFF are eagerly waiting to vote this party into power on the basis that free land, education, and a host of other free benefits will be handed out immediately.  The supporters of the EFF have the notion that once Malema gains control all poverty will be eliminated.  However, the political rhetoric used by the EFF should be taken with a pinch of salt. 

Is Malema thinking in antiquated terms of distributing land to any black man who needs it?  Take land away from white people, corporations and pension funds to hand over to poor people, is that the plan of the EFF? Malema believes that the war is against whites and will forcefully remove the land, it’s the battle cry of the EFF. It is the roar of an aspiring political leader who indoctrinates the ignorant or uneducated poor people into believing that the EFF can solve South Africa’s oppression.
Malema remains confident that the upcoming elections will be a tremendous success for the EFF.  

There is no doubt that the elections will be hotly contested and that the EFF will gain more votes placing the party into a powerful position. While the ANC remain insecure and anxious, about losing municipalities in the elections, some fiery drama can be expected. The ANC have endorsed 
corruption and the past 22 years of ANC control show a visible decline in good governance. 

Laura Oneale - published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

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