Friday, September 12, 2014

South Africa’s ANC Deal with Chinese Devil

Has the African National Congress (ANC) made a deal with the devil?
For over twenty years, the South African democracy has failed its people. Apartheid failed the majority; democracy fails the entire population, both minority and majority. The rainbow nation might have a majority led government and honor the freedom that democracy has given. It is the exact freedom that has caused the failing of democracy to benefit the citizens.
The black population of South Africa is the majority, there is the freedom of choice now, and all facilities that were barred under the apartheid law are now free for all. Is this the problem, the free for all that is the cause of the failing infrastructure?
The ANC government were handed a perfect working infrastructure and the riches of the country. The high standards set under the apartheid regime were exactly what were needed to ensure success, decent education and economic growth. After twenty years, the corruption, theft nepotism, and socialist standards of the governing party have caused the country to remain a third world country with a bleak future.
Freedom for all has only caused the infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, power stations and public transport to deteriorate into appalling conditions. There has been no real growth, only the worsening situation all over South Africa.
While lamenting on the failing democracy, and the people who so desperately compared apartheid to living in shackles, look at the deal the ANC have made with the devil. South African people, the majority who voted for the ruling party are not winners, and do not have real freedom, rather it is the immigrants who prosper.
Communism is bad; there is enough evidence to mark the wretched rule of socialist countries and the failings thereof. Communism has crumbled in many countries worldwide and who would revert to the governing system that spells disaster. The ANC and their deal with the devil are entire based on developing communism structures.
The ANC will never allow a white person to rule this country, and in turn will take any opportunity to ensure the white population of South Africa leave the country, and if they remain fall into the hands of murderers. The ANC embraces the Chinese as their own, and the fact that their ethnic group is now ranked as black, gives them the opportunity to grab every occasion to rule the country.
The ANC has deliberately caused the white population to wither away and  take away business opportunities through the implementation of the Black Economic Empowerment law, coupled with the Employment Equity and Affirmative action plans. The Chinese classified as blacks now have the right to grasp the big business and in turn, nothing is left for true South Africans. There is no possibility for the rural South Africans who cast their vote for the ANC to prosper from business, based on the structure of education standards being lowered to keep people ignorant.
A deal with the devil, the Chinese communist country is currently South Africa’s largest trading partner. The speed at which Chinese immigrants flood the country is alarming. Apparently, the Chinese government funds the relocation to vulnerable countries of which South Africa is one. The entire African continent is Chinese driven.
The Chinese in South Africa are known to set up illegal stores, thereby destroying local business, sell contraband goods and exploit labor. The closure of local textile factories is a direct cause of the infiltration of cheap Chinese stock. Government tax revenue is lost through the operation of illegal business. Job opportunities for locals are lost in favor of the Chinese forcing an increase in unemployment.
Is this a deal with the devil or not, and it is backed by conspiracy between the Chinese and South African governments. There is of course the increase in rhino and other poaching, scary and not coincidental!
This article was posted on the European Knights Project Blog - check out this page for more interesting articles

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