Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sipho 2nd book update, and sharing a story - Green Tea, the Good News Tea

Hello Everybody,

Here in South Africa, it is a fabulous Saturday afternoon. The weather is lovely. A perfect day, but it will soon grow cold as the day ends. We are nearing winter and can definitely feel the warmer weather approaching. Yeah summer is almost here.
Last weekend I had to meet a journalist and give him a tour of our beautiful city. He spent four days with my family and we enjoyed contributing to his visit. He is currently blogging the story of his visit to Johannesburg, and if you would like to follow the events, please click on this link –

I am sure you will find this exciting as he did, I too am enjoying the memory of the visit.

Before I share another story with you, I want to give an update on the 2nd novel. I am posting a picture of the cover. I love it and will probably not change this again. I have a copy of the book and busy proofing for the 2nd time, and I found a mistake. Hoping to finish this quickly and then can publish next month. I am excited and am sure you will enjoy the story as our little hybrid child Sipho continues with his adventures.

Well let me share another story that was published in the Guardian Express with you this week.

This is an article regarding the benefits of Green Tea, and I want to tell you that I took the test and can honestly say, the benefits are enormous.
The potent plant nutrient called epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, found in Green tea is proving to be the good news tea and is the best medicine for a healthier life style.
The Japanese and the Chinese have been drinking Green Tea for thousands of years. The tea is not only for their pleasure but also for the health benefits. Green Tea contains ingredients that are more effective, antioxidants and vitamins than regular teas. It is low in caffeine, with a distinctive smoky and nutlike flavor. The tea can be taken either hot or cold, with lemon or honey.
During the production and processing of Green Tea, none of the active ingredients such as catechins and vitamins is lost through fermentation and oxidation as occurs in normal tea processes. The green tea leaves are either steamed or pan-fried to retain their active ingredients.
Cholesterol is a wide spread problem around the world, and research has found that the EGCG in Green Tea actually helps prevent fat build up in the arteries. The tea can help to prevent cardiovascular disease.
The Journal of Applied Oral Science tested the effects of EGCG against bacteria found in the mouth and it is proven effective against bacteria in the mouth. Several other journals have confirmed the antibacterial effect on harmful dental bacteria.
The active nutrient EGCG in Green Tea has proved to be an effective and natural inhibitor of the cancer cell metabolism in breast tumors. Further studies by the Cancer Prevention Research reported that the EGCG in Green Tea suppressed the lung cancer cell growth and can prevent and inhibit colorectal cancers. EGCG aids the body by killing prostate cancer cells.
The EGCG in green tea, similar to other catechins activate fat burning genes in the stomach and can speed up weight loss. Green tea is the overall fat buster. Energy levels remain stable, and the tea is found to balance the sugar levels. The blood sugar spikes and crashes that result in fatigue irritability and cravings for unhealthy foods are also controlled by the improved insulin use in the body from the Green Tea.
The active ingredient contains a potent antioxidant that can positively affect the skin cells. It can prevent skin damage and wrinkling. The EGCG is considered more powerful than vitamin E at destroying skin-damaging free radicals. It is reported that free radicals are increasing linked to many serious illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, and diabetes. Another benefiting factor from the tea is the protection of the skin against UV damage.
The research continues, and more health benefits are being discovered. Green Tea, rich in catechins, vitamins and minerals is a miracle from Mother Nature, a tea that boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and improves health. The good news tea with an increasing variety of beneficial health factors.

You can read my other published articles from this link

Be blessed and remember you are special.

Your friend,

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