Saturday, April 25, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Action

Breast Cancer Awareness Action

Breast cancer awareness is not only essential, it can prevent serious problems if detected early. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of all races, and early detection can reduce a lifetime risk.
Performing simple breast self-examination tests once a month can avert a danger and help diagnose breast cancer. A simple test that can be done by either standing in front of a mirror and detecting any change in the size of the breast, nipple discharge or dimpling. Another method of testing is on a bed, with a pillow under the left shoulder, and placing the left hand on the head. Using the right hand to make circular motions, and pressing firmly over the entire breast area, under the arms and up to the shoulder bone, repeat the exercise on left breast. This simple test can be done in the bath, by raising one arm and using the free hand and keeping it flat and soapy to perform firm circular motions over the entire breast area, under arms and up to the shoulder bone.
A balanced lifestyle can reduce the risk of being diagnosed with not only breast cancer but any cancer. Simple, smart choices and embracing a balanced lifestyle can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Eating healthy, ensuring food is safe,  staying physically active and avoid Carcinogens, (cancer causing agents) all contribute to lowering the risk of cancer. Equally important to pay attention to any symptoms or signs that may become present. Medical attention should be sought if any health warning signs appear. Tenderness or lumps in or near the breast and underarm area should not be ignored as this may be an indication of breast cancer.  Any enlargement of pores in the skin and changes in the skin texture are signs that further tests may be necessitated. Remember not all lumps are cancerous and should be investigated as a precautionary measure.
There are many signs that can help to detect early breast cancer. Women should become familiar with symptoms such as changes in the size or shape of the breast, swelling, shrinkage of the breast or nipple leakages, nipple changes and any signs of skin becoming red or swollen.

Breast pain may not be an indication that breast cancer is the cause. Breast pain can be associated with fluctuation of hormones, side effects of birth control pills or infertility treatment. Stress and breast cysts may also be a cause of tenderness and pain in the breast area and not necessarily breast cancer.
Women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram test done once a month. A mammogram is the x-ray procedure. During the x-ray, the breast is exposed to a small amount of iodizing radiation that produces an image of the breast tissue. A qualified specialist will examine the x-ray for any suspicious areas. A mammogram will often expose a breast lump. A visible cluster of microcalcifications is also detected in the mammogram. Breast cancer can cause conditions such as cysts, fatty cells, specks, and lumps, and if the mammogram detects any abnormalities, further tests will be recommended. Additional tests will be performed such as an ultrasound or MRI. Moreover, if the mass is solid, it might be necessary to undergo a biopsy procedure when cells are removed from a suspicious area to check for any sign of cancer.
Frequent new reports are regularly updated by scientists on the health benefits associated with eating more fruits and vegetables. It is a worthwhile goal to eat a variety of different colors of fruits and vegetables daily. A healthy diet, reducing fats, and red meat have proven benefits. Exercise and emotional wellbeing are important. A healthy lifestyle is a better way to avoid dread diseases and breast cancer.
Being diagnosed with breast cancer is difficult and in addition to dealing with the emotional impact, the information could be overwhelming. Breast cancer can be cured and treated. Early detection is the key to successful treatment.
Article posted on The Public Slate - here is the link

Friday, April 24, 2015

South Africa Violence and Destruction Is the Norm

South Africa Violence and Destruction Is the Norm

 South Africa has developed the attitude of addressing problems by retaliating with violence and destruction that has become the norm. After weeks of demolishing historical statues representing an era of South African history, xenophobia attacks turn the tense situation into an alarming calamity among the citizens. What is next the union building and all colonial billings built before and during the apartheid era?
The rainbow nation of South Africa, is a superficial mixture of critical, white European, Indians, and Africans caught up in a romance without debating the fundamental issues. Under Mandela, who was loved and adored by the majority of South Africa, the emphasis was on reconciliation and ignoring the effects of the racial divide. Twenty-one years later the human rights debate swings into protest with students demanding change in a destructive manner. It is a critical issue and ignored for years that has tilted South Africa into a serious plight of destruction. Violence does not produce realistic solutions. Although the young activists believe their profound destructive behavior is the only way to challenge a system that has no democratic values. Spurred on to demolish historical statues by a political party incites more anger and division between communities.
The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) a political party of South Africa, wants change and do not consider serious debate and recommendations for a peaceful transition. The activists registered in higher learning institutions behave in a demoralizing manner causing chaos without considering the detrimental effect on society. Racial tension and hatred are evident among protests and inflame calamity that springs from destruction.
Threatened and demoralized by the destruction and removal of statues by the majority groups within the rainbow nation, the minority groups who are now divided into English and Afrikaans become weary of continuing onslaughts against the history of South Africa.
Will these current outbursts by the young blow into a dangerous situation similar to the 1976 Soweto riots. The Soweto protests started by schoolchildren with the introduction of the Afrikaans language as the medium of instruction in schools. Reports confirm the death of 176 children during this time although the figure is estimated to be as high as 700.
The action of destruction by the students is setting a precedence for future generations to follow. With no intervention by government, the students claim victory based on illegal terms. During the past weeks, the turmoil caused has been disappointing for citizens that expected the leading party the African National Congress (ANC) to intervene in an appropriate manner.
Calamity and chaos have become the norm in South Africa. Racial tension and hatred among the different ethnic groups grows and entirely destroys the trifling reconciliation that has happened over the past 21 years.


By Laura Oneale

Monday, April 20, 2015

South Africa Farm Attacks

A South African Farmer shares a story about farm attacks, Xenophobia, and the Black Empowerment policies.

10km north of Pietermaritzburg are two farms of large size about 5000ha each. One is called Hardingsdale and the other called Ottosdale.

A Mr. JS owned Hardingsdale and about 1968 a haystack was set alight outside his house at night. He rushed out and while putting the fire out an African male came into his house and attacked his wife. She was not badly hurt but was severely traumatized.

This led to his selling his entire farm during the early 1990s. He felt unsettled by this incident.
Mr. Peter Brown, the Liberal Party leader with Alan Paton, tried to force blacks to buy this property. Neighbors managed to stop it getting sold to blacks.

However, the new owner did sell to Broad Based Black Empowerment. A scheme with 900 black beneficiaries, about 2010.

A squatter camp developed despite the Environmental Laws that we have in South Africa. The area involves an important stream that flows into the Umgeni River, which feeds Durban Metro with water. Even the Durban Health Department does not act to prevent these new squatters.

Robert McBride in his position of Commissioner of Independent Complaints Commission stops any legal proceedings that would stop squatting.

He also prevents the South African Police Services from acting against the squatters.
He even has his hitman squad within the SAPS and this is controlled by him and not by the top brass in Pretoria.

The banker of Kentucky Fried Chicken was Rodney Berkenstein and he was microwaved on the Pietermaritzburg Victoria Country Club Golf Course and died of sudden heart attack on 10 December 2014. The banker was a Jew. The hitman was SAPS warrant officer Mzuza under Robert McBride’s orders.

The hitman squad stays at the Child Protection Unit in Willowton Road in Pietermaritzburg. Another abuse and wrongful use of a prominent place.

The three brothers, Sipho, Dumisani, and Ray, are the caretakers of Hardingsdale. They were with MK during the Bush War. They were in a terrorist training camp in Angola when the South African Air Force bombed that camp. They also trained to be terrorist in East Germany.

Sipho boasted that he placed the bomb in Mowbray Railway Station near Cape Town during 1986. No one was hurt. He did not appear at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings.

It was SAP member  who told him to place that bomb.
They actually poisoned me with bio-chemical agent Botulism a few years ago on my farm.

Ottosdale is downstream from Hardingsdale and is owned by another BBBEE concern.

In the farmhouse is full of illegal guns and land mines and large caliber hunting rifles.
They include R5s, AKs, UZIs, 9mmPs and the hunting rifles and land mines and RPGs.
These come from North Korea, Vietnam, Somaliland and stocks from the Shaik brothers.
News24, Home Affairs, Broederbond and the Islamist groups such as Al-Shabaab, Al Qaida, Is, Isis, Boko Haram, Al Jazeera & Global Jihad supply these weapons and are stored in one big farm house!

The Right to Know group is a Colored group under Robert McBride. They are involved here.

Jacob Zuma is too scared to sign the State Secrecy Act into law as this will harm these groups. Mossad will get control then.

When foreigners were attacked, it was because of these large amounts of guns coming in from foreign countries that caused problems.

Sunday Times, News24 and Media24, and SABC are all calling for stopping the xenophobic attacks on foreigners.

But this is empowering the foreigners to cause more damage to the locals and this will include attacks on Whites in the very near future!

Not even the shopping Malls are safe! Look what happened to the Kenya Gateway Mall when the White Lady caused rebels to kill people inside the Mall! The South African Home Affairs at the Durban office gave The White Lady a South African passport.

Al Shabaab and Al Qaida get their guns from London, UK, which has very strong gun control laws for the people British population!

The governments of Britain and Europe cannot control illegal weapons in the hands of the black masses and those of Color.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

South Africa Load Shedding Competing With Tour De France

South Africa Load Shedding Competing With Tour De France

South Africa

South Africa power giant Eskom could be likened to competing with Tour De France, with all the new stages being implemented. Stage four has now been applied by Eskom, in a bid to avoid an excessive overload on the electricity generating plants. South Africa experienced extreme load shedding during the past week; usually, the load shedding would not exceed stage two, however, this week stage three was applied. According to Eskom, the implementation of stage four load shedding is an aim to create more options for the power utility to actually produce and maintain existing plants.

Eskom, South Africa’s sole electricity utility, has failed. Independent observers gave a stern warning to the government in 1998, saying that the power plants were not sufficiently maintained. The signs gave rise to the expanding infrastructure and need for new facilities to ensure the country would be able to keep the lights on. Since the governments of Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, and currently Jacob Zuma, the warnings were played down, with no direct initiative by the leaders to expand the rising need of supplying power.
During 2007, South Africa started widespread rolling blackouts across the country as the supply fell behind the demand. The reserve margin was flat and load shedding was gradually introduced in an attempt for Eskom to repair, maintain, or re-fuel plants. At this time, Eskom and government officials attributed the load shedding to insufficient generation capacity, and 2012 was mentioned as the earliest time for South Africa to have a stable electricity supply.
Construction on Medupi began in 2007 and the building of the coal powered station attracted criticism. It was alleged that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) government pushed the project forward, as the party held a 25 percent share in the venture and stood to make a profit of more than one million ZAR from the deal. During 2008, the project secured a loan of more than $500 million and another $3.75 billion in 2010 to complete the power station. The Medupi power station has remained under construction since 2007, and over the years, has experienced several problems including cash flow. Eskom have projected the switch on dates to be toward the end of 2015 and full capacity in 2019.
Eskom has experienced severe cash flow problems over the past few years, and the government has bailed out the power giant on several occasions. The vast amount of loans accrued and lack of accountability are not in the public domain. Eskom, a wholly owned state enterprise, is under the control of the ANC government.

Article published on Guardian LV - Read the entire story - 

Cornelia De Wet Trial Set to Continue Without a Final Date [Interview]

Cornelia De Wet Trial Set to Continue Without a Final Date [Interview]

Cornelia De Wet

Cornelia De Wet, a South African citizen charged with unlawful possession of explosives and ammunition, has been subject to a lengthy trial without any anticipation of a closing date. During an interview with De Wet, it was stated that the accused appeared in court on April 2015 and told that once again the case would be postponed until May 11, 2015. Not even halfway through the year, De Wet has already appeared in court six times this year.

In fact, De Wet has appeared in court more than 40 times over a period of three years. During this time, there has been no progress or any attempt to finalize the case. In the last court hearing, Cornelia did not have any legal representation, and the state said they would appoint an attorney. However, the state said that this would take some time to initiate, as there was no money available.
There have been some wacky reasons for the postponement of the De Wet case over the last 40 hearings. Either, there was no translator available, the state had not concluded proper evidence, or the defense team was not ready. De Wet has exchanged defense attorneys more than seven times, due to resignations by the representation not being prepared or claims of incompetence. The withdrawal by defense is always before a trial date is set.
The justice system of South Africa is failing, and the lengthy trial of De Wet proves that there are issues of misrepresentation as well as utter chaos. This case is set to compete with some of the longest trials in South Africa history.
The lengthiest trial in South Africa history took fourteen years to finalize. During August 1994, Dries Human was arrested on charges of car theft, fraud, and conspiracy. The case was postponed several times between July 1995 and 2008, due to the withdrawal of legal representation and missing evidence. Human was awarded a permanent stay of prosecution and walked away a free man.
Another lengthy court case was the treason trial of the Boeremag members, who spent several years parading in and out of courts. The trial started in 2003 and ended in 2013. Most members of this alleged white supremacists group received up to 30 years imprisonment for their role in high treason, terrorism, and sabotage.
Her trial has taken over three years without any foresight of bringing closure. Cornelia is anticipating that the court appearance in May this year will once again be postponed, due to lack of legal representation.
Article published on Guardian LV - Read the entire story -