Saturday, April 25, 2015

Breast Cancer Awareness Action

Breast Cancer Awareness Action

Breast cancer awareness is not only essential, it can prevent serious problems if detected early. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women of all races, and early detection can reduce a lifetime risk.
Performing simple breast self-examination tests once a month can avert a danger and help diagnose breast cancer. A simple test that can be done by either standing in front of a mirror and detecting any change in the size of the breast, nipple discharge or dimpling. Another method of testing is on a bed, with a pillow under the left shoulder, and placing the left hand on the head. Using the right hand to make circular motions, and pressing firmly over the entire breast area, under the arms and up to the shoulder bone, repeat the exercise on left breast. This simple test can be done in the bath, by raising one arm and using the free hand and keeping it flat and soapy to perform firm circular motions over the entire breast area, under arms and up to the shoulder bone.
A balanced lifestyle can reduce the risk of being diagnosed with not only breast cancer but any cancer. Simple, smart choices and embracing a balanced lifestyle can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Eating healthy, ensuring food is safe,  staying physically active and avoid Carcinogens, (cancer causing agents) all contribute to lowering the risk of cancer. Equally important to pay attention to any symptoms or signs that may become present. Medical attention should be sought if any health warning signs appear. Tenderness or lumps in or near the breast and underarm area should not be ignored as this may be an indication of breast cancer.  Any enlargement of pores in the skin and changes in the skin texture are signs that further tests may be necessitated. Remember not all lumps are cancerous and should be investigated as a precautionary measure.
There are many signs that can help to detect early breast cancer. Women should become familiar with symptoms such as changes in the size or shape of the breast, swelling, shrinkage of the breast or nipple leakages, nipple changes and any signs of skin becoming red or swollen.

Breast pain may not be an indication that breast cancer is the cause. Breast pain can be associated with fluctuation of hormones, side effects of birth control pills or infertility treatment. Stress and breast cysts may also be a cause of tenderness and pain in the breast area and not necessarily breast cancer.
Women over the age of 40 should have a mammogram test done once a month. A mammogram is the x-ray procedure. During the x-ray, the breast is exposed to a small amount of iodizing radiation that produces an image of the breast tissue. A qualified specialist will examine the x-ray for any suspicious areas. A mammogram will often expose a breast lump. A visible cluster of microcalcifications is also detected in the mammogram. Breast cancer can cause conditions such as cysts, fatty cells, specks, and lumps, and if the mammogram detects any abnormalities, further tests will be recommended. Additional tests will be performed such as an ultrasound or MRI. Moreover, if the mass is solid, it might be necessary to undergo a biopsy procedure when cells are removed from a suspicious area to check for any sign of cancer.
Frequent new reports are regularly updated by scientists on the health benefits associated with eating more fruits and vegetables. It is a worthwhile goal to eat a variety of different colors of fruits and vegetables daily. A healthy diet, reducing fats, and red meat have proven benefits. Exercise and emotional wellbeing are important. A healthy lifestyle is a better way to avoid dread diseases and breast cancer.
Being diagnosed with breast cancer is difficult and in addition to dealing with the emotional impact, the information could be overwhelming. Breast cancer can be cured and treated. Early detection is the key to successful treatment.
Article posted on The Public Slate - here is the link

1 comment:

  1. Comment from Anonymous -
    Yr breast cancer blog is not complete. Israel has very low levels of all cancers. Eating grass fed cattle red meat fights cancer. X-ray brings on cancer. Cancer types, all types, developed in USA labs and vaccines. Injections and other methods, it is spread to intended victims. Cancer in early 1800s was only 1 in 200 000 of population. Post 1960, those older than 46, it is 1 in 500 die of cancer. Avoid all so-called flu injections and even if travelling avoid the shots that are mandatory. The childhood injection combinations cause autism etc. The modern injections have yeast, monkey kidney cells, pig's blood, horse blood, rabbit brain. No one told you! ! !
