Monday, March 16, 2015

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Manipulates Traditional Leaders

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Manipulates Traditional Leaders

South Africa

South Africa President Jacob Zuma should not be given or allowed powers to manipulate traditional leaders for personal political gain. There is a plan to make traditional courts the only option for millions of South Africans by denying access to civil courts.
The traditional leaders scattered around South Africa are indirectly being influenced by Zuma to help control local citizens vote for the African National Congress (ANC) party in the 2016 local elections. The tribal chiefs are lobbying for the ANC support all in exchange for an ability to deliver rural vote. It is ironic that the South Africa democratic government is moving toward realising the goals of the former apartheid government. It is all about the ANC building an extensive support base throughout South Africa. The traditional leadership is very patriarchal and conservative. Women have no rights.
It would be better for such powers to be given to the impartial body, like a public protector. It is incorrect to assign somebody who is guilty, to make a judgment on other people. There will be no fair justice under Zuma.
Ordinary people who fall into a tribal community cannot put in a land claim, this is done by the tribal chief, who opposed the granting of title deeds on communal land to the people. The sole reason for note allowing people to own land is that ordinary citizens would apply for bank loans and use the title deeds as security. The chiefs are wary of people defaulting on loans, and the land being attached to the banks. The people will not own the land and the tribal chief will hold all the power over the tribal clans of South Africa.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

No One is Listening and it must be SAID AGAIN

South Africa ruled by the ANC government under the corrupt Zuma administration is no different to the Mandela led administration. The ANC told the majority, “We, the ANC single-handedly gave you freedom, we took the country back from the oppressive whites and gave you everything you have today, so vote for us!”

“Yes, Comrade!” Is the response and it will not alter the fact that the country is being torn down into a barren impracticable land. South Africa boasts exquisite landscapes, a sweeping supernatural scenery, and white sandy beaches. Rich in mineral resources and potential to grow into a first-class world country, however, all of the splendor is being destroyed by the ANC government.

The politicians serve at the pleasure of the people. The people who voted for the ANC were hoping for a party that would help them and instead they got a selfish, greedy President that is only sitting in power at the pleasure of the people. Jacob Zuma is supposed to be a servant of the people and when he does not obey the law, the ANC party take responsibility to pull him in line and when they fail, the people have a voice but alas, they do not raise the freedom of expressing concerns. The voice of the people can be an important form of democracy and force Zuma to be the servant of the people. Yet, the brain-washed majority sit back and allow the corruption, fraud and greed to continue.

Africa is a dark continent with barbaric leaders. Indeed some leaders have treated their subjects pretty badly, but some have been painted with the wrong brush. Some of the worst crimes against humanity have been committed in South Africa under Botha, but he remains a saint in the eyes of his fellow whites. NOW the ANC government are committing crimes against humanity by oppressing the minority groups.  It is widely reported that the minority groups in South Africa are the worst oppressed people in the world. Haven't we witnessed such bad governance elsewhere in the world?

Are South Africans cowards and are they just as bad as any other gangsters. The ANC hide behind the pretense that they are doing all citizens a favor, when they are actually not. The only correct way to solve this problem is for the ANC to vote themselves in and instead the majority is taking sucker punches and think they are winning.  The ANC is not for the people of South Africa, they are against the voters. The ANC act without consequences and dish out justice as and when they see fit, pretend to be law enforcement, judge and executioner with no accountability or mandate. The majority cheer them on and are too stupid to know that there are no favors from the corrupt government.

South Africa is a wonderful country is full of really crappy people, including most of the government, police, and every state run organization including the state hospitals. The military and police are little more than welfare institutions for lazy no-goobers. Hell, we have functionally illiterate “officers” in our military, and low ranks that openly tell their superiors to “Eff Off”.

Outright hatred for the Europeans is even readily spouted by the so-called politicians, and everyone blames the whites for the poor living standards of the so-called blacks. Who did these blacks blame for their poor living standards prior to the arrival of the whites? They had nothing, not even a written language.

Almost 20%  of the black population have managed to work their way out of the gutter by sheer hard work. Yet it is often the elements of their own nation who try to pull then back into the shameless adversity.

Civilized black people regard the masses as being poor due to the laziness of getting an education and trying to do some real work. In many cases, the masses are despised by the civilized ones.

The black on black crime intensity is mainly unreported and appallingly high. Black on white crime, also shockingly high is reported with many crimes remain unobserved or swept under the carpet. Larger cities and many other areas around the country are virtual no-go areas after dark.. Daytime robberies happen all the time and many are unreported.  Car-jackings, smash and grab, when stopping at robots are a massive problem.

Prisons are overcrowded, criminals released on minimal bail. The police serve and protect the corrupt government officials. While those in uniform are criminals too. The lost firearms from the police force are mind boggling. So few convictions.

Zuma, the president of South Africa,  is the most awful person ever to govern. Zuma shows no leadership whatsoever and his knowledge of the English language is sparse.

He appears to have done significant damage to South Africa inasmuch as we are not looked on favorably by the rest of the world because South Africa has become another corrupt nation.

Perhaps it is time to look around to ensure that a new President with an exceptional, honest, reputation, and qualifications is elected President (a person who can speak and understand English)!  A President with a strong sense of management to ensure that he is, above all, the rubbish the ANC/ tribal leaders mete out.

It is the incompetence of our leaders that no effective action is taken to prevent the epidemic of viruses and other plagues. Indigenous locals rape of virgin girls because they traditionally believe that having sex with a virgin will cure them of AIDS. But naturally the only thing achieved is spreading of the epidemic.

Without a strong, honest and capable president, South Africa will undoubtedly become like Zimbabwe - full of corruption and nothing else.

Every country that is led by tribal blacks is in Chaos. Of course, Zimbabwe is a classic example of a nation in which the economy once rated among the best in the world, is now a shit-hole. How any other African countries have spiralled downward under the corrupt leaders, Uganda, Angola, all of West Africa, Sudan, CAR Congo Rwanda Zimbabwe and even South Africa.

Killing of people, black or white is wrong and if the majority are too stupid to see that the ANC leadership is the problem, then a capable leader should be voted in.  The mentality of having enough food and not having murders in the streets is a goon measuring stick to determine who should lead.
History told a different story, however, of compassionate white people enraged with a racist and inhumane system, a trade embargo putting pressure on the government and of a leader like De Klerk, who knew change had to happen. With White South Africans Voting For Change, where was the ANC, they were occupied with killing innocent civilians.

Life is meaningless and worth naught in Africa, including South Africa.  People including children get killed for a cell phone or school lunch money.

Corruption and nepotism in the government are so high that a recent study found that around 75% of tenders are allocated to family members first then friends with benefits. Snitches are targeted and often killed.

Bribery is the national past-time!

Do not count on this -  that the back door genocide, killing of farmers that has been introduced in South Africa has being noted by the world. Do not think that the paper value constitution is going to protect the minority forever, internal terror is as much dangerous as external terror is and just because the majority believe that they can F***k as they call it and as they want ?

South Africa is a shit hole due to the primates now running it.

When that is borne in mind, it becomes clear that the description of South Africa's democracy as being in danger is no exaggeration.

Who in their right mind let that f*****g upstart Mandela out? If the filthy terrorist were still locked up, then there would not be a problem.

Minority in the world, majority in Africa, should be wiped from the face of the Earth. Problem solved.

That really sums things up doesn't it?

Saturday, March 14, 2015

South African Farmer Shares Story on Microwave Weapons

A farmer in South Africa has once again raised the seriousness of Microwave weapons used to target animals and cause destruction. Previously we have written about these distresses caused by criminals infiltrating farms with the sole purpose of instigating total devastation and alienating the farmer.

Here is the story of the Farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons and more important not to attract more attacks targeted at his family and farm.


I will try to be short.
Microwave is used. Handheld devices can beam microwave anything from a few centimetres to 10 kilometres and is fatal at all ranges.

These are used in all developed countries, and no one case has this device been brought to any court of law. It is State secret in all countries.

Most cases the amount directed at a victim or victims is non-lethal but causes untold damage to the victim.

It can cause, depending on which exact frequency used, the muscles to stop working, the nerves to stop working and the immunity of victim is compromised.
The person is immobilised and can not function as normal.

It cooks the victim from the inside.
It causes Sudden Panic Attacks.
It causes driver and aeroplane pilots to lose control. Causes car crashes and aircraft crashes. Even the electronics of vehicles and planes can be melted, even 1 kilometre away.
Initial symptoms when power is low. (When power is high, instant death.)
Pain in the abdomen, in the inside.
Short temper.
Short term memory loss. Words that are commonly used are forgotten and/or can't remember how to spell words.
Victim might be considered to have Alzheimer's Disease and/Parkinson's Disease or similar, when nothing is wrong with the victim.

Most important.

Immune system is compromised.
Victim will manifest any disease that the immune system has suppressed. Even childhood illnesses will manifest, such as Scarlet Fever, Measles, Small Pox, Chicken Pox, Whooping cough and Polio.
In most cases, the victim's immunity will control these diseases within a day after getting away from getting harmed.
Other cases the victim could die from them. Seek the help immediately.
Many vaccines, inoculations, injections and syrups have live virus in them.
For example, the SV40 virus developed by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin in the 1950s in the USA and used in the 1960s across the world has live polio virus. Anyone who took the syrup will have the live virus in them for the rest of their lives. This polio virus will manifest if microwaved.

Or, someone might never have any of these childhood diseases but came in contact with others who had them, will have a virus in their bodies. This will also manifest if microwaved.

Or, had the disease such was Measles and this will manifest again when microwaved.
Or, if taking a Flu Injection, and new hidden virus is in that injection. Victim could get a lung infection which is not cured by modern medicines. Victims die within a month or year after symptoms manifest. That is why it is so dangerous!

Each individual will show different symptoms on each occasion of microwaving.
In the case of microwaving been done to individual, get away from the area as fast as possible. Seek cover. And if driving stop and get off the road immediately. Get out and hide on the opposite of vehicle from where microwave is beamed from.
Those doing it will NEVER reveal themselves and will not come out of hiding looking for the victim if the victim is in cover or hiding.

Report incident to the police. Police would not investigate. However, that is the best one can do under the circumstances.

With microwaving a crime has been committed and it is criminal. The World States will use this to bring about the New World Order.

So learn all you can.

Informative links on the Microwave weapons

Symptoms of Microwave Targeting

Microwave Weapons a New Threat to South African Farmers

Nuclear Explosives in South Africa raise concern

An article published in The Washington Post about South Africa and nuclear explosives. The article is descriptive, informative and details the concern America has toward the stubbornness of President Jacob Zuma not wanting to give up its nuclear explosives.  America is convinced that as long as Zuma remains in power nothing will change.

What does Zuma want to do with all this nuclear power that was created during the apartheid era.

Quotations from the article

“The bottom line is that South Africa has a crime problem,” Wolfsthal said. “They have a facility that is holding onto material that they don’t need and a political chip on their shoulder about giving up that material. That has rightly concerned the United States, which is trying to get rid of any cache of HEU [highly enriched uranium] that is still out there.”

Differing points of view
The apartheid regime hatched the bomb program at a time when it faced sabotage at home, wars on its borders and increasing international isolation. But by the end of the Cold War, the government realized that its whites-only rule would have to be scrapped, and so its leaders ordered the weapons destroyed and the production facilities dismantled, while holding onto the explosive fuel.

In interviews, top officials in both countries made clear that they see the issue through different prisms. Zuma’s appointees assert that it is absurd for the United States to obsess over the security of the country’s small stockpile while downplaying the starker threat posed by the big powers’ nuclear arsenals.
But South African President Jacob Zuma, like his predecessors, has resisted the White House’s persistent entreaties and generous incentives to do so, for reasons that have partly baffled and enormously frustrated the Americans.

President Obama, in a previously undisclosed private letter sent to Zuma in August 2011, went so far as to warn Zuma that a terrorist nuclear attack would be a “global catastrophe.” He proposed that South Africa transform its nuclear explosives into benign reactor fuel, with U.S. help.

Zuma was unmoved, however, and in a letter of his own, he insisted that South Africa needs its nuclear materials and was capable of keeping them secure. He did not accept a related appeal from Obama two years later, current and former senior U.S. officials said.

That’s why current and former U.S. officials say that South Africa is now the world’s largest uncooperative holder of nuclear explosives, outside of the nine existing nuclear powers.

Read the entire article on this link:

U.S. unease about nuclear-weapons fuel takes aim at a South African vault
Zuma - "its mine ALL mine!"

Saturday, March 7, 2015

South Africa Oppression Corruption and Zuma

A conversation on Twitter regarding the corruption and fraud charges against Jacob Zuma and the shocking manner South Africa deals with this problem, led to the following comment:

“The Constitution writers did not foresee that somebody facing corruption and fraud charges would be elected President”, Twitter comment from Helen Zille.

I want to know if that is true. The African National Congress (ANC) were part of the negotiating team, including JACOB ZUMA, and everybody knew they were terrorists trained by communists. The ANC government has not changed, they have always had the mindset of communism.

The terrorist organization directed the warfare at soft targets, women, and children, and never had the intention of becoming an honest government. All throughout their “freedom fighter” days, crying for the oppression of apartheid to end, they gained support and financial aid from communist countries. Trained by the harsh Marxist governments to overthrow the South African government with an aim to govern the country and plunder the resources of a wealthy country.

If the Constitution offers protection for ALL cultures and races of South Africa, then why is the minority group oppressed. Before the ANC claimed the power to govern, the majority were oppressed and now after 20 years, the majority are still not free. Indeed, the majority have gotten a raw deal from the ANC government. Twenty years have done little to suppress the agony of the majority. The stealing, murder, corruption, fraud and poor governance have hindered progress of South Africa becoming a first-class country.

In twenty years, the ANC has proceeded to oppress the minority group, hinder resolution and reconciliation of the Rainbow Nation. The ANC has actively continued their terrorist activities against the white people of South Africa by allowing farm murders, crime and corruption to escalate to uncontrollable proportions. The implementation of BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) laws is a direct attack on the minority in an attempt to keep oppression ongoing indefinitely or until the last white man standing - falls.

The Constitution is the Supreme law of the country and yet the ANC government have succeeded in ignoring the rights within this structure. The ANC is dominant and has their own law and nothing, not the constitution, or any country in the world will have any authority to overrule their conniving governance. It is the despicable Marxist training the top ANC members received that ignites the path of their governance.

Today, the new South Africa, has more racist laws on the books than what the Apartheid white government could ever dream of. That is not the end, there are new laws coming from the ANC government. When there is a problem that Zuma and administration do not enjoy, they sanction a new law to make the problem go away! The ANC majority government pass legislation to protect themselves, and it is an admission of incompetence and inability to govern effectively.

The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, was approved by the Constitutional Court (CC) on 4 December 1996 and took effect on 4 February 1997.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. No other law or government action can supersede the provisions of the Constitution.

South Africa’s Constitution is one of the most progressive in the world and enjoys high acclaim internationally.

South African Constitution 1996 – Negotiators – Writers

African National Congress:
M. C. Ramaphosa ( B. Masekela , J. Zuma), T. Mbeki , M. Maharaj , M. Manzini
Afrikaner Volksunie:
C. D. de jager ( C. Viljoen , C. Pienaar, R. de Ville), M.J. Mentz, A. S. Beyers, A. Lombard
Bophuthatswana government:
R. Cronje, R. Mangope, B. E. Keikelame, S. G. Mothibe
Cape traditional leaders:
M. Nonkonyana, G. D. Gwadiso, G. S. K. Nota, Jongilanga (initials not given), S. M. Burns-Ncmashe, S. Sigcau
Ciskei government:
M. B. Webb, I.J. Smuts, R. M. Ngcofe, F. M. Paku, W .M. Zantsi, V T. Gqiba
Democratic Party:
C. W Eglin , A. L. K. Jordaan, K. M. Andrew, M. Finnemore, D. Smuts, M. Moriarty, M.Rajab
Dikwankwetla Party:
T.J. Mohapi, S. R Matia, O. M. Moji, Prof. Wessels (initials not given), J. S. S. Phatang
Inkatha Freedom Party:
F. T. Mdlalose , M. F. Cassim, V. J. Matthews , M. G. R. Oriani-Ambrosini, S. Felgate , F. X. Gasa
Intando Yesizwe Party:
N. J. Mahlangu, N. A. P. Laka, V. N. Mtsweni
Inyandza National Movement:
S. S. Ripinga, M. M. S. Gininda, N. F. S. Baloi, E. N. Ginindza
Conservative Party:
T. Langley, F. Hartzenberg , R Mulder, F. J. Le Roux
KwaZulu government:
B. S. Ngubane, M. Jiyane, S. H. Gumede, D. R. B. Madide, H. Ngubane
Labour Party:
I. M. Richards, E. Samuels, L. Landers, D. Lockey/T.Abrahams, P. A. C. Hendrickse, Y. Bassier/P. Latega
Natal/Transvaal Indian Congress:
R J. Gordhan, K. Mayet, C. Saloojee, F. Cachalia, H. Wardi
National Party:
D.J. de Vilhers, O. van Zyl, L. Wessels, P. Coetzer,J. Rabie, E. Ngcobondwane
National People's Party:
A. Rajbansi, B. P.Jaglal, S. Ismail, A. Hurbans, M.Govender, A. Rambarran
Orange Free Stare traditional leaders:

R. H. Mopeli, R. Ramasiea, M. B. Mota, E. T. Phoofolo, M. A. Molef

Pan Africanist Congress:
B. Alexander, M. Lithero, W Seriti, E. Mothopeng, D. Desai, J. Serdile
Solidarity Party:

J. N. Reddy, C. Pillay, Y. Moolla, S. Razak, N. Singh

South African Communist Party:

J. Slovo, E. Pahad, T. Mtintso, Z. Kota, S. Shilowa
South African government:
R. P. Meyer, S. J. Schoeman, H. J. Kriel, L. D. Barnard, J. T. Delport, A. Routier
Transkei government:
H. B. Holomisa, M. Titus, Z. Titus, J. T. Madiba, N. Jajula, M. Mpahlwa

Transvaal traditional leaders:
N. M. Malekane, W Mabunda, M. A. Netshimbupfe, M. E. Mabena, M. M.

Khumalo, J. Kekana;

United People's Front:

M.J. Mahlangu, M. E. Mapheto, R. J. Dombo, A. Tshabalala, S. J. Maake, M. I. Moroamoche;

Venda government:
S. E. Moeti, M. P. Nthabalala, M. Ligege, N. E. Mulaudzi, K. B. Magwaba, A. Masehela

Ximoko Progressive Party:

E. E. Ngobeni, K. R. Myakayaka, J. C. Ackron. B. Shibambu, P. T. Shilubane