Sunday, September 14, 2014

Teachers Cannot Teach Children to Read in South Africa

Zuma speaks of improved education facilities and training in South Africa. The Democratic Alliance seem to think that teachers are not sufficiently trained to teach children to read. Rural schools have the most drop outs. Teachers text on their cell phone during lessons leaving the children to their own devices.

Here is the article published on the Guardian LV -

The Democratic Alliance (DA) official opposition party in South Africa issued a report saying that their teachers cannot teach children to read. According to the report, teacher training is not sufficient to ensure that children are taught to read. The act of instilling awareness of the importance of reading is absent.
Dr. Nick Taylor, CEO of the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit, presented his findings at an education conference and maintained that teachers were not specializing in English, the dominant medium of instruction. Teachers are not receiving adequate training to teach in English. Taylor admitted that, although a framework is in place, it lacks proper standards for teacher training. Taylor emphasized that no attempt has been made to control the standards at different universities in South Africa.
Annette Lovemore of the DA said that teachers who receive four years of training and are still not able to teach students to read should not be allowed. There is a total lack of competency by teachers who do not encourage students to read and infuse the desire for knowledge. It appears that teachers are poorly trained and cannot develop the additional skills required to educate the learners effectively.
The DA has raised the problem of education standards in South Africa and urgently seeks a response from the government regarding improving the fundamental right of children to learn to read. The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, told a different story about the education standards implemented over the past 20 years. Zuma stated that steady progress has been made in the development of education. Zuma commented on the improvement in matric results over recent years, the provision of support by government and the need to increase teaching in mathematics and science.
At a meeting in Pretoria, Zuma said the African National Congress (ANC) has built modern school facilities with the aim of delivering a competent learning environment. Zuma stated that investment into the future of education is needed, and further educational facilities need to be developed. Zuma issued a call for teachers and principals to get further training in order to manage schools properly.
Read the rest of the article on this link.
There is another interesting article on European Knights Projects regarding South African schools -

White Kids Sexually Harassed & Singled Out for Having Lice & ‘Hair Insects’ Blacks Don’t Have

Here is the link -

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Day the Music Died in South Africa

Competence and the Legal System
The South African Constitutional Court in Case CCT 01/14 had delivered a judgment in which a white female, Renate Barnard, could not be promoted in the South African Police Service (SAPS). The reason in short was that she was not black!
Yip, the music died and has gone to hell.
Therefore, competency does not count. If someone decides that this becomes a policy, it will become the Alpha and the Omega.
For a long while, there have been rumors about judges in the South African legal system making the most extraordinary rulings, rulings that do not fit any legal model or fairness. What has become of South Africa? The rest of Africa is growing, wherever one turns there is growth on the continent. However, in South Africa, everything seems to be heading south, one way with no stop! What is wrong with the South Africans? They are all over the African continent, working for African companies. Why can’t they not find employment in the RSA? Competency does not count, and that is the only reason.
When learned judges condone incompetence above competence at all times, then it is late, very late.
What happened to Mandela’s South Africa and the Legal System
When trying to analyze the situation, it is very clear that the South African democracy all races penned hope to, is tumbling down in flames. Are we wrong? What have we not said and pointed out, despite being attacked by such non-entities as a certain Chad Thomas and his mates in the South African Intelligence services, we have been proven correct – repeatedly. Moreover, this without a crystal ball! Everywhere one turns there is despondency; the legal system does not work. The only people who are making money out of the legal system are a group of jurists. Apparently, they decide who will do what and who will get what slice of the pie. To hell with legal principles, fairness, honor, it is all about money, money, money – damn money!
Advocates advise their clients, and then they claim they are under instruction. Their advice mentioned in passing has now become instructions. In addition, lo and behold the dumb sucker who wants to stand on his rights against the State. He or she will be ground into dust. Those will be slandered; they will be victimized; their families and friends will be terrorized. Their income will be neutralized; SARS will be put onto them.
Meanwhile, these accursed hyenas of the legal system are living like the fat of the land.
How many advocates live in Waterkloof, a rich man’s area? Although, not all advocates fall in this category; however, they appear to be powerless in order to do something about it. Only in the legal system? What about the construction industry? Very similar.
Can the continuous corruption, thieving and mockery of the legal system continue indefinitely?
Penalizing Companies and Multimillion Rand Contracts
Now the Competition Commission is penalizing companies for collusion. What about the politicians who had been involved in these construction companies, either as shareholders or as consultants?
Maziya and Associates ended up being awarded a multimillion contract for the building of a hospital in Soweto. Perhaps somebody would have the backbone to publish the real costs involved in this project.
Another issue is the football stadium in Krugersdorp which was to be built as a home ground for Kaizer Chiefs, one of the foremost soccer clubs in the RSA? What about this, what about that? It never stops. However, the music will stop.
South African Police and the Phantom Boeremag

Yeah, the music is dying in South Africa. In the SAPS, you will only be promoted if you are a white police officer who had worked on the so-called Boeremag case. The Boeremag is a creation from within the ranks of the SAPS. Genl Hankel, the same person who featured in the rendition of the Pakistani, is also claimed to be the creator of the Boeremag. The Boeremag is a reason to have a budget, a black budget. Who knows as to who gets what, when, where.
The music keeps on dying.
The tragedy in Marikana? The Police shot and killed 34 mineworkers and a further ten people, including police officers were killed in the period prior to this onslaught. The broad public tends to have their communications monitored, on what basis? However, the police service and the intelligence services are focusing on the rest of the population, building false stories. All in order to steal, to cheat and to steal.
They did not steal the music; it is dying.
Blackness, Silence and the End
Very soon, it will be the end of the music.
The blackness will cover the land, as ESKOM; the electric utility has been run into the ground, very soon, no power and no lights.
Silence … not the golden variety but that of a world destroyed by greed!! Democracy? What democracy? The music has died!

The goose, who lays the golden eggs, is at this stage seemingly a dried out shell of her former glory. Will she die or will she abscond, before it is too late?

This article was also published on European Knights Project

Anarchy or Land Reform Warns Malema

Julius Malema told a Press Club in Cape Town that a peaceful land reform without compensation will stop Anarchy in South Africa. Malema said his people would never arrive at the Promised Land if the land reform issues were not resolved. Malema referred to past attempts as failures and warned that if political parties did not take up the cause of land reform, the poor landless people would rise and seize the land.
White farmers had not acquired the land by honest means and Malema repeatedly said no compensation would be forthcoming. Malema said the white people took the land and did not pay for the land, but committed black genocide. The blacks who survived the onslaught were transformed into slaves and crime would not be rewarded, Malema told a predominantly white audience. Malema told his viewers to hand over their property.
What Malema failed to realize was the amount of productive land in South Africa averages about forty percent. Malema failed to address the vast amount of food-producing land given to blacks during the past 20 years and the failure causing land to become barren. Malema failed to take into account the thirty-two percent of South African land given to the nine different ethnic groups during the 1970s to create their culture with an opportunity to govern the land successfully. Malema failed to add that the apartheid government gave the different ethnic groups the resources to implement successful states, yet they failed.
Malema failed to tell the audience that it was not only white land that must be expropriated, but also land stolen by black tribes. Land grabbing through violent means among African cultures happened in the past; therefore, the land reform should not be an opportunity to force whites off the land.

Friday, September 12, 2014

South Africa’s ANC Deal with Chinese Devil

Has the African National Congress (ANC) made a deal with the devil?
For over twenty years, the South African democracy has failed its people. Apartheid failed the majority; democracy fails the entire population, both minority and majority. The rainbow nation might have a majority led government and honor the freedom that democracy has given. It is the exact freedom that has caused the failing of democracy to benefit the citizens.
The black population of South Africa is the majority, there is the freedom of choice now, and all facilities that were barred under the apartheid law are now free for all. Is this the problem, the free for all that is the cause of the failing infrastructure?
The ANC government were handed a perfect working infrastructure and the riches of the country. The high standards set under the apartheid regime were exactly what were needed to ensure success, decent education and economic growth. After twenty years, the corruption, theft nepotism, and socialist standards of the governing party have caused the country to remain a third world country with a bleak future.
Freedom for all has only caused the infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, power stations and public transport to deteriorate into appalling conditions. There has been no real growth, only the worsening situation all over South Africa.
While lamenting on the failing democracy, and the people who so desperately compared apartheid to living in shackles, look at the deal the ANC have made with the devil. South African people, the majority who voted for the ruling party are not winners, and do not have real freedom, rather it is the immigrants who prosper.
Communism is bad; there is enough evidence to mark the wretched rule of socialist countries and the failings thereof. Communism has crumbled in many countries worldwide and who would revert to the governing system that spells disaster. The ANC and their deal with the devil are entire based on developing communism structures.
The ANC will never allow a white person to rule this country, and in turn will take any opportunity to ensure the white population of South Africa leave the country, and if they remain fall into the hands of murderers. The ANC embraces the Chinese as their own, and the fact that their ethnic group is now ranked as black, gives them the opportunity to grab every occasion to rule the country.
The ANC has deliberately caused the white population to wither away and  take away business opportunities through the implementation of the Black Economic Empowerment law, coupled with the Employment Equity and Affirmative action plans. The Chinese classified as blacks now have the right to grasp the big business and in turn, nothing is left for true South Africans. There is no possibility for the rural South Africans who cast their vote for the ANC to prosper from business, based on the structure of education standards being lowered to keep people ignorant.
A deal with the devil, the Chinese communist country is currently South Africa’s largest trading partner. The speed at which Chinese immigrants flood the country is alarming. Apparently, the Chinese government funds the relocation to vulnerable countries of which South Africa is one. The entire African continent is Chinese driven.
The Chinese in South Africa are known to set up illegal stores, thereby destroying local business, sell contraband goods and exploit labor. The closure of local textile factories is a direct cause of the infiltration of cheap Chinese stock. Government tax revenue is lost through the operation of illegal business. Job opportunities for locals are lost in favor of the Chinese forcing an increase in unemployment.
Is this a deal with the devil or not, and it is backed by conspiracy between the Chinese and South African governments. There is of course the increase in rhino and other poaching, scary and not coincidental!
This article was posted on the European Knights Project Blog - check out this page for more interesting articles

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 11 a Prayer for Peace

In remembrance of September 11

We pray to the great Spiritual Power in which
we live and move and have our being.
We pray that we may at all times
keep our minds open to new ideas and shun dogma;
that we may grow in our understanding of the nature of all living beings
and our connectedness with the natural world;
that we may become ever more filled with
generosity of spirit and true compassion and love for all life;
that we may strive to heal the hurts that we have inflicted on nature
and control our greed for material things, knowing that
our actions are harming our natural world and the future of our children;
that we may value each and every human being
for who he is, for who she is,
reaching to the spirit that is within,
knowing the power of each individual to change the world.
We pray for social justice,
for the alleviation of the crippling poverty
that condemns millions of people around the world
to lives of misery - hungry, sick, and utterly without hope.
We pray for the children who are starving,
who are condemned to homelessness, slave labor, and prostitution,
and especially for those forced to fight, to kill and torture
even members of their own family.
We pray for the victims of violence and war,
for those wounded in body and for those wounded in mind.
We pray for the multitudes of refugees, forced from their homes to alien places
through war or through the utter destruction of their environment.
We pray for suffering animals everywhere,
for an end to the pain caused by scientific experimentation,
intensive farming, fur farming, shooting, trapping,
training for entertainment, abusive pet owners,
and all other forms of exploitation
such as overloading and overworking pack animals,
bull fighting, badger baiting, dog and cock fighting and so many more.
We pray for an end to cruelty,
whether to humans or other animals,
for an end to bullying, and torture in all its forms.
We pray that we may learn the peace that comes with forgiving
and the strength we gain in loving;
that we may learn to take nothing for granted in this life;
that we may learn to see and understand with our hearts;
that we may learn to rejoice in our being.

With gratitude to World