Saturday, June 27, 2015

Abused White Woman Will have Foot Amputated

READ THE UPDATE Abused White WomanWill have Foot Amputated -UPDATE

“Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.” – Unknown. Life is never without hope and for Natasha, there will be a happy ending. “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.” – Unknown


Last year I wrote a story about Natasha, a young white woman who was abused from the age of six and lived a pitiful life under the hand of notorious Nigerian drug lords. Her journey is not a pleasant one and when a glimmer of hope did arise it soon faded away leaving Natasha depressed and lost in a world of more abuse.

Since last year I have been trying to locate her mother, Vesna Van Den Berg, who previously lived in Port Elizabeth and worked for a company Dunlop Trucks. All to no avail, either the woman does not want to be found or is untraceable. Right now Natasha does not have anybody in this overpopulated world to turn to expect my son Chris and of course me.

This is a really sad story, Natasha is in hospital and will probably have her foot or leg amputated when the government doctors and hospitals find the time to do so. I am not disrespecting the public health services but do have questions regarding the urgency of her case. It all began on the 6th of June when Natasha injured her foot and probably contracted blood poison. On Monday, she was seriously in a lot of pain, I took her to the South Rand Hospital, situated in Johannesburg. From 7 a.m. in the morning until 16h00 we waited to see a doctor. Natasha was in a lot of pain and could not walk and all my pleading with the hospital authorities was in vein, there was no urgency and I was told to wait until a doctor was available. At 16h00 we left the hospital without seeing a doctor and returned the next day. Yureka, we got to see a doctor before midday and Natasha were admitted for further observation and treatment.

Photo 1 – Natasha at the hospital on June 8.

On June 12th, I went to visit Natasha, who was still experiencing a lot of pain and remained uncomfortable. I managed to check the hospital file and noted that she was diagnosed with Cellulitis. Of course, I had no idea what that was and when I got home, I immediately Googled the diagnoses and although I do not understand all the medical terms it appeared that Cellulitis can be cured with antibiotics. So I was pleased that she was in the hospital and receiving treatment.

Photo 2 – Natasha in hospital on June 12.

While reading the doctor; report, I was pleased that they had discovered her serious social deformity and recommended physiological help.

Photo 3 – Doctor’s report

Between June 12 and June 22, I was unable to visit but my son Chris did manage to get there a few times. Each time he would tell me that she was still in a lot of pain and that her foot appeared to be worse. I was surprised and really believed that she would respond to treatment. I phoned the hospital and was told that Natasha would be transferred to the Johannesburg General Hospital (renamed Charlotte Maxeke) for treatment under specialists. Apparently she was supposed to be moved on June 23rd but because there was a lack of beds, the transfer was delayed.
Today is June 27th and Natasha is still in the South Rand Hospital so, on this freezing day, I decided to visit her and find out exactly what is going on. Natasha is not a happy child, she is in severe pain and the foot looks terrible. Black and red swelling all around one of the toes spreading up past the ankle.
Photo 4 – Natasha's foot

I am totally at a loss for words, I do not understand why her condition deteriorated into gangrene. Yes, gangrene, I read the hospital reports and it is confirmed, with a recommendation to amputate her foot. There is a report that mentions another diagnosis on her records, Osteomyelitis, infection in the bone, so the poor girl will lose her foot.

Photo 5 and 6 – Hospital report

Natasha was supposed to be moved a week ago and receive treatment under specialists. I spoke to the nursing sister today and she said it would probably happen on Monday. I am wondering if there is an underlying cause of the initial blood poisoning in her foot that will effectively cause her to lose a limb. I am so disturbed by the chain of events and wonder if there was a lack of urgency from hospital staff in identifying the problem. Of course, there are many thoughts that run rampant in my mind and one thought that springs up is the lack of urgency because she is white, an abused and socially ignorant person.
Photo 7 – Natasha in Hospital today (eating sweeties)

Natasha is unaware of the pending amputation and I imagine that the doctors have come to the conclusion that she would not understand the entire procedure, even if the amputation is meant to save her life. I am hoping the hospital will send social workers or whoever they have to help her deal with this trauma.

I know that very few people would offer to help this young girl, everybody is so caught up with their own problems. Yet, I ask if there is anybody who has compassion and would at some time visit Natasha in the hospital, and give her a word of encouragement. Or is there anybody I can contact who would be willing to help Natasha with the trauma she will be undergoing. Based on her previous lifestyle and loneliness, I know that people do not want to get involved.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story and I have added links to the previous two article about Natasha’s past. It would be wonderful if I could find her mother, just saying.

Sunday, June 29, 2014
Abused White Woman Finally has a Hope of Freedom
The story I am about to tell is a real story and a story close to my heart. In South Africa and all around the world, people hear the horror stories of abuse, torture, rape, torment, and misfortune. Reading about the stories is one way to bring awareness, but when people are involved in making a difference the whole outlook of horrors changes to gratitude and humbleness.
Natasha was abused at the age of six by her grandfather. Her parents divorced and her life was barely comfortable from a young child. At the age of thirteen, Natasha disappeared, according to her account she was alone in the world with no family and somehow ended up living with Nigerians. Nigerians who were notorious drug lords.

From the age of thirteen, without any formal education and no chance of receiving any, she was given drugs and alcohol and turned into a prostitute. As the years went by, she was then used as a drug mule for the Drug Lords and traveled to China, Brazil, London, and some other countries to deliver drugs and diamonds to contacts overseas. We have heard of stories about these young women taking drugs from one country to another and being detained to face a life imprisonment, but Natasha was never caught. One can only assume it was because of her formal lack of education. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014
Abused White Woman Survives a Week of Misery

After writing an article last week about Natasha and Chris, I honestly believed I would have some peace. Well, there was no peace; it is like being between heaven and hell and trying to find a solution to a problem that is a nightmare. The story ended with a glimmer of hope for Natasha as she finally received some help through a home for destitute and abused people. 

Friday, June 26, 2015

South Africa Marikana Massacre Report

South Africa Marikana Massacre Report

South Africa

The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, released the long-awaited Marikana Massacre report and said that the findings exonerated all top government officials from any wrongdoing. The African National Congress (ANC) government have no political accountability, and it is the culture of the ANC to cover up all the wrongs. The ANC have blood on their hands, and have once again proved to be a party of thieving criminals.
The South African Police take the brunt of the Marikana disaster and police commissioner Ria Phiyega must respond to Zuma within a month on the findings. Phiyega is not fit for the position of police commissioner. Opposition parties want more action and investigations into the Commissions report. Both unions involved in the Marikana disaster, The Association of Mineworkers and the Construction Union, (AMCU) and the National Union of Mines (NUM) have been cited in the report as not handling the situation correctly. The executives of Lonmin have also been cited as not having done enough to divert a disaster.
AMCU president Jose Mathunjwa said the report was disappointing because there is mention of another investigation, an investigation Mathunjwa said should have been concluded during the two-year Farlem Commission inquiry. Mathunjwa was disappointed that Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa, as well as Mineral Resources Minister Suzan Shabangu, were absolved of any offense.
The official opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA) strongly criticizes the findings and believe President Zuma misled the nation by stating that the Commission found the executive had played no role in the decision of the police to implement tactical option on that fateful day, when 34 miners died. The DA stated that the Constitution of South Africa placed the political responsibility for the actions of the SAPS in the hands of the Police Minister.............................READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV
Opinion by Laura Oneale
Edited by Chanel van der Woodsen


The Great South African Government Corruption List

The African National Congress (ANC) governing party of South Africa, are escalating the country into an ungovernable state. 21 Years of ANC democracy and the countless corruption, fraud and crime continues to dominate the ruling party. Mandela was a reconciliation president and started the process of corruption by allowing nepotism to flourish. Mbeki took over the reigns and progressed on the corruption, and self destruction. The one to beat is Zuma, the current president, there is no stopping his appitite for self enrichment. All at the cost of the senseless, uneducated voters who are brainwashed into believing these men are heroes who left their families, friends and country to train in warfare and establish a plan to liberate South Africa and free the millions of oppressed people. 

1. Multi-billion $ Arm’s deal
2. E-tolling
3. Jacob Zuma’s Nkandla Homestead Project (Project Prestige)
4. Nkandla Freeway Project
5. Misuse of the plastic bag levy funds
6. Police Buildings and the exorbitant lease saga
7. Travelgate
8. Tony Yengeni’s arrest
9. Jackie Selebi and everything about the trial
10. Jackie Selebi’s parole
11. Shabir Schaik’s trial, during which Zuma was implicated but no prosecution followed
12. Schabir Shaik’s parole on medical grounds, but suddenly, he has fully recovered
13. Richard Mdluli’s slush fund
14. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of safe houses
15. Richard Mdluli’s travel agency scam
16. Richard Mdluli’s abuse of state owned vehicles
17. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang’s liver transplant
18. Nathi Mtethwa’s private residence upgrade with public funds
19. Julius Malema’s Limpopo feeding programme
20. Ntau Letebele’s transport tender in Limpopo
21. Julius Malema’s transport tender in Limpopo
22. School feeding schemes in the Eastern Cape
23. Ms Dina Pule and the ITC Indaba
24. Limpopo textbooks saga
25. Moses Kotane Development Agency corruption
26. Msunduzi municipality officials using more than R1m of taxpayers’ money to fund an ANC rally.
27. Mthatha corruption case over fraudulent legal jobs didn’t exist
28. Ekurhuleni municipality corruption in awarding water meter contracts to Lesira-Teq
29. Thaba Chweu local municipality’s misuse of R3m in 2009
30. Endemic corruption at Nala Local Municipality to the point that treasury have cut them off
31. Desiree Tlhoaele’s axing after going after corrupt officials in sports, arts and culture
32. Viking testing station’s corrupt examiners
33. Police officers Linda Mlambo and Mahlang Shaku fraudulenty conning motorists out of cash
34. Sandton officers arrested for corruption after extorting money from a motorists
35. Willie Hofmeyer’s axing
36. Mvula Trust and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs’ job creation fraud to the tune of hundreds of millions of rands
37. Government’s endemic over-use and over-pay of consultants
38. Glynnis Breytenbach’s axing
39. The spy-tape saga
40. Thosan Panday corruption in KZN
41. KZN’s misuse of R785m in 2011
42. Madibeng municipality awarding millions in tenders to its own employees
43. Madibeng municipality’s taxation scam with its employees
44. Madibeng municipality paying money to fictitious companies for fictitious work
45. Madibeng municipality paying for funerals that never took place
46. Madibeng municipality paying for home renovations for its employees
47. Taung municipality paying triple digit increases without consultation
48. Morake Incorporated Attorneys & the Rustenburg provincial department – R13m paid in fees for a disciplinary hearing
49. Endemic corruption at Mbhashe municipality to the point of the mayor and 7 others being fired
50. Corruption exposed by SIU at Rustenburg and Madibeng local municipalities
51. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moses Kotane
52. Corruption exposed by SIU at Bojanala District
53. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ventersdorp
54. Corruption exposed by SIU at Greater Taung
55. Corruption exposed by SIU at Tswaing
56. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ramotshere Moiloa
57. Corruption exposed by SIU at Mahikeng
58. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Kenneth Kaunda District
59. Corruption exposed by SIU at Maquassi Hill
60. Corruption exposed by SIU at Moretele
61. Corruption exposed by SIU at Lekwa-Teemane
62. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ngaka
63. Corruption exposed by SIU at Modiri Molema District
64. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ditsobotla
65. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kagisano
66. Corruption exposed by SIU at Kgetlengrivier
67. Corruption exposed by SIU at Ratlou
68. Corruption exposed by SIU at Dr Ruth Mompati District
69. Corruption exposed by SIU at Naledi Local Municipality
70. Awarding of tenders to Vivian Reddy following Zuma intervention
71. Twenty five cases, involving R768 827 043 in KZN in 2010 alone
72. The Glen Agliotti case
73. Diverting of public funds to Swazi King
74. Diverting of public funds to Robert Mugabe
75. Diverting of public funds to Zanu-PF
76. Funding of military equipment in Zimbabwe with SA public funds
77. Zuma’s corruption in numerous cases prior to his presidency
78. Fraud, corruption, tender-rigging, kickbacks and irregular appointments at Tshwane municipality
79. Endemic corruption at the heart of Mpumalanga municipality including physical violence to avoid publication of facts
80. Public Works’ endemic misuse of public funds for private residences of government officials, disguised as security upgrades.
81. Public Works leasing back property from its own employees for official use, while footing the initial bill too
82. BEE fronting for SAPS land deals outside of the main contract for PTA head office through Roux Shabangu
83. R2.4bn in improper bonuses paid out by SABC to directors
84. SABC paying fictitious staff
85. ANC controlling SABC with threats of fund withdrawals
86. SABC awarding tenders to its own employees
87. Ekurhuleni employees signing off on deals that do not exist
88. Land fraud in KZN worth R50m involving three officials and a businessman for farms and other properties
89. Department of arts and culture misuse of R42m during the soccer world cup
90. Loss of dockets relating to high profile corruption cases
91. Education department officials involved in examination selling
92. Parastatals’ inflated sponsorship of events hosted by the Guptas and New Age
93. New Age website having massive funds diverted its way from government budgets without readership stats to speak of
94. The City of Johannesburg rigging a large tender in favour of Regiments, an ANC-connected empowerment firm central to a consortium that made the JHB mayor’s wife a *multimillionaire.
95. On-Point Engineering securing Limpopo tenders through Julius Malema and his accomplices
96. Amathole district municipality awarding irregular tenders relating to vehicle tracking
97. John Block’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
98. Gaston Savoi’s R112m tender fraud relating to water purification equipment
99. DoC official awarding R500k tender to his wife
100. Martin Masemola from Dept of Minerals & Energy receiving financial kickbacks and land for favours to friends and family
101. Bosasa and Correctional Services corruption to the tune of R3bn in tender rigging
102. Public Works corrupt relationship with Saab and the blacked out agreements that not even they are entitled to
103. R63 million tender fraud at Limpopo traffic department involving Mbhazima Sithole, 45, Felix Baloyi, 34, Mphateleni Musubu, 43, and Lufuno Muladi, 27, all directors of various companies that secured tenders illegally
104. Gauteng Finance dept awarding R23m in IT tenders fraudulently
105. Kelly Group securing labour broking tenders worth R372m by BEE fronting
106. Eastern Cape health department and their tender fraud worth over R800m in just one single case
107. Obed Mlaba securing tenders to the value of R3bn in KZN
108. KZN misuse of public money to the tune of R532m in 2009
109. Public Works in Limpopo involved in tender fraud for undisclosed sum late last year
110. Tshwane kickback scheme for tenders to the tune of R1b
111. Tshwane maladministration in their financial dept for undisclosed sum
112. Philemon Mohlahlane (ex Land Bank CEO) embezzling R19m out of the Land Bank for his personal and business use
113. Prestige Portfolio tender corruption at Public Works as investigated by SIU (this appears to be linked to Project prestige – Zuma’s development)
114. Bobby Motaung’s multi-million rand fraud involving stadium tenders
115. Ekurhuleni Metro IT tender for R21m that was used to buy Porsches and Mercs
116. Limpopo transport tender fraud of R63m
117. Limpopo Premier Cassel Mathale’s influence in awarding tenders
118. Buffalo City Metro tender fraud of R12m
119. Ekurhuleni Chief Financial Officer Mr Zakes Myeza, Chief Director Water and Sanitation Mr Slindokuhle Hadebe, Acting Head of Department of then Roads and Stormwater Mr Moses Maliba, Junior Official Water and Sanitation Ms Nomusa Malimabe and Independent Contractor Mr Miyelani Holeni’s all involved in tender fraud worth R166m
120. Julius’ cousing Tshepo Malema involved in corruption and fraud through the government worth R63m
121. Pikitup tender fraud relating to contracts awarded through City of Johannesburg for undisclosed sum
122. Vivian Reddy’s company awarded an inflated contract of R1.25bn for smart electricity meter reading in Joburg despite never having done anything like it before
123. Xhariep district mayor Mongi Ntwanambi’s fraudulent travel expenses claims costing half a million rand a year
124. Free State Government paying R140million for their website created with a $40 WordPress template
125. Limpopo Health’s unaccounted for R739m tender spend for 2012
126. Gauteng Health’s R1bn corruption in 2010
127. ANC’s investment body, Chancellor House, receiving yet another state tender worth billions of rands
128. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, receiving millions from the Medupi and Kusile deals
129. ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, to benefit significantly from R40bn Eskom tenders
130. The spending of more than R13.5m on Nomvula Mokonyane’s home. A home that was purchased for R11.5m
Zuma’s position weakens as he loses battle to keep ‘spy tapes’ under wraps
131. Bankrupt SAA
132. Bankrupt Post Office
133. Bankrupt SABC
134. Corruption and takeover of the Media
135. The Gupta’s
136. FIFA
137 Bankrupt Eskom
138 Bashir saga

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Startling Remarks About Marikana

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Startling Remarks About Marikana

South Africa

The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, while addressing students at the Pretoria University made some startling remarks regarding the 2012 Marikana killings. He spoke about the police and actions leading up to the death of 34 miners. Zuma said the miners killed people, and the police stopped the killings, a real turnaround of actual events.
Zuma is protecting the police ahead of the release of the report due at the end of this month. The report would probably state facts of police brutality and intentions to shoot to kill. Previous media reports regarding the Marikana disaster and videos reflect the aggressive and spontaneous action of the police who acted merciless shooting miners without consideration of life. The police were not acting in self-defense and gunned down striking workers. Although the miners were armed with pangas, knives, and spears, they were vigilant wanting to make a point of fighting the right to earn a decent wage.
A weeping struggle of miners spurred on by union officials to strike and protest for an increase in wages and public services began protesting. It is the frustration of the African National Congress (ANC) government and unions who moved too slow to deliver wage increase that caused the demonstrations which led to one of the deadliest protests since the end of apartheid.
The public does not trust the South African Police and the shootings at Marikana in 2012 is indicative of the gung-ho attitude pervading the police. The report due to be released might mention that behind the police were troops from a parachute regiment who were armed with machine guns. Top ANC officials including the deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa, who owns the labor brokering company Shanduka through which the mine workers could obtain jobs at the mine are implicated in this fiasco. Allegations that Shanduka withheld miners wages are cited as a cause of disgruntlement and instigation of protests.
At the time of the Marikana disaster, President Zuma condemned the killings and made no reference to the handling of the situation by the police. The failure of government and the absence of action contribute to the contempt of the law. The government, however, did establish a commission to inquire into the causes and circumstances of this event.
It is evident that Zuma defended the actions of the police and is now twisting the truth of the ANC government contribution of senseless deaths. Zuma said the audience should understand that the Marikana people had killed people, and the police were stopping the killings. Vigilant attacks are becoming more violent and deadly throughout South Africa..........READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV

Sunday, June 21, 2015

South Africa Free Education for All Learners

South Africa Free Education for All Learners

South Africa

The President of South Africa Jacob Zuma addressed a rally and said it was the government’s plan to provide free education to all learners. People have to love this president, for making such a generous gesture of aiming to educate South Africans. The current education system has collapsed, and there is not enough money to fix the country’s electricity supply, the water crisis needs urgent attention, and Zuma is talking about creating industrialists.
Zuma said education should not have a price tag, and education should not be sold as a product or only available to minorities. Zuma said the African National Congress (ANC) party was serious about free education. During the speech, the president said that if the government were dictators the police would ensure all children attended school and children addicted to drugs would be forced to go to Robben Island for education. However, the president said the government was not dictators and, therefore, would aim to provide free education, and this would help to break the shackles of poverty.
At first Zuma would have to get people to become qualified educators to educate learners. It would be an attempt to get the people trained not to burn down schools when anger and resentment are aimed at government failures. There have been serious incidents in the past when schools have been destroyed, not enough equipment, no textbooks and standards lowered to such an appalling degree that learners graduate without any knowledge.
While it might be said that Mathematics and Science are the foundation of any modern economy, the results obtained by students throughout South Africa spells doom for standards of living and any hope of progress. The students in South Africa have underperformed in both language and mathematics. The numeracy and literacy levels are lowered causing hopelessness, anger and violence through a useless education system.
The ANC should have in all earnest began investing in education 21 years ago and, unfortunately, have now produced a generation that will not be employed due to substandard education grades. Education will certainly help to fix the current problems that the country is experiencing and at the same time might hamper the ANC rule. Educated people will understand democracy and might not vote for the ANC.
Presently, free education in South Africa is working at school entry level but the conditions of these no fee schools are appalling. At times, there is no electricity or water due to unpaid bills. Teachers are not paid salaries on time, due to the Education Department delaying payments. Schools are not maintained; sports fields are no longer in use, long grass and weeds cover the once cherished place of the schools. There is no security at the free schools as budgets could not afford additional expenses, along with a never ending list of wrongs that must be corrected................READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV