Saturday, July 19, 2014

South Africa ESKOM - Free Food - Others Starve


  We need to circulate this to show our friends the idiots in charge of  ESKOM. The workers on site received free food parcels, every day. 
  There was an agreement with ESKOM that, after one year, they would be
  receiving hot meals instead of food parcels,
  MPS-JV employees are now upset at not receiving hot meals, as promised,
  and yesterday they protested by throwing their food parcels at management!
  Now you might get an idea why ESKOM needed a couple of billions........
  Daily, thousands of employees at Medupi receive free food, on top of
  free accommodation, transport, etc....... And considering 900 000
  people lost their jobs last year, and how many millions of people are
  living in poverty and don't know where their next meal is coming
  from.... these photo's just explain it all!!!!
  Now you have a clear picture of the 35% increase by eskom for the next 3years.
  If these people can so be so blatant about what they want from ESKOM,
  then why can't we as a society stand up to Eskom and not just accept
  their increases every-time they cry out that they don't have funds. WHY

are they making their problem ours and squeezing the most out of us!
  We are working very hard for ourselves and our families, not for 

 I received this email yesterday and must say, it is shocking, that there is such blatant wastage. People are starving all over Africa and ESKOM the electricity giant of South Africa, gives food to it's employees, who do not seem to care - BECAUSE IT IS FREE..........

I posted this article on FaceBook and it has received over 17000 views, plenty of shares and some comments that I am sharing with you.

Friday, July 18, 2014

67 Minutes for Mandela Day - Sing DIE STEM

What are you going to do today in recognition of Mandela Day?

President Jacob Zuma and the African National Congress Party (ANC) called on all South Africans to CLEAN UP.............. I suppose it would make a small difference but in fact, to really clean up South Africa, it would take 67 months or more. The country is filthy. Look at this litter by ESKOM workers......

Mandela during this time admitted that the ANC used torture against any suspected enemy agents, including white people. Many of the violent acts were directed against the Zulus and the Zulu political movement, the Inkatha Freedom Party and not the apartheid government. After release from prison, Mandela would indulge in the fantasies about killing whites.

Torture by the ANC military wing would include electric shocks, suffocating with gas masks, hit with brooms all day long, climb a tree full of wasps and cut down a tree full of bees. Other methods of their torture included being forced to undress and lie on the ground in the middle of ants or being hit on the buttocks with a tree branch for the entire day.

The acts of torture used by the ANC cadres were an absolute human rights violation and a merciless conduct. The people executed after conviction by the ANC military tribunal were not afforded proper legal representation and suffered gross violations of their human rights. The allegations of torture, although not the ANC policy was used more from the Security unit to obtain data and confessions by people held in camps during the 1979/89 period.
In 1987, Margaret Thatcher condemned the ANC as a typical terrorist organization
The Conservative Party youth called for him to be given the death penalty by distributing propaganda. The United States listed the ANC as a terrorist organization until 2008. The President of America at that time; 
(The above is extracts from my blog – South Africa Living in Cuckoo Land – Part 1) here is the link –

Back to 67 minutes for Mandela Day.....

The United Nations in recognition of Mandela’s values and dedication to humanity officially declared July 18 the Nelson Mandela Day in November 2009 to humanity.

I wrote an article regarding the Clean Up requested by the South African Government for the Guardian LV paper and here is a link to read the story.

I am not going to Clean up the filth of people who are either too lazy or do not care about the environment, it is not my responsibility, the ANC government must CLEAN UP the country.

What I will do is commit 67 minutes to writing this blog about Mandela and sing The Original South African National Anthem, DIE STEM (Afrikaans) and in English. Part of my 67 minutes will reflect on the great struggle of the Afrikaner people who built South Africa into an incredible country, sacrificed their lives, and are now threatened by the WHITE GENOCIDE taking place today. 

Follow the link to read part 2 of Cuckoo Land -

Recalling Mandela's history as a communist terrorist is not the worst, it is the predominate reinvention of the reconciling combination that affects South Africa today. It is not this unleashing of violence against whites that caused the greatest concern for most. As President of South Africa, the economic system he maintained for the benefit of those already in power and systematically dispossessing middle and working class whites, especially Afrikaners. Not a surprising factor considering the history of the ANC and Mandela.
Genocide Watch is a highly respected U.S. based nonprofit organization and an expert on genocide. They have been blowing the whistle about the onslaught of South African for more than a decade. The world media have hardly uttered a word regarding the ghastly murders.
Mandela was smart enough to realize that South Africa depended on whites keeping their assets and skills in the country. He needed and wanted to grasp the golden eggs, not destroy it. He knew that killing his political enemies was not the answer. Like other African countries did when gaining independence from minority rule. He used the media to gain a reputation of a notability. It is the affluent South Africans and business interests, who were once his allies kept the economy from collapse, all from behind guarded communities and private security forces.
Mandela is squarely responsible for all of this. From the beginning of his dream of a united South African state dominated by black voters to the small number of whites who fund the government by paying large amounts of taxes and get nothing in return.  

In closing, I will say the ANC government should CLEAN UP their act, not just the streets and cities that are in a deteriorating state but the corruption, fraud, crime, and alienation of WHITE South Africans. Zuma singing the “Kill the Boer” Song is hate speech, but alas, he is the president and can do and say what he wants. How sad this is for our Country. South Africa the blessed country, let us sing DIE STEM.


Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see.
Oor ons ewige gebergtes waar
Die kranse antwoord gee,
Deur ons ver-verlate vlaktes
Met die kreun van ossewa
Ruis die stem van ons geliefde,
Van ons land Suid-Afrika.
Ons sal antwoord op jou roepstem,
Ons sal offer wat jy vra:
Ons sal lewe, ons sal sterwe
Ons vir jou, Suid-Afrika.

The Call of South Africa
Ringing out from out blue heavens,
From our deep seas  breaking round;
Over everlasting mountains
Where the echoing crags resound;
From our plains where creaking wagons
Cut their trails into the earth
Calls the spirit of our Country,
Of the land that gave us birth.
At thy call we shall not falter,
Firm and steadfast we shall stand.
At thy will to live or perish,

O South Africa, dear land.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Is There a Strategy Behind the Secure Military Complex of Nkandla?

Is There a Strategy Behind the Secure Military Complex of Nkandla?

The singing of the banned “Kill the Boer” song by President Zuma, and not Julius Malema, ought to instigate shame that the president would resort to such defiant behavior as inciting hate speech. The singing of the song is seen as a calculated move to motivate ANC supporters to prepare for war.

South Africa - Part 11 - Sins of the Fathers


 In the words of Ayn Rand, a Russian Jewish writer: When you see that trading is done, not by
consent, but by compulsion. When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing. When you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors. When you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws do not protect you against them, but protect them against you. When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed.”

Very familiar words for the South African situation, also applicable in large segments of foreign countries throughout the world. However, in South Africa, a country that punches far above its weight, or rather used to.

The current day South Africa is in a mess, the economic mess, and then why is it so? The functional civil service inherited by Nelson Mandela is no more, especially after Thabo Mbeki had begun his devastating run of the civil service.
All this is due to the old National Party  showing its true colors in that the politicians were in it for their pockets, not for the country – this was largely a by-and-by. Pres Zuma inherited a civil service that was on a downward trend, and the situation had not been reversed.

The South African National Defense Force (SANDF) is a shadow of its former self. The infamous Oscar Pistorius is quoted in a bar brawl as saying that his family is controlling the ANC government. How can this be? Let us explain.

When leaving Pretoria on the N4 towards Witbank (Emalahleni) on your left hand side, one passes an installation with the name N4 and PANZER painted on its walls. This plant belongs to one of his uncles, another Pistorius. Many issues surround this factory. The photos of military vehicles on Pistorius’ cell phone could only emanate from here.

N4 has been rumored to be a front for MECHEM, a subsidiary of DENEL
(The State-owned Armaments Company). What used to happen, so the claims go, was that Mechem would supply Armor Protected Carriers (APC’s) to N4 for repairs and on selling. Mechem would in effect finance N4, with state funds in these ventures, and once these vehicles were sold on the export market, N4 would reimburse Mechem. Apparently, this relationship has now ended. However, enters Armscor, the state-owned procurement entity. Apparently, very close business relationship had developed between N4 and Armscor, thereby entrenching the cozy relationship.

A certain Salih Brandt from a company named OSPREA is also in the fray. He markets and sells APC’s and other military goods throughout Africa that he has obtained on a very dubious manner from this state-owned entity. A preferred client? The incestuous relationships are very much in play here. In a matter of supplying APC’s (CASPPIRS) to Somalia for AMISOM, (The United States Procurement Arm in order to supply military goods to the African Peacekeeping forces in Africa), the following documents had become known. OSPREA received orders from Amisom for military goods but invoiced them from OSPREA in the United Kingdom. Even as a British citizen with a Passport that was originally obtained in Pakistan, whilst living in the RSA and having a company registered here, these actions are clearly of a fraudulent nature. Simply as under the RSA Foreign Exchange

Legislation, as the goods were sourced by a South African company, the payment should have flowed to the South African entity. Only when it came for payment was the funds transferred to the UK and the cost price of the military goods flowed from the UK account to the RSA.

Brandt is going at it hammer and tongs. Ably supported by who else, than the so-called Afrikaner element. Not only this, there is also a largely Muslim element in Brandt’s network. Each one to his own.

The most interesting aspect in the South African Defense Industry is the fact that the control even until today rests with Afrikaners. They have been pinpointed so many times, but seem to be untouchable. In the First, Consult report re the export of some 320 x RATEL Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFV) to Jordan in 2005 noted that the officials at Armscor were less than cooperative in the investigation. Although this was supposedly addressed, it still is an open question as to what had been covered up. The fact that these IFV’s had been sold for less than their scrap value and that nobody had raised a finger about such is indeed grounds for grave concerns.

David Maynier, the member in the Parliament for the Democratic Alliance (DA), despite having mentioned many aspects and raising many questions has never been able to ascertain the truth behind these shenanigans.
It is clear that he had been led by the nose by the very same people that had been providing him with information to make him look so bright in the opposition benches. However, Paramount Logistics, who was instrumental in this whole saga where Ivor Ischikowitz, the current chairman of the Paramount Group, via the Virlean Initiative, was instrumental in supplying the RATELS to Jordan. AMOUNTS mounts of some USD 200 to USD 300 million is being bandied around as not being repatriated to the RSA. Lo and behold since then that the Paramount Group has become a force to reckon with.

The same Ischikowitz was implicated in irregular agreements with the previous president in Malawi, Mrs. Joyce Banda. This issue was seen as one of the main reasons as to why she had lost the presidential elections in 2014.

Oh yes, and where do the Afrikaners fit in? They are everywhere, they know, and they see what is happening. They are the pen pushers in ensuring that these irregularities take place, they then use this information to their benefit. They manipulate the system and the ANC government. This is very central throughout the SA government system. They use and abuse the RSA Intelligence structures in order to further their goals, which is unfettered riches.

After 1994, it has become clear how many so-called junior mining houses had emerged from Canada and Australia. Despite allegations that these mining houses were founded by these persons or found themselves to be bought by money which was spirited from South Africa in the pre-1994 years when the ANC came into power.

They control the defense force and the defense industry. Their latest game is to call issues, government – to government contracts. This was also the defense of Ischikowitz. However, when this happens, who decides as to what will be the preferred partner from the private sector? At this stage, the Seriti Commission is sitting and continues with hearings into the Arms Deal whereby the RSA’s future was signed away to the UK banks by then Min Trevor Manuel without any cabinet approval according to the activist Mr. Terry Crawford-Brown. The interesting thing is that the officials so pinpointed in this fracas are again Afrikaners. The issue of political involvement is because the politicians represent the government, but it is clear that these politicians are maneuvered and manipulated by the officials.

These same officials feature in the Cameron Commission of the early 1990’s into Armscor’s activities and the sale of weapons to Yemen. These same officials and their predecessors are rumored to meet for lunches on monthly bases. To discuss what, one may ask?

They have control into the judicial system. At the NPA (National Prosecution Authority), a certain Adv Tori Pretorius employs investigators. On what basis? A certain Adv Shaun Abrahams as the acting head for crimes against the state is in their clutches. He is the same person implicated in the quashing of the investigation and prosecuting of Gijima, an IT company, for billions of rands in tender irregularities at the SAPS (Police Services). His biggest claim to fame is that he is the principal prosecutor into the Boeremag. What a joke- the Boeremag. When one sees these people calling themselves Boeremag, it is clear that they do not have the right even to call themselves human beings. Such hate-filled imbeciles can never be and will never be a part of the mainstream society. The Constitution of the RSA is even there for their protection. The issue with fanatics are that they and can be dangerous. Anywhere, any place – remembers Ronald Reagan of the USA, remember Rabin from Israel?

Glynis Breytenbach is today the spokesperson for the DA in Parliament on justice. She had left the NPA under a cloud. Why was she not prosecuted? Her disciplinary, whilst dismissed, had still left many questions unanswered. She wanted to prosecute Genl Richard Mdluli. Why different strokes for different folks? Then she has a very rich South African living in London financing her legal actions in her disciplinary hearing at the NPA? A bridge too far? On the other hand, a question too far?   

Is this then the curse of the Afrikaners? A lack of leadership? The lack of comprehension of the world around them? Whose wishes were so executed during the National Party reign? Is it the same people who are pulling the strings today? Can you have joy in a court of law?

The curse of the Afrikaners – they do not comprehend nor understand the underlying aspects to their past and because of that, democracy, although an incomplete system, is in great danger of dying out in South Africa. The parliament of South Africa has always been rumored as being akin to a brothel during the NP’s days. Today, it is rumored that a vast majority of parliamentarians in the RSA is under treatment for AIDS. One can only but wonder as to why President Zuma is growing so thin? Did the showers not work? Will the RSA have a new president shortly? Is the ANC becoming a rural political party such as the IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party?) Did the King of the Zulus force Pres Zuma to use the State to enable him to lodge a massive land claim and a new city? Was the reason thereto that a member of his family (the King’s) also contracted AIDS? How? Why? When?

This cannot be laid before the door of the Afrikaners; this curse was the result of other peoples’ decisions. At least there is something that cannot be put in front of their doors. In addition, for the rest…?

The downing of the Helderberg-
The Smit murders-
The so-called Angolan war-
What else? WHAT ELSE???
