Will there be a future for whites in South Africa? Definitely not, if
immigration and emigration figures are taken in consideration.
The only solution for the diminishing white population is to try and
realize self-determination within the next five years, according to
Front National leader Hannes Engelbrecht. If this cannot be
accomplished, the Afrikaner will be a nation in true diaspora.
Latest figures from Statistics South Africa show that another 95 158
whites emigrated between 2011 and June 2015. It means that close to a
million whites have already sought their livelihood outside the Third
World country in western countries; and the trend is continuing.
During the same four year period 1 067 937 blacks from Africa and 40
929 Asians immigrated to South Africa, making it impossible for the
remaining whites to maintain their demographic rights.
“To make matters worse’, said Engelbrecht; “the remainder of whites
are subjected to more racially discriminatory laws than during
Apartheid. Affirmative action, BEE and quotas are playing havoc with the
whites’ so-called equal rights”.
The Front National leader said that the most worrying aspect of the
figures was that the white emigrants were mostly the skilled, educated
and experienced whites sought after by developed western countries.
“This bodes ill for South Africa as a whole. It is fast turning into a
typical Third World African country that will never be able to return
to normality with such an influx of foreigners and exit of skilled
As for self-determination, Engelbrecht said, it was putting a lot of
pressure on those whites trying to maintain their own language, culture
and outlook on life when all the odds were stacked against them.
“I honestly believe we only have five years left. If white South
Africans don’t put their money and votes into the ideal of
self-determination now, the sell-out of 1994 will be complete”.
Every figure is relative: if 100 000 of five million leave it is not
so devastating as when 100 000 of three million leave, or 100 000 of
three million.
Read the original article in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA – blad
Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News
13 Lions killed in recent days. Two Tigers killed yesterday. 15
Crocodile poisoned yesterday. In many instances the heads and feet have
been cut off.
Lieutenant General Ledwaba has appealed to game farm owners to “beef”
up their security. We would like to appeal to him for permission to hunt
the Traditional Healers who are creating a demand for this nonsense.
CICA believes that this recent upsurge in killings is directly
related to the “traditional healer” marke tand that the cause can be
directly traced to people (including our president) believing the
Sangoma and Inyanga lies and promises that these animal body parts will
clear up many “curses” including HIV and political problems.
Maybe it’s time to go hunt another big snake, we are tired of these
witch doctors disturbing dead ancestral spirits with lies instead of
teaching people to look forward not backward for solutions.
WARNING – Pictures NOT for sensitive viewers.
All images - CICA South Africa
Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News
The most widely respected world university rankings have all recently published their latest results. The release of the Times Higher Education 2016-17 and Quacquarelli Symonds 2016-17 rankings have coincided with a resurgence in protests at many of South Africa’s universities.
Most of South Africa’s universities have dropped down these ranking tables.
Some people argue that the protests – which relate to fees, access and transformation and have occurred on and off for the past 18 months – are having a direct effect on universities’ global standing on rankings tables.
But it’s unlikely that the protests themselves are directly affecting rankings. Instead, decades of government under-funding in the higher education sector may be at least partly to blame.
The University of Cape Town (UCT), where I am a deputy vice-chancellor, has handed a memorandum to the Department of Higher Education and Training. It states:
We believe that government has not acted decisively to ensure sustainable and adequate funding to address the systemic crisis in the higher education sector. Government has placed an undue burden on students, parents and universities to fund higher education.
This may seem unfair: the government has dramatically increased the amount of money it gives to universities. But so have students. And educational inflation has played a part too. In real terms, the amount universities receive in state subsidy as a proportion of their total income has declined from 49% in 2000 to 40% in 2012.
Funding has a direct effect on many of the indicators that are used to measure performance in world university rankings. With less funding, staff-student ratios rise. Top staff, who produce the most papers, leave for more lucrative salaries abroad. Universities can’t afford to send their academics to many conferences, so fewer conference papers are produced.
How rankings are calculated
UCT has, for some time, been able to compensate for the drop in government funding for research. We’ve done this, for instance, by working hard to increase external income – particularly research grants and donations. This has been remarkably successful.
But not all South African universities are in a position to do this. And a point will be reached where external income, for which there is increasingly tough competition, is not enough. UCT may have reached that point. Some other universities will have reached it long ago.
Universities don’t yet need to despair. First of all, a drop in rankings does not mean a drop in actual performance. On most of the indicators, in most of the rankings, UCT continues to improve as it has done for many years. A number of our sister universities are, likewise, improving across several indicators: producing more papers, bringing in more income, increasing their proportion of postgraduate students – all important indicators of research performance.
But it is perfectly possible for an institution to improve its scores and still see a significant drop in the rankings. This is because scores are ranked and so performance is relative. If other institutions have improved their scores even more than yours, they will climb above your institution in the rankings.
This is important. It’s exactly what is happening to South African universities. Institutions from elsewhere in the world are improving much more significantly. And it is no coincidence that the countries which are seeing a rapid rise in the rankings are mostly those that have chosen to invest heavily in their universities.
The most startling example is China, whose various projects to produce top-ranked universities, such as the C9 initiative, are paying off spectacularly. Another well-performing BRICS competitor, India, spends 1.23% of its gross domestic produce (GDP) on tertiary education. This is compared to South Africa’s weak 0.74%.
After the release of its latest rankings Quacquarelli Symonds argued that levels of investment determine which institutions progress and which regress. Top American universities, which have significant endowments to rely on, and Asian universities, which have benefited from significant public funding, are rising. Many Western European universities, on the other hand, have seen cuts to public funding for research and are losing ground.
Reputation matters
There is one way in which the student protests themselves, rather than the under-funding that caused them, may directly affect some of the indicators by which universities are measured.
Each ranking uses different indicators to measure a university’s performance. But on the whole they are a combination of hard data, such as citations – the number of times an author has been cited, or referred to – and ratio of staff to students. There are also more qualitative “reputation” indicators. These are achieved by asking academics and employers to list the top institutions in their fields.
It is these “reputation” indicators that could be directly affected by the protests. Although they are intended to be objective, it does not require a great stretch of the imagination to believe that some academics who see South African institutions in constant crisis, with lectures cancelled, exams postponed and buildings burned, are affected at least subconsciously.
South African institutions were particularly hard hit in the reputation indicator in THE’s latest rankings. However, some universities that were affected by the protests bucked the trend: the University of the Witwatersrand rose in the THE rankings. So there is no clear evidence of a causal relationship between the protests and the universities’ performance in the rankings.
But does it matter?
In assessing the extent to which #feesmustfall protests might have affected South African universities’ rankings, I have left aside the much larger and more important question of whether it matters.
Universities certainly regard rankings with a measure of caution. Rankings are very imperfect measurements of excellence. They take no account of the contexts in which universities find themselves, particularly those based in developing or emerging economies. They do not measure some of the functions of a university that the sector would regard as critical: for instance, whether the research a university undertakes makes a difference, or whether the graduates it produces are thoughtful and productive citizens.
Nevertheless, the drop in rankings has been greeted with consternation in the media. The coincidence with the university protests could lead to a damaging narrative that the country’s universities are inevitably “going to the dogs”.
I can categorically state that UCT is nowhere near that kind of precipitous decline. However, if under-funding from government continues and the issue of fees is not resolved, I am less confident of our and our sister universities’ future.
CICA – Crime Intelligence & Community Awareness – South Africa
(CICA) respond to Mumsy Maphakela after hate speech, racist and
incitement to violence posts were posted on social media. Here is the
Mumsy Maphakela you are disgusting – you should be charged with
incitement to violence and hate speech telling protestors to take white
people hostage.
People like you will destroy South Africa. The corrupt politicians want
and need racism to further their corrupt objectives. They WANT to
“Divide & conquer” with racism to hide their antics, and you are
helping them. Silly silly little child.
Your ignorance is astounding. We have black, white and Indian admin at
CICA and we were discussing your vicious and blinded bigotry. Did you
know that more than 70% of white people voted YES to end apartheid in
the white only referendum which was held pre 1994??
You are no different to PennySparrow. You are disgusting and should be charged with hate speech.
Recent ANC reports indicate that 23, 3 million black South Africans
have more than 25 percent Western Eurasian DNA, and fit into the (B-)
Scientists in Gauteng believe that a mysterious migratory event
occurred around 3,000 years ago known as the ‘Eurasian backflow’ – when
modern humans who left Africa around 50,000 years ago, suddenly flooded
back. This resulted in a shift of DNA percentage in African populations
over the course of a couple of generations. For many it resulted in a
(B-) sub-group categorization, which is evident today.
This revelation is creating much angst within the ANC due to their
hopes that the black (B+) group would be larger, thereby providing them
with a smoother path towards accelerated economic empowerment.
Kebby Maphatsoe – veterans’ minister, has stated that the
re-categorization of the (B-) sub-group is just a temporary setback, and
will not slow their plans for economic advancement. Although he does
not believe that the 23, 3 million people being categorized as ‘too low
in black DNA’ will be well received, especially if it prevents them from
full land and business ownership rights.
Some see this (B+) and (B-) System as an ANC strategy to speed up the
transition of wealth from non-blacks to blacks (diminishing majority),
in order to win back the hearts of many of their disillusioned voters.
There is still consternation of how the population will react when 23, 3
million people are told they are essentially defined as non-blacks due
to their excessively high levels of western Eurasian DNA levels.
Following defeats in recent municipal elections, politicians from the
ruling, African National Congress have spoken out against what they
call the new “economic apartheid”. As a result, there is renewed
interest in implementing this new program to help facilitate a smoother
economic distribution based on sub-Saharan DNA distribution across the
broader population – they believe this will help swing voter support in
metro areas back towards the ANC in 2019.
The big question will be how 23, 3 million people react when they are
told they don’t have enough black DNA to qualify for full benefits.
Once again, our government appears to be sliding down a precipitous
path of racial profiling to leverage their political muscle, and
desperately hold onto their diminishing stranglehold over a country that
so desperately needs a competent government who uses legitimate methods
to spur the economy, not cosmetic surgery that only results in further
It is the year 1946. Exactly 70 years ago. After Word War II the
newly-formed United Nations sanctioned a census among all member states
to determine borders. In the Union of South Africa a census was
diligently conducted. In the Union’s 472 494 square miles of land just
over 11 million people made a living.
It was the year 1946. Two years before the National Party took office
and as a government started to promote a policy of separate development
(Apartheid). If you believe ANC and liberal propaganda you surely would have heard
of the forced removals of approximately 1,5 million black people to
black areas. The injustice of it! The inhumanity! The disgrace!
Now, here is where official figures come in, Sirs ANC, EFF and DA:
the census was conducted per district in the Union and these figures are
You come from where, Sir – myth of apartheid and forced removals – Image – Front Nationaal
• First of all: your laughable figure of 1,5 million blacks being
forcibly removed from white areas. It may come as a shock to you, Sirs,
that less than 1,7 million blacks were living in the so-called “white
areas”; 516 954 of those in just fifteen mining and industrial areas
such as Witbank, Vereeniging, Springs, Roodepoort and Krugersdorp. These
half a million black people were mostly mineworkers with their homes in
their traditional areas and staying in hostels in the fifteen “white
centres”. In the major cities including Cape Town, Bloemfontein,
Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg whites outnumbered blacks by
far. To tell the truth – in the 50 biggest cities and towns of the Union
of South Africa whites outnumbered blacks by 1 220 416 to 951 834. Your
propaganda of 1,5 million blacks being forcibly removed by bulldozers
and the like, is a lie. It will always be a lie, no matter how many
times you repeat it. Your land claims are lies, no matter how many times
you repeat it.
• The second lie of course is how blacks were held back in education.
That the “white government” maintained almost five black schools for
every one white school is ignored. A mere three years later, in 1949, Dr
EG Malherbe told the international conference at Colombia University in
the USA that the Union of South Africa (the ‘Apartheid State”) had
further increased the black education expenditure tenfold and that black
learners had doubled. The conference took note that Alan Paton’s book
“Cry the Beloved Country” was utter nonsense. South Africa ended their
financial year with a surplus of five million pounds.
• During the following fifty years after 1946 the National Party
government built more than a million brick houses, schools, clinics and
universities to accommodate the influx of blacks into “white” areas;
apart from the millions of rand pumped into the traditional “homeland”
areas in development. Soweto, Alexandra, Thokoza, Attridgeville,
Sharpville… all burst out of their seams; subsidized heavily. Not shacks
– brick houses, albeit small.
• The peaceful struggle by Zulu and Indian together against
‘Apartheid’, incidentally, proved another lie. In Durban Zulus bandied
together against Indians and 137 people were killed; one white, 53
Indians and 83 Zulus. Thirty whites, 768 Indians and 1085 Zulus were
injured. Zulu chieftain Ndodembi Ngcobo said: “A large number of
children are born among my people who are not children of my race. They
have straight hair like the hair of an Indian. This is a repugnant sight
for Zulus, just as when a cow gives birth to a goat kid”.
• The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
apologized unconditionally to South Africa for erroneous statements in
its annual report that black children in the Eastern Cape had starved
because Union aid had been withdrawn. This was a lie spread by the Bantu
representative in Parliament, Sam Kahn of the Communist Party.
• Far from just withholding aid from the black areas some of the
“white majority” towns of 1946 were handed over to blacks – Mafeking to
Boputhatswana, Rustenburg, Umtata to Ciskei etc. – all to advance the
blacks in their own traditional areas.
CONCLUSION: The South African government was far from lily-white in
their actions, but the figures and history show exactly how the
communist ANC grabbed their opportunity for false propaganda as more and
more African countries joined the UN, together with the Soviet Bloc,
the East and China. The false propaganda continues to this day as the
ANC, EFF and DA continue to blame everything on Apartheid, trying to
rewrite history.
Front National SA has always said, and says it again: we don’t want
to return to Apartheid simply because we never again want to take
responsibility for any other race or ethnic group apart of our own. We
want self-determination where we will not repeat the mistakes of the
past by supplying jobs or opportunities simply to be overrun by an
uncontrolled birthrate and liberal ideas of the “noble barbarian”. Once
bitten, twice shy.
On the same day, both Julius Malema and Mmusi Maimane had a lot to say about white people.
Malema said, white people should focus on learning to pronounce
African names correctly instead of braaiing. While Maimane said that
white people should learn an African language.
The European response:
1. Furiously angry with Malema
2. Mmusi for President
Now what? I no longer see much of a difference between Malema and
Maimane. They both have the same approach toward the white man in South
John Mongrel, “the boss” of the 27 Gang in Pollsmoor prison kills
rapes and is nothing more than a ruthless heartless person. He rapes new
prisoners, he gives orders to kill and those who dare not obey, are
Mongrel has since died and it is without sorrow that such a horrid
person is no more. In or out of prison this man lived the life of a
dictator; even prison warders were not safe. It is as though he had his
own private army and prisoners including prison authorities were
powerless against him.
Pollsmoor is not designed to rehabilitate criminals, built
during the apartheid years; it was meant to harden black prisoners and
yes, the apartheid warders were tough, never allowed intimidation to
expand. Now 22 years into democracy the place is nothing more than a
dirt infested, overcrowded, gang controlled hole where disease
flourishes. The warders are not safe, and the authorities have lost
During 2014, seven warders were stabbed to death in Pollsmoor prison.
John had a lot to do with the unfortunate deaths of these warders. In
the video, he explains why they kill and why they rape new prisoners. He
was a dangerous man, and the irony is that people actually worship this
fallen man, and have set up a Facebook page that boasts over 3000 fans.
Bring back the death sentence, criminals like John Mongrel,
terrorizing prisoners and causing untold trauma, instilling fear into
petty criminals and abuse of taxpayers money, should not be allowed to
South African prisons are dangerous, and as crime is out of control
around the country, the government remains detached to the reality of
the real situation. While criminals should be kept behind bars and off
the streets, the prisons cannot cope with the high influx and thus a new
set of revolting conditions arise. Perhaps one day, the government will
turn the page and say, “Ah yes, the prisons, the escalating crimes, let
us bring back the death penalty.”
Woman busts boyfriend ‘raping dog’: The dog stood quietly while he helped himself to it, says the girlfriend, who was shocked because she had already 'made love to him' twice that day.
Woman busts boyfriend ‘raping dog’
Another shocking story, a 56-year-old man has been arrested after he was caught raping a dog.
The incident happened in Soshanguve, Pretoria.
The police said the man was caught in the act by his girlfriend.
The girlfriend said she had returned to his place and found that the man
had tied the dog with a chain during the incident. She went to the
police the next day and reported the incident.
A South African shares a story, from during the last apartheid years and early democratic years.
It was middle of 1989. Linda was a recently qualified Sister
at Greys Hospital in Pietermaritzburg.
It seems that Greys was named after Albert Henry George Grey, of Howick,
Northumberland, England who was part of the Charter of the British South Africa
Company and a certain Cecil John Rhodes was a member.
Her contract with the Natal Administration was due to end only in
three years’ time.
1989 was the last years of Apartheid and the end of Apartheid was not long.
Apartheid is racial segregation.
All her certificates and hospital registers were correct and properly
She was with a group of 20 nurses also recently qualified as Sisters.
Matron had requested that the 20 recently qualified Sisters meet in the dining
room for nurses.
"I am glad you are all here. . . I have to make an important announcement.
. . . The influx of new nurse will be with us in the middle of next week. . . There
is an increase of new student nurses compared to the past, as the new influx
will include those of Color. These of Color will be chosen from across Natal
from outlying hospitals. You here in the rooms, will have to make space. We
have not found your postings in the outlying areas yet. Therefore, you have to
remain working at Greys. There are two sisters in each room at the moment. From
now on, there will have to be three Sisters in each room. Three Sisters per
room times 6 is 18 Sisters. Two will have to find another place to stay. 18
plus 2 equals 20.
Linda and Anne will now have to move into rooms near Reception. We know this
will be inconvenient.
Linda knew that the two rooms near Reception was the worse place to be. The
noise 24 hours and people moving in and out at all hours was not the place to
Her present room had commanding view and the morning sun shone into her room.
Downstairs, the place as dark, pokey, dusty and -
Matron finished by saying.
That is all. I know you understand and the Hospital Superintendent has the last
say. These are his instructions.
Linda was nearly six feet tall. She was well built, robust, had
a good brain, worked hard, followed instructions, and was outgoing, kind, no
hang-ups and no pent-up anger. . . In addition, she was Irish.
Linda went stone cold. Matron left. The Sisters still had to finish their meal.
The Linda started.
"No. I am not moving downstairs. I am going to the single bachelor
doctors' quarters. There are a 100 single rooms there. Only 20 doctors in
residence. . . "
These doctors were doing their horsemanship and most came from overseas, Low
Countries, France and Germany. They were young and recently qualified. They
liked to come to
South Africa, as South Africa had patients that had been badly injured, had many
different kinds of diseases. In Europe, young doctors never saw that many kinds
of conditions as in Africa. .
Therefore, she finished her meal. All 20 followed her. They went to their rooms
got their things and all 20 moved to the North Wing where the doctors' quarters
were. Got the keys and set themselves up. The incoming student nurses could
have all 10 rooms to use . . ., which they had just vacated.
Superintendent could do nothing. He had to accept what happened.
Three months later.
All 20 Sisters were given notice to be in the student nurses' lecture room.
Superintendent addressed them.
"Now it has been decided to post all 20 Sisters to the Ladysmith, Natal,
to the Bantoe Emnambithi Hospital. . ."
Now the news came. . .
"You have to maintain a high standard. 80% all blacks
in that hospital have syphilis. Blacks can live with this strain of syphilis
and not die and they pass this onto their partners in sex. In addition, Whites
are not immune to it and you will die if you contract the disease as there is
cure. . . Gloves will be worn at all times . . ."
So that is what breaking down racial barriers means.
The president has spoken, don’t bad mouth the country. Who will
listen to Zuma and his requests for support? Does Zuma still have any
say about what happens in this country? For how long will the people
continue to allow the president who is facing corruption charges and has
a total disregard for the well-being of the country be allowed to utter
nonsensical words?
The biggest communication problem is that we listen, not to hear, but
only to reply. President Zuma said the citizens of South Africa must
stop badmouthing the country. Zuma said it is important that all South
Africans work towards the initiative of avoiding a credit downgrade at
the end of the year and thus must stop negative criticism. People will
not listen to Zuma, who as a leader has placed the country into a doomed
It is all wrong for people to badmouth South Africa and it causes
damage to the reputation of the country so says the leader who has
caused more damaged than its ordinary citizens. Therefore, does Zuma
want people to lie and tell stories of how satisfactory the situation is
in the country? Must a picture be painted of how perfect life is for
the people and how prosperous the situation is? Must the people lie
about the crime and violence, the terror and rape, the murders and
It is not necessary for the people to execute anything, or recite the
true stories about the current situation Zuma has done it all. The
president’s actions and performance have caused more harm to the land,
than what the ordinary people say.
Zuma is saying that people should stop the negative stories, but in
fact, Zuma appearing with Pravin Gordhan is a show to impress investors
who do not have confidence in him. Zuma should do the honorable thing
and resign and that will boost the investor confidence.
Perhaps it is a little too late for Zuma, calling on people and
business to remain silent. Perhaps businesses should unite and demand
that Zuma steps down and that a transparent leader who is free from
corruption lead the country.
The repeated crises have raised question marks over whether the
country’s leaders have the ability to do their jobs and what motivates
them, according to Ivor Sarakinsky, a lecturer at the University of the
Witwatersrand’s School of Governance.
“There is a clear lack of national leadership,” said Theo Venter, a
political analyst at North West University in Potchefstroom, west of
Johannesburg. “The governing party is like a headless chicken. We are in
a leadership quagmire.”
There we have it, a governing party who is like a headless chicken,
now we know why South Africa can be downgraded, and it will not be the
citizens’ fault but the one and only President Zuma. Unfortunately, a
downgrade will affect the honest, law-abiding citizens and that is the
tragedy. On the other hand, a downgrade could mean that Zuma and the
headless chicken governing party will squander the last of the resources
until the once abundant South Africa becomes another poor African
I wish I could understand what criteria is applied to decide who is welcome in South Africa and who is not welcome.
The leader of the American Black Panthers shows up in South Africa
and talks to obscure black terrorist groups on strategies about
massacring whites. He has a lot to say and even suggested that white
babies be thrown into boiling oil. That is, according to the holiest
white elephant of a constitution the most vicious form of hate speech
and racism conceivable.
He is very welcome here!
The Dalai Lama invited to attend Bishop Tutu’s birthday party. He is
the spiritual leader of the people of Tibet, who has for decades been
suppressed by the Chinese Communists and his visit to the country is
denied, supposedly because it will upset the Chinese.
He is not welcome here!
Omar al-Bashir, the dictator, the murderer, wanted for crimes against
humanity welcomed with open arms. Not only allowed in South Africa but
smuggled back home too.
He is very welcome here!
Pastor Steven Anderson, the homophobic American pastor is unwelcome,
for the same reasons, as the Black Panther was welcomed. Omar al-Bashir
is welcome, even if he was accused of upsetting the Chinese as the Dalai
Lama had been, yet he is unwelcome.
Is there any logic here? Not that I can recall. Except that I began to suspect, I’m not welcome here.
With respect for the Afrikaners and the Boers, they are a proud
patriotic and God loving people, the Broederbond is the watchdog, an
organization that focuses on internationalism instead of nationalism.
During the apartheid heydays in the sixties, it was the place where
one could obtain the biggest return on capital investment. The British
benefited as a country and as individuals. They were adept at
controlling the economic sphere in order to enrich themselves. They
controlled the Afrikaner Broederbond, which stood under the control of
the Freemasons. The South African government was saturated with
Freemasons, a la the SA version, referred to as “goat riders”.
The most intriguing to note is that during the time of the National
Party leadership the Freemasons ensconced themselves in specifically the
South African Police and the SA Defense Force. Unless one would be a
part of this group, you would not be promoted to a senior position, with
all its rewards and financial implications. Even until today, they tend
to play a major role in the current structures. Even the creation of
similar organizations in order to cater for the new black elite was
formed. The role of the Freemasons stems from the time of the British,
and it makes sense. The Afrikaners were enticed into the Broederbond
that would be their own secret society. Unbeknownst to them the
Broederbond was in effect also a creation of the Freemasons. This makes
tactical clear sense.
Whilst the Afrikaners organized themselves into the Broederbond, they
were in effect nothing else than a secret division of the English
Freemasons, until today. There are historical reasons thereto, for
better or for worse, they played a very strong, although hidden hand in
the economic development of South Africa. It has been recorded that
after the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902 which led to the end of the war
between England and the Boer Republics and brought the Union of South
Africa into being in 1910, that Rhodes was scouring the Free State on
horseback in order to obtain mining rights. In this regard, various
Afrikaners, including Paul Sauer, a later Minister in the National Party
Government, accompanied him.
Who else? The creation of the Broederbond, a supposed cultural
organization to promote Afrikaner economic interests and acting in
secret. Unbeknownst to the many Afrikaner members the Broederbond was
actually controlled by the British Freemasons. Why not? It makes perfect
economic sense.
The freemasons in South Africa are of a decidedly different breed
than their big brother back in the United Kingdom. The Broederbond was a
creation to control the economy and give rise to an Afrikaner business
class. In this regard, the Freemasons, whatever they wanted to believe,
always controlled the Broederbond.
Today, on social media, several people are intrigued with the
Broederbond and in particular, the role this organization is fairing in
South Africa.
Quote from a Facebook Post “Shocking documentary recently
released about the Broderbund’s role to destabilize the country. The
Broederbond and its media houses, which includes E-Tv and the whole of
Media24/Naspers, are squarely behind the white supremacist DA.
I feel sorry for the non-white DA voter, supporting an organization
that’s sole purpose is to oppress and subjugate non-whites in South
Africa and Globally. These people even own the EFF.”
Let us not forget what Julius Malema, leader of the EFF said about the Broederbond.
Broederbond video causing a commotion on social media
Watch the video it is historically the truth and in particular, watch the last five minutes that portrays South Africa as it is seen today.