Monday, August 24, 2015

Did you know

It is really sad that there is so much hatred in the world, and every picture tells a story!

And again teach them that no favour or support from a white person is genuine.

It Time to teach our children history before Slavery, the history of glory and dominance, the great kingdoms of our founding fathers, their technology, their solid educational system. we teach them about great queens and powerful Black kings. we must teach them about the inferiority of white people the helpless Nation, the small powerless Nation. (not my opinion, found this on FaceBook)

Africa will grow faster as grow up faster......

A black person wrote the following : Not knowing who u are is one thing. Not embracing who u are is another. Thats why u see people trying very hard to look white! Blond hair, bleached skin, fake accent its all self hate. Lets teach our people to love themselves & embrace who they are. For darkies are sooo much more powerful than our white counterparts by far. They saw this & oppressed us!


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