Sunday, March 9, 2014

Julius Malema the New Idol of the South African Political Arena

Julius Malema is the new idol of the South African Political arena since his launch of the new Economic Freedom Fighters’ (EFF) election manifesto. He can do no wrong, and his powerful speeches and promises have lured many South Africans to believe he is the only person that can rescue them from the pitfalls of the failing democracy.
The promises of free land, education, health and other service deliveries are luring many into his fold before the upcoming general election in May this year. Julius Malema is a fascinating person, a charming and engaging leader with a determination to succeed as the next South African President.

The election manifesto of the EFF party promises to uplift the poor and neglected people of the country. The entire foundation is based on socialist ideology and the nationalization of mines, banks and transforming the taxation policies. People love the new definition of freedom and liberation from the failing African National Party (ANC) government. The people are undeniable unhappy with the governance of the ANC and want change.

Julius is convincing the people with his words of a solution that only his party can provide. He is persuasive and manages to illuminate the minds of ordinary people with a better life, a healthier lifestyle and financial freedom with his promises. People love the free for all aspect; the promises certainly brighten their dark, despairing lives.

One must never underestimate the power of ignorant people; it is the votes that matter at the end of the election. There are more than enough people, hungry for change and the possibility of having everything for free is overwhelming. These people will vote for Julius Malema. These people have no clue what communism is all about. The stupidity of living in a communistic state, the hardships, sufferings and starvation has not been told to the people.

Julius Malema continues to describe the rosy picture of a fantastic future and the gullible people believe him. People see free houses, free education, free food, and no taxes to be paid. It is ideology painted in color. Malema should tell people that everybody will be treated equally, and receive a substandard subsidy from government. He should inform the people that there are only two types of people in a socialist country, the government and the poor.

Julius Malema is certainly the new idol of the political arena as he continues to dominate the media and mass meetings held throughout the country. He is the new kid on the block, a leader, a man on a mission, and he is recharging the trusting people to follow him.

It is likely that the EFF is the only party that would succeed in ending the majority rule of the ANC. With his aggressive demonstration to ensure he secures enough votes from the rural and uneducated people around South Africa, he can succeed in securing enough votes to get him into parliament.

Malema will have a hard time convincing the new generation of people who believe democracy and freedom with his election manifesto. There are millions of South Africans that do not want to live under the current ANC government who has failed dismally and want change. A change for true democracy and freedom, not communism is what the majority of people want. People understand that every country needs to secure resources and lead the country in an open policy approach that will allow democracy to shine transparency.

Malema continues to appeal to the unemployed, uneducated and desperate citizens of the country who have nothing to lose. Malema is creating division and hatred among the people. His glorious plan to enrich the citizens is a political liberal game plan. Malema is not stupid, he knows exactly how to manipulate people; after all, he has had the opportunity of doing this for many years.

The people are lead by the nose, and their belief in Julius Malema and his promises are understandably desirous. What they do not know or even attempt to realize is how much Malema and his band of merry men will benefit if elected into power. Twenty years ago, South African people believed the ANC was the answer to their dreams, and have now realized it was a nightmare after all. Now they have the opportunity to invest in a new leader but will they choose one that actually will uplift their lives and not make empty promises again.

Over the last twenty years, black people have had the opportunity to education, and thereby their understanding of socialism would deter them from moving backwards. It is the young dynamic free thinkers that should try to educate the masses of ignorant black people about the reality of communism and separation from the rest of the world. Julius Malema is the idol of the South African political arena for now, and his fairytale of a better life is nothing more than that, there is no happy ending to the story.

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