Sunday, September 11, 2016

Is there a racist terrorist in our midst

His name is Luvuyo Menziwa. Hate speech spilled from his pie-hole, yes, but it’s really much worse.
He put much planning into his statements – his eagerness to incite murder, and encourage violence and mass killings towards minorities. He clearly wants to promote terror in South Africa. The world, including the rest of Successful Africa thru Moral Integrity & Accountability (SAMIA), are looking scornfully at our government that appears to condone this rhetoric (by their lack of action).

All South Africans of every race, color, and creed are outraged by this eminent threat to our society.
On Monday, August 30th, 2016, SRC-member Luvuyo Menziwa declared on social media that he hated white people and that someone should bring him an AK47 or Bazooka so he may kill these – demon possessed humans.

As a Facebook community comprising primarily of black South Africans, we are horrified at the offensive words coming from this man’s mouth, and his admitted pre-meditation thereof. No one in our community agrees with these statements, nor the violent methods described – it is against our consciousness and moral creed as Africans, it is against everything we stand for.

This type of violent rhetoric is only found among terrorists and murderers – people who are miserable cowards and psychopaths who clearly belong behind bars with a life sentence. If South Africa had the equivalent of Guantanamo Bay that is where animals like this belong.

Away with petitioning the University of Pretoria to expel him, our government should detain him and file immediate charges.

When standing back and looking at our country, it is clear that our ANC government’s unwillingness to stand up for ‘morality’ is its primary failing.

The ‘sweep-it-under-the-rug’ policies by our ANC-led government makes it appear they condone the extreme terrorist-threats – just another example of how our ANC policies are jeopardizing a bright future for our majority, country, and condemning our underprivileged to another 40 years in the wilderness.

Menzi Solomon Shange
Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Security officer commits suicide – Komatipoort

Two security officers were performing a firearm handover procedure while in a motor vehicle at a Protea Coin Security site in Komatipoort, Mpumalanga on September 7, 2016.
During the handover, a bullet was accidentally discharged and killed the one security officer. When the colleague realized what had happened, and in his distress, took the same firearm and committed suicide. A tragic and unnecessary loss of young lives, caused by not following safety procedures.

Firearms are a hazard to society and anyone who owns or uses one whether for work or personal purposes should follow the safety processes. It only takes one small accident to take a precious life away.

Gun safety rules and recommendations are intended to avoid accidental discharge or negligent discharge, or the consequences of firearm malfunctions. The purpose of gun safety rules is to eliminate or minimize the risk of unintentional death, damage or injury caused by improper possession, storage or handling of firearms.

Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Friday, September 9, 2016

White squatter camp in Gauteng runs out of water and food

White squatter camp in Gauteng with 180 poor-whites including 51 children, have run out of water and food.
Amidst the ongoing drought, these poor-white communities in South Africa struggle more each day to find clean water and food.

Although only a minority of 3 million white, mostly ethnic-Afrikaner people, the majority-black government has illegally barred these ‘whites’ from the labor market with 115 anti-white hiring laws.
These laws are illegal: In August 2016 the United Nations ordered South Africa to end these laws as these are solely based on racist considerations..

The non-profit organization which provides help to some 60 camps in the greater Gauteng region, the Boer Community Transvaal, urgently needs money to buy large water-storage tanks for these camps so that they can have a ready supply of water for everyone even whenever the municipality turns off its taps. The two major dams supplying water to three South African provinces are at dangerously low levels and many communities are left without water for days on end.

And while the poor-black communities get help, food-aid and benefits from their government, the poor-whites have to fend for themselves: often they are even forcibly removed and their household belongings which they rely on for their survival, scattered and destroyed by local municipal officials.
Your help is urgently needed to help these impoverished, homeless white people in South Africa survive.

Contact and Donation information:
nonprofit organisation 162-012
Coordinator for 60+ camps: Leon Cronjé: cellphone (South Africa: 27) (0) 736317914
Donations (financial):
First National Bank of South Africa (FNB),
Account Nr 62577687381, Branch Code 250141
Address of bank:
Florida, Gauteng, South Africa
Name of account:
Boeregemeenskap Transvaal
15 Church street,
1725 Florida Johannesburg
Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dog raped by three children - Pretoria South Africa

What is this world coming to. Not only do we have to worry about our children and adults being raped and murdered everyday in South Africa. Now the defenseless animals are victims.

Criminal charges have been brought against the three boys and the police are investigating, together with the SPCA.  The incident happened in Pretoria, Gauteng.

Apparently the three kids took the dog on a hunting trip, with the owners permission. And during their hunting expedition the dog was raped. Nobody would have known about the horrific act but one of the boys told a school friend and that turned into a confession of animal abuse.

South Africa the land of crime and animal abuse.

You can read the entire story published on the Citizen -  here is the link

Three boys confess to raping dog they borrowed for hunting

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Father of two toddlers murdered in cold blood – Durban

Another parent of two young children murdered in cold blood. Murder and robbery in Durban. A 35 year-old victim Gary Mackay, husband of Symone and father of two toddlers murdered.

Gary heard noises in early hours of morning and went downstairs to investigate. He was confronted by three armed suspectss. A struggle ensued as he tried to stop the armed intruders from getting to his family, he was shot in the abdomen.

His wife, Symone, and his two children, aged 19 months and 4 years, were awake upstairs and heard the incident. After shooting Gary in cold blood the three intruders proceeded upstairs where they held Symone at knife point before making off with valuables.

Gary MacKay gather of two toddlers murdered in cold blood - Durban - Image -  CICA South Africa
Gary MacKay gather of two toddlers murdered in cold blood – Durban – Image – CICA South Africa

Another tragedy and murder of an innocent person. It is said that one person is murdered every 30 minutes in South Africa. The people of South Africa are forced to live like prisoners in their home due to the high crime rate. Crime continues to soar across South Africa resulting in the death of innocent people. Residential suburbs are targeted with petty crimes to more dangerous ones. While the unemployment factor remains high, drug related crimes and people desperate to feed their families turn to crime for survival. The petty thieves do not allow the high electric fence walls hinder their determination to break into a house. Often the armed response teams arrive on the scene and capture the amateur perpetrators, who risk a jail time for their reckless behavior. Other intruders get lucky and turn the stolen goods, often electronic equipment into cash for much needed provisions for their starving families or to support their drug addition. More serious crimes often result in a family member being critically injured by the intruder.

Criminals do not care about life, who they kill and who they injure and the government does not care about crime. There is no quick solution to combating crime while the government turns a blind eye to the reality of the situation.

Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News