Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Marikana Report (VIDEO)

President Jacob Zuma is delaying the release of the Marikana Report until June 30 and probably due to good communistic reasons. Zuma is still studying the report, and cannot release this to the public until “we” (meaning ANC bigwigs) have a clear indication of instruction and understanding of the recommendations. The report was handed to Zuma at the end of March. Why would he want the world to know that the African National Congress (ANC) party is guilty of oppressing people in a democratic country? The report is said to name prominent government leaders, including Cyril Ramaphosa, the deputy president of South Africa.

In a video,  (link is below) a miner who survived that fateful day said, "when Mandela became president of South Africa, he ended the oppression of millions who suffered under the old apartheid regime and now under the Zuma presidency, the people are once again being oppressed. "
On August 12, 2012, 34 black miners were killed and scores more injured by the South African Police Force, acting on instructions from a top ANC executive to "Shoot to Kill."

There was no outrage from international communities at this human rights abuse. A cold-blooded murder in a democratic country under the ANC government, and if this had to happen during the apartheid era there would have been a war. The Marikana killings have been compared to the Sharpeville and Soweto riots and many will recall the wrath and condemnation of the white government for merciless killings. Sanctions toppled the country, embargoes were put in place, travelling became a problem and South Africa was isolated from the world, banned from sporting events, including the Olympics. Under apartheid deaths like the Marikana killings were regarded as hate crimes and splashed all over the world.

What is the difference between the Marikana killings and the Soweto riots? Is there a comparison, or is the world blinded by the Zuma charm?

The ANC have implemented communist tactics like muzzling the press, allowing the police to kill, land grabs, the genocide of minority groups, and instilling fear into the brain-dead supporters. Marikina was no accident, it was planned to show the people what would happen if they continue to protest, either over wage disputes, service deliveries or any other protest.

The ANC have probably received the green light from the international community for their bully tactics and mindless actions, after all there was no noise or outrage over the innocent loss of lives.

Link to Marikana News

Friday, June 19, 2015

South Africa the Eskom Begging Bowl

South Africa the Eskom Begging Bowl

South Africa

Eskom, the power giant of South Africa is once again holding the begging bowl for more money. The power giant need money; there is none left for maintenance, upgrades, and the continued blackouts will not stop until Eskom gets more money.
The Eskom power utility diverts electricity to neighboring countries, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Swaziland, and Lesotho while South African faces rolling blackouts. Eskom cannot supply local power demands yet provide countless other countries.
ANC spin doctors come out in defense of the power giant and declare that the government has not received sufficient reports about the country being adversely affected by the ongoing power cuts. The power outages are crippling the economy, and the government does not recognize that the Eskom problem is a crisis at this stage.
Yet, (that is the magic ANC word), the spin-doctors would tell the good story of the new power plants, the escalating maintenance plans, the new CEO and ongoing commitment of how many people have received electricity since 1994. Not much is said about the Medupi power station that was scheduled to come online in 2012 and the failure of not completing this within the planned time-frame or the double cost the new plant will incur due to incompetence.
It is not only the Medupi power station; there is the coal-burning power plant meant to produce about 4,800MW once all units are completed. Of course, this would make a vast difference to the present capacity and could be used as a backup system while other generators are shut down for maintenance. Eskom changed the date from 2012 to 2013 and then moved on to 2014 and now it might be 2015 but more likely 2017. There is a tiny problem that needs to be resolved and the development of the control technology for the power plant to produce electricity is not finished. A French company Alstom is behind on the schedule, and Eskom approached a German Company Siemens to complete the first two-8000MW units. Unfortunately, Siemens did not perfect the technology either. In the meantime, Alstom will be working on the other four units. Competence at its best, build a power station around technology that is still being developed and not tested successfully. At least the building of the power plant is being done, and Eskom can produce something of the ZAR105 billion South African taxpayers have paid.
The power plant deal of Eskom puts the ANC arms deal to shame. At least the unions are smiling, as the delays, or sabotage of the project prolongs the building phase, it means the workers receive more benefits and higher wages. Eskom subcontracting to dodgy companies does not help the progress either. There was an incident when delays with supplying electricity were caused by faulty welding inside a boiler. Eskom took action against an unnamed contractor for falsifying paperwork and taking short cuts with procedural work.
As outgoing CEO, Brian Dames said in a media briefing “Eskom is in control.” One can question the merits of control, when school rooms are in the dark, homes are in the dark, business shut down due to no power, and chaos on the roads in South Africa.
Now Eskom wants a further 25.3 percent tariff increase and there is mounting criticism by Unions and public against the power giant calling for yet another bailout. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) was quick to defend the working class of South Africa calling the increase an outrage against the poor people of South Africa. COSATU represents millions of ordinary workers who can barely afford to live above the breadline and increasing the tariff again will have an adverse effect on the well-being of millions.
Another outgoing Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona indicated that the problem and challenges for the power giant to keep the lights on were the failure of maintenance of plants. Matona, compared the power plant maintenance to that of a car, saying if not maintained would deteriorate. However, the question should be why consumers and, in particular, the working class be liable for Eskom’s incompetence. Eskom management is to blame for delays and maintenance programs, and it would be unfair to hold the consumers accountable for failures caused by mismanagement.
There is a major concern that business and communities will suffer from the impact of higher electricity tariffs. Eskom will not reduce the cost over a period of years and therefore once the green light is passed for the increase, there may yet be another demand for money next year.
COSATU does support the ANC and amplifies the good work and essential services the democratic government has delivered to the people of South Africa since 1994. However, COSATU believes an increase in electricity charges would negate all the good work the ruling party has produced. COSATU happily report on the people who have been excluded from basic services from the evil apartheid system and the generous free electricity of 50kwh a month given to its citizens.  - READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV


South Africa Julius Malema Not Clowning Around

South Africa Julius Malema Not Clowning Around

South Africa

Julius Malema leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party of South Africa disrupts parliament again and is not clowning around when signing “Payback the Money,” which is aimed at President Jacob Zuma. Zuma did not have any time to answer questions due to the rowdy EFF members who are still chanting an old song. More pressing issues need to be raised and answers to Africa’s current problems need to be addressed yet Malema is adamant that the Nkandla story is not over.
The EFF members deny obstructing parliament, however, Malema did confirm that there will be no retreat from the Nkandla issue and the money spent on upgrades on the president’s homestead. Although the African National Congress (ANC) ruling party of South Africa, has acquitted the president of any wrongdoing over the vast amounts spent on Nkandla, Malema strongly opposes the ruling.
The ruling ANC party is deeply worried about the activities leading to the sudden and unfortunate adjournment of parliament. The National Assembly is a forum where parties, representing  diverse views, discuss and resolve matters in an attempt to move the country forward. The ANC believe the incident of the EFF party is an attack on democracy and the constitution of South Africa.
The EFF are misleading the people into believing the disruptions of Parliament are in favor of good governance. It is the obsessive hatred of Zuma that causes the continuous disruptions and in doing so, it disrupts the critical debates of pressing issues. Malema would do well to engage in a discussion and tackle problems relating to unemployment, energy crisis, service deliveries, and many more pressing issues in South Africa.
In South Africa, there have been many disruptions in parliament over the past two years, and the EFF are the main culprits. No serious business is discussed or debated as each time Malema and followers will disrupt the session singing the same tune.
The EFF party was a spin-off from the ANC when Malema was banned from the ruling party. The new party was formed to challenge the principles of the ANC, yet, the mandate of the EFF is socialist and unruly. Zuma groomed Malema who in the past was the most ardent supporter of the president, yet the years have shown that loyalty within the ANC does have a price.
Malema is a clown, and the ignorant masses love the manner in which the EFF present the law. It is a cowards way of scoring cheap political points. The whole issue of money spent on Nkandla is over, Zuma will not pay back any money and Malema forgets the benefits he received as president of the ANC youth league. The EFF party does not have a strategy and purpose. The ANC have the majority seats in parliament and the six percent held by the EFF reflects their weak political strength.
Malema and the EFF members are acting with a boys club behavior and a gangster mentality. There is no respect for the proceedings and the country. The noises the EFF makes is indeed an empty jar of nothing................ READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV

Monday, June 15, 2015

South Africa the Land of Golden Handshakes

South Africa the Land of Golden Handshakes

South Africa

South Africa is indeed the land of golden handshakes and the ruling African National Party (ANC) should implement legislation aimed at the public sector institutions. The law must stipulate the maximum benefits offer and consider creating specific incentives through the budget process to hold agencies and managers accountable for their golden goodbye handshake and subsequent personnel decisions. Most importantly, the legislation must provide for a post-audit of any golden goodbye handshake program authorized for the government departments.
The recent golden handshakes that have rocked the public sector are scandalous to say the least and an outrage to the citizens in general. There is no indication of these payouts benefiting the nation. Furthermore, the unfettered access to state coffers by ruffians, masquerading as political saviors, must be restrained at all costs. The state should concern itself with providing services to the nation given that profit making has never been the object of its exercise. ‪
South Africa has given far too many golden handshakes to unqualified comrades who should have been dismissed for nonperformance. A golden handshake with a suspension comprising of full salary because too much may be said to bring disrepute and destabilize the country. Between the ANC and the Democratic Alliance, who is destabilizing South Africa. ZAR246 million to one man for a cattle kraal, fire pool, and a chicken run. Another ZAR193 unexplained amount for in Mangaung in the Free State and heaps of money for eTolls. Municipalities around South Africa fail to receive a clean audit and the government calls for no accountability.
South Africa seems equated to the-the old Latin saying, “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King” meaning that someone with limited ability is considered highly by those with no ability at all. In South Africa, the blind are the voters and the King is the ANC. Insanity would be the queen and that would sum up the ANC quite well. The insane policies are killing the country and the blind cannot see, yet there will come a time when the blind will feel.
Where are the tenacity, patience, forward thinking, and intelligence?.............READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV
Opinion by Laura Oneale
Edited by Maurice Cassidy


South Africa Al-Bashir Slipped Out of the Country

South Africa Al-Bashir Slipped Out of the Country

South Africa

South Africa President Omar Al-Bashir, slipped out of the country, has left Johannesburg, and is expected to land in the Sudanese capital Khartoum this evening. Sudan’s State Minister confirmed that President Al-Bashir will address the crowds gathered to meet him on his return.
Al-Bashir stands accused in connection with crimes committed in Darfur which lead to the murder of almost a half-a-million civilians and displacement of millions. The International Criminal Court (ICC) instructed the South African government to arrest Al-Bashir, who arrived in the country over the weekend to attend the African Union Summit.
The South African government undermined the judicial system and challenged the court’s decision. President Jacob Zuma let a precious moment pass to bring justice to the millions that died in Darfur. Opposition party, the Democratic Alliance, called for the arrest of Al-Bashir but failed to achieve this end of justice. From the onset of the arrival of Al-Bashir, the bid by the South African Litigation center to have the Sudenese president arrested was an exercise of futility.
Zuma said that all international delegates attending the African Union Summit were given diplomatic immunity and as such could not be arrested. The ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), said that the ICC is no longer a useful organization and holds the view that it is a court of last resort for the prosecution of crimes against humanity. The unwavering commitment from countries in African and Eastern-Europe to uphold human rights, continue to bear the brunt of ICC decisions, and the most recent is the Sudanese example.
Al-Bashir was allowed to return home unchecked, and South Africa’s decision will be severely condemned internationally and not so loud throughout the African Continent. It will be a massive blow to the credibility of the ICC. On the other hand, if South Africa did concede to the demands of the ICC and arrest Al-Bashir, African leaders would condemn the action. The South African government would be accused of ensnaring African leaders into a set-up. Should the ICC leave African problems to the African leaders? The ICC would now have to go to Sudan to arrest Al-Bashir and will probably realize that there is more unity among African leaders than the west.
Zuma, the president of South Africa should be charged with aiding and abating the escape of a murder, after South African President Al-Bashire slipped out of the country. There must have been an over flight and landing request provided by the South African Defense force, prior to the departure of Al-Bashir. Zuma and the ANC government are accessories to the genocide of more than 300,000 Africans. Zuma should have detained Al-Bashir and sent him to the United States for trial for the gruesome crimes committed.
South Africans have turned the entire Al-Bashir escapism into a racist argument and comments on social media state that Africans do not want the president of Sudan arrested because he is black. Crimes of the past do not matter and the current state of the country being in shambles is of no concern. There is a peace process presently being facilitated between Sudan and Southern Sudan, including the rebels. Although people are displaced and subjected to extreme poverty, the only hope for peace and stability is through the current process of negotiation. ............READ THE ENTIRE STORY - PUBLISHED TODAY ON THE GUARDIAN LV