Tuesday, February 23, 2016

South Africa a Mess

In South Africa, if you don't like it, burn it, why do you want historical statues, painting, art, it all forms part of the injustices of the past. Burn it, strike, riot, fight and take to the streets in protest. The ongoing university violence are uncontrolled and what is the use of political parties condemning the acts. Politicians only know how to condemn and do not have solutions for what they are condemning. 

Why don't they call in the riot police and arrest all the culprits. 

In South Africa leadership is dead, always playing a blame game. 

Racist acts have been committed for years even after 1994 so condemning these kind off acts means nothing to the elites.

Yes, there are innocent students caught up in the tangle of unnecessary violent acts. The race card becomes such a massive issue while the country is clouded by corruption and poverty. Are there perpetrators who stratagize to shift the focus away from their evil activities. I wonder.

Donald Trump said the country is in a dangerous and total mess, I think he has hit the nail on the head.


Donald Trump calls South Africa a “total – and very dangerous – mess”

Last night American business magnate Donald Trump bad-mouthed South Africa on Twitter.
His tweet read:
“As I have long been saying, South Africa is a total – and very dangerous – mess. Just watch the evening news (when not talking weather).”


Business As Usual

Tender Fraud, corruption, money laundering, bribery and theft is the new way of doing business in South Africa. So many cases of corruption, fraud come into the spotlight and disappear before the culprits are brought to book. It seems that if you are politically connected you can boast about how well business is in South Africa. The arrogant attitude of people not only in state departments but the private sector who succumb to fraud as an easy way to enrich themselves and they do not care about the poor. It is a friend of a friend, or family members who are connected to the web of corruption that drains the economy, and does not leave any hope of business operating honestly. 

 A recent story of money laundering has the African National Congress (ANC) saying there is another good story to tell. Pankie Sizani the wife of ANC MP Stone Zizanie was acquitted because a witness disappeared. It is not a good story, it is a miscarriage of justice. A good story would have revealed the judge being presented with all the evidence and finding the lady guilty.

 It is a pity the people involved never end up in jail. Most are acquitted, or disappear until the story is forgotten.
Sizani acquitted on five counts of money laundering
Pankie Sizani, the wife of ANC MP Stone Sizani, has been acquitted on five counts of money laundering at the close of the state’s case.
Sizani is accused of defrauding the Eastern Cape Education Department out of R1.2-million by creating “ghost” teachers.
It was further alleged that she tried to launder the money through the bank accounts of some of these teachers.
However, the state was unable to track down the witnesses in respect of five counts of the 15 counts of money laundering and the court on Tuesday (23/02/2016) acquitted her accordingly.
Sizani must still answer to the fraud allegations and the remainder of the money laundering charges.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The ANC Tells Another Story

Dennis Bloem, Chief Whip of COPE wrote a piece on the recent announcement by President Jacob Zuma wanting to have one capital, which accordingly to Zuma will save the country money.  While it might make sense to have one capital instead of two, it is the cost involved in relocating and finding accommodation, etc., for all the ministers, deputies, security staff, and all the other background employees who form part of the elite. 
In my opinion, the move would give the president and his ministers an opportunity to rob the taxpayers again.  The move will open up an avenue to commit fraud and corruption, and all the Gupta linked, ministers family members and Zuma children will get the tenders and will be allowed to charge astronomical amounts for poor services. 

We only have to look at the tender fraud over the last few years to know that it will not change while Zuma, says THE ANC COMES FIRST.  It is only another opportunity to steal again.

Listening to the State of the Nation debate over the last few days confirms how members of the ANC protect Zuma, and it is all because the president has aligned MP's in such a manner that guarantees his protection.  After-all, if Zuma falls, then so will many MP's fall with their president.  The debates were all packed with lies, and outbursts,  the ANC sounded so desperate with a hint of fear.  I can imagine that not too many people are sleeping well. It must be awful trying to remember all the lies told over the last ten years or so.  The ANC is a dying party, they have raped the country, clinging to the old strategy that APARTHEID caused all the problems, promoting racism, blaming the white minority, and do not know what the word TRUTH means.

The worst part of social justice in South Africa is the fact that the ANC president and members abuse the majority by lying to them. The ANC have perfected the art of lying and sometimes when they speak, the words uttered are so convincing, one would think they were telling a true story. But then one only has to look at the cities, the squatter camps, the broken infrastructure, crime and corruption, to know that it is another ANC lie.
  I cannot remember the name of the ANC member who during the SONA debate said that "under the ANC millions of people have been given homes", I actually laughed and then thought about this statement. Yes, millions do have homes, in squatter camps.  In 1994, there were no squatter camps and now, there are thousands of these filthy, rat infested, tin shacks that have sprung up on any piece of vacant land. Homes that do not have running water, electricity, or proper roads.  What a deceitful party the ANC have become.
Unfortunately for the ANC, the majority are opening their eyes and ears, they are beginning to understand what fairness is, what good governance means and how the country can prosper.  Soon the ANC will lose its power grip and float away. The sad part is that the resources have all been plundered.

Here is the article written by Dennis Bloem, it really is a good read.


The announcement by President Zuma to have one capital is a red herring. If it happens, he will no longer be President. His attempt to assuage the anger of taxpayers who will be incensed with tax increases in 11 days’ time, will not work. Everyone knows how extravagant he has been in using extreme patronage to keep his power base. COPE has repeatedly asked for a massive reduction on the size of government through all three spheres. 

The richest countries in the world cannot afford to carry as many public representatives as we have in all three spheres of government.

While contemplating a move to have one capital, President Zuma could have announced that cabinet would be slashed to 20 ministers and 10 deputy ministers. Such a move would remove the need for houses, cars, offices, staff, and so on for 15 ministers and 28 deputy ministers. In effect the savings would be greater than consolidating the two capitals. The beauty is that this could be done at once.

Last year we pleaded with President Zuma not to accede to salary increases for himself and for public representatives. He shut his ears so tight no sound could penetrate that barrier.

The national debt has soared to over a trillion rand. As a result, between R130 – R140-billion will have to be taken out from the revenue government collected to service the national debt. This reduces fiscal space. On top of that, having an obese government too big to keep awake and too big to keep mobile erodes fiscal space even more. The Zuma excessively extravagant Zuma administration must not look to taxpayers meekly digging deeper to bail out his government. He will soon see tax protestors joining the rank of other protestors. The government must begin with a 60% reduction in the size of government.

President Zuma can no longer have his cake and eat it. Even if the ANC comes first for him, he can no longer pamper them at the expense of the public. Forty three ministers and deputy ministers must go at once. Other tiers of government must also downsize.

MPs and ministers have been equally guilty in allowing the monumental increase in the size of government. They have eaten well and satiated themselves while the poor have grown hungrier all the time. The so called “better life” has been a phantom. The transformation that was promised never happened. Inequality has widened. Society is fracturing. Government has to downsize.

Voters will need to do what ruling party MPs and Baleka Mbete have refused to do: call government to account. They can do so by creating voter blocs in each ward and for such voter blocs to demand proper service delivery. By applying voting pressure, people can take back government and prevent the ruling party from continuing to be the self-serving oligarch that it has been since 2009.

If society fails to act, as ruling party MPs have failed to act, our sovereign bonds will be reduced to junk status and the hardships that will follow for people will be “too ghastly to contemplate”,
Dennis Bloem