Sunday, June 7, 2015

Nkandla Funnies

President Zuma wasted the Money. Jan van Riebeeck is to blame as ususal.

Nkandla still needs a Soccerfield!

Be honest Nkandla doesn't even look nice....for that price...........

I am not satisfied with Nkandla renovations, the government should add extra security features.

Zuma's chickens live better than the majority of South Africans. Nkandla is a slap in the face to the poor people of South Africa who live in shacks, suffering under the Zuma regime.


Saturday, June 6, 2015


South Africa a time bomb waiting to explode - Brother of Former President Thabo Mbeki tells the story.

30th May, I wrote a similar article - here is the link
“South Africa is a bomb waiting to explode, all it needs is a little match to spark it and it will go up in flames,” warned political economist, Moeletsi Mbeki.
Speaking to CNBC Africa in an exclusive interview, Mbeki the younger brother to the former President, Thabo Mbeki said the government needed to do more to create employment in the agriculture sector.
“South Africa is a country with huge amounts of tension in terms of the underperformance of its economy,” said Mbeki.
“We have a 40 per cent unemployment rate among Africans and 30 per cent unemployment rate amongst coloured [people] which are the two largest populations in this country.”
Mbeki warns that with those levels of unemployment, the country is bound to have tensions, political and social instability with locals venting their anger and frustrations on foreigners.
He concurred that the country was moving towards an 'Arab Spring' uprising largely because the population was highly dependent on the urban economy which was completely commercialised.
“The country needs to have an economy that creates employment because we dont have the cushion of peasant agriculture like other regional economies,” he added.
According to Mbeki, about 50 per cent of people between the ages of 15-24 years are unemployed with the rest of Africa having about 11 per cent which was resulting in criminal activities and instability as these young people had nothing to occupy themselves with.

S.Africa is heading for an uprising: Mbeki
South Africa is sitting on a ticking time-bomb, this according to political economist Moeletsi Mbeki.
Mbeki said the recent deployment of the military and police quell rebellions was not going to solve the social problems the country was grappling with.
“We have had the military deployed to the townships before, using the tactics employed by the National Party is not going so solve the challenges the country is facing, this will not solve the problems creating unrest,” he said.
Deshan Govender, managing executive for large corporations at Vodacom said business needed to contibute to the fight against the recent spate of xenophobia as this was having an impact and doing business in the country.

South African Chamber of Commerce chairman Vusi Khumalo said xenophobia needed to end as long term effects would hurt the economy and undermine the concept of ubuntuwhich South Africa was known to stand for.




Nkandla Zuma Deserves his Homestead

Have you ever asked black people what their thoughts are about Nkandla, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) song, “Pay Back the Money” and why the opposition parties are desperate to keep the Nkandla debacle top priority.

From an open debate, a loyal African National Congress (ANC) supporter posted this statement:

“Ok, since every opposition wants Zuma to pay back the Nkandla money here's a solution to make things easy. Every remaining national party former leader must pay back all the billions personally misused during the apartheid era then Zuma can pay back the money! Period.”

There were a few responses to the above statement, read and you can decide.

I agree with u leader but its mostly white people that's making noise about the Nkandla budget spent for Nkandla forgetting their fathers also misused the country's billions on unnecessary things and to enrich themselves so. When a black man does it, it's a problem. In other words black people aren't supposed to be rich to them we belong in the garden of bass John.

A big chip on his shoulder.

Correct Ikageng but u don't always have to look back at what happened during that era, we must move 4ward.We love our ANC and our President must lead by example & settle all the dust for the sake of the country & the image of the movement.

Makes sense.

I'm not disputing cdr, all I'm saying is Nkandla saga must be a full stop and no more funds must be abused anymore everybody must just forget about that money it's done its done let bygone be bygones and move on instead these white skins are busy pushing him to pay and that's annoying. If they want him to pay, they must pay the np debt they cost the country.

After a very long time of suffering, torture, imprisonment and oppression by a brutal white government, my president finally has a place he calls home!!!!!! You deserve it my president!!!!

Zuma deserves to …………….

Nothing wrong about the house is just the hatred of media and opposition against the Son of the soil.
This Nkandla report, by the look of things, will land in court, this opposition is so obsessed with the Pres, that they will drag it through to the CON Court. Pres Jacob Zuma is no fool, this man knows how to deal with his opponents.

Yes, with corruption Zuma might succeed.

Please tell all the white immigrants, who live on stolen land, to sell it and give back to the people which belonged to their ancestors. One wrong do not make another wrong right, the fact is they grabbed the best of this country so that they still control the economics and refuse to even share.

After 21 years, the mindset has not changed.

Comrades 2016 local govt elections are just around the corner let us stay focused and let them continue making noise about Nkandla at the end they will have nothing to offer their followers. They will sell red t- shirts and overall things which are free at ANC.

Let’s join ANC, everything is free.

"Some White people going on about Nkandla and unjustified enrichment, like their entire existence isn't unjustified enrichment.

The same old, same old.

You've been a beneficiary of Apartheid looting all your life, never used the words 'unjustified enrichment'. Suddenly you do... because Zuma? Your house is on land that was taken through forced removal, built with money from Apartheid theft. But you wanna talk 'unjustified riches'? Deep down, no one likes Nkandla. But let's not have beneficiaries of the greatest unjustified enrichment ever, Apartheid, telling us..."

It was not me.

Why ANC always fight whites if u don't want whites chase them out of South Africa starting with all whites that are faithful to ANC, e.g., Trevor Manuel, Jessie Duarte, etc so we can blame them no more.

Can you imagine!

Nkandla has been a controversial discussion for years now, and it is evident that there is a certain stigma of “white” abuse and an intense dislike for white people, and the apartheid era. Well after I read these comments, I have come to the conclusion that there are a few decent black people who want peace and a whole bunch who would take up arms and chase the whites out of the country. It is the entitlement mindset.

Friday, June 5, 2015

South Africa Corruption FIFA and the ANC

South Africa Corruption FIFA and the ANC

South Africa

Enjoying political protection from the African National Congress leadership could be a possible indication that corruption or bribery to FIFA to host the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is a reality. Corruption is uncontrolled in South Africa and current events rolling out this week over the high corruption and bribery within the world governing body FIFI may well prove that South Africans are in fact guilty of such.
Amazingly when the FIFA scandal hit the headlines around the world, Thabo Mbeki said that the South African government did not pay any money in bribes to host the world cup game. How noble of Mbeki to remind the South African people of how gallant the ANC government performed. Days later, a statement emerged that South Africa had indeed donated $10 million, toward the soccer association of North America, Central America and the Caribbean Islands (Concacaf).
South Africa officials first went from no involvement to denial, and as pressure mounted up against the staff, somebody owned up to a donation, not a bribe. Now the blame game begins and hopefully, admission to corruption will ultimately be spilled over the media. However, hanging on to honor might delay the record while officials try to figure out who is best to take the rap for the bribery or donation.
South African sports and recreation minister Fikile Mbulula issued a statement confirming that Mbeki made the decision to donate the money. Of course Mbeki’s decision to give such large amount of money without telling government or voters is peculiar. Usually when the ANC party makes donations, such as a week before voting, and giving sacks of mielie meal to voters in exchange for a vote, the state television and media are informed to expand on the generosity of the ANC party.
It has emerged that former FIFA executive Charles Blazer admitted in a court testimony that bribes were taken to secure the South African 2010 World Cup. Blazer made this confession in November 2013. South Africa denies the bribe but confidently confirms a donation. The integrity of South African officials is on the line as new stories emerge about this vast FIFA corruption disgrace.
Bribery and corruption are nothing new in South Africa and staying on the topic of the 2010 world cup, one of the stadiums built for this spectacular event was surrounded by a massive corruption scandal. The Mbombela stadium cost ZAR1.2 billion to complete, and the approved tender to Lefika Emerging Equity was at the center of a corruption charge. The three directors were charged and subsequently released on bail. A fraud charge so significant that a councilor Jimmy Mohlala, who pushed for the investigation, was assassinated. Enjoying political protection by provincial ANC leadership, who failed to respond to the compelling evidence against Lefika and who blocked legal prosecution for three years, the case was struck off the roll. Two years ago the National Prosecuting Authority confirmed this and said the case was not dismissed and could be reinstated. So bribery is not immoral when the protecting ruling party is involved.
Opinion by Laura Oneale - published on the Guardian LV today


Zuma gets a salary increase

I am knocked for six by the devotion some people have for Zuma, I wonder if the people are stupid or under a black magic Zuma Spell.
In South Africa, people are still living in tin shacks, starving and cold, yet Zuma received a seven percent salary increase. Does Zuma deserve the salary increase while the economy is on a down slide? What are the ordinary people saying about this?

Somebody asked a question,  “why increase his salary now, someone please explain.”

The answers are astounding  
  1. It is a board salary increase for all public office bearers.
  2. Zuma deserves one.
  3. So what!
  4. That’s nice!
  5. Petrol has increase, I don’t see anything wrong with that.
  6. That’s good!
  7. Zuma is entitled to a salary increase.
  8. The country needs the money more than he does.
  9. The ANC belongs to Zuma.
  10. Stop criticizing our President.
  11. We have an obligation to our President.
  12. The man has to support his wives.
  13. Viva President JZ.
  14. You deserve it my President.

 Another Question -  “the condition of the economy is not good, the government should focus on uplifting the economy. The President was fine with his current salary and the state dresses him, transports him, built a mansion for him, so why does he need an increase.”

  1. Not everyone has the benefits he as,and the president has to put the people’s needs first.
  2. Many people are angry about the cost of his house, only the ANC members are happy.
  3. Shouldn’t the ANC focus on winning back voters from the DA rather than the president's salary
  4. Well, the people living in shacks are not happy about this.
  5. Don’t you think the taxpayers need to have a say?
  6. The timing is wrong, and the increase unnecessary.
  7. Am wondering if the ANC care about the people after hearing about this increase.
  8. Keep in mind the president puts the people first so he deserves the increase.

Zuma the champion of the black people.