Sunday, May 31, 2015

South Africa Western Education Destroys Cultural Values

South Africa Western Education Destroys Cultural Values

South Africa

Does the Western-based education system destroy cultural values, brainwash and keep South Africa and the rest of the continent intimidated? It might be true that western propaganda is an elevated superiority, the best and most advanced so far in the world. So powerful that it has infiltrated and destroyed many countries in the world, including Africa. The counter-revolutionary measures have also diverted many honorable Communist and Socialist movements, forcing them into defensiveness, militancy, and suspicion. This is the view of black South Africans.
Education is a form of learning, knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values. From one generation to another, through discussion, teaching, storytelling, and research, education gives guidance and direction for young minds to emerge as educated skilled people.
There is a belief that the western education system is nothing more than a well designed tool to kill the African indigenous knowledge, technology and social-economic development. An instrument to gain power over Africa and all the resources. A conviction that the Western education system is a procedure to inflict the minds of African people into believing the past historical culture is irrelevant. The well-planned western program of teachers and students seem to be the grassroots of society for the cultural and economic values are the targets of infiltration.
The unstable English language makes it even more difficult for Africans to acquire the necessary technology and knowledge needed. It challenges learners in the way that; they concentrate more on learning English vocabularies than the information or knowledge required. Thereby causing confusion of who black people are by ignoring values and ideals to follow and imparting arrogance to the young children.
South Africa is a lost nation because the masses follow the western propaganda and forget the culture and historical perspective. There are several black people who forget the cultural heritage to follow westerners. The mindset that everything belongs to whites and admission that there is no knowledge of how to manufacture airplanes or guns but know how to use the instruments.
The apartheid education system is frowned upon as a capitalist system to control the economy and prevent the masses from attaining economic freedom. The current school system in South Africa needs a fundamental change from the political control and the deliberate attempt to keep the masses uneducated.
Whatever school system South Africa implements there has to be a commitment from the scholars, teachers and parents. Most important is to leave politics out of education. Vandalizing and burning schools must stop, and government must ensure textbooks are available. The ill discipline of students and bad attitudes are not helping to develop a sound education system. Teachers are not qualified or dedicated; there is no commitment. The amount of money spent by the government on education is not invested into teaching the children, but rather missing in corruption and fraud.
Black South Africans must decide if the knowledge of the western education system is worth knowing and as Ntsiki Mazwai a South African artist said the students must not forget the customs, traditions and language. The black students must stop western learning and never forget the deeply rooted heritage of the past. By following the western propaganda, the African is a European clone, brainwashed into forgetting the real African dream.
Opinion by Laura Oneale - Published today on the GuardianLV


South Africa – Moving Forward

The following post is written by black South African, who has an entirely different view of how South Africa is moving forward. There is the element of progress under the present government and a list of great strides taken to ensure the masses have a better life under the African National Congress (ANC). We read about the failing of South Africa, make a noise about the corruption, cry about the white genocide and criticize the ANC government. Perhaps every story has two sides. REALLY?

I enjoyed the post and have refrained from commenting as I would probably be called a racist, however, I did correct the punctuation and a few spelling mistakes and hopefully it makes sense now. I have underlined some points that made me laugh, and, my opinion to this story is -  “Whatever they touch, they turn into S”*T…

Guys let's face it we have failed the people by building houses for the poor, by improving infrastructure by winning the elections since 1994 over and over again. By building roads and schools getting access to education. Not taking land by force, not hating white people we have failed the people so much that we deliver continuously and they hate it. We have failed the people because now a black man or a white man can be friends and not see through colour.We have failed since we have changes apartheid to freedom and democracy. Oh yes, we have failed by introducing the truth and reconciliation commission and not the death penalty for those who murdered our mothers and fathers so brutally.
Oh yes, black people we have failed South Africa that now more and more of you fill the flights every day yet all u could do was watch it from the sky and sing praises to such beauty. We have failed cause we have filled boardrooms and turned small business to multi-million enterprises. You have failed that now black Doctors fill your theatre not to clean but to do operations and concur. You have failed that you flooded the universities with the free bursaries and tertiary schemes that were only there for our white brothers and sisters.
Oh yes, you have failed us so much that the world has regarded us as the most progressive African country. You have failed u cause nobody can find our president guilty of anything in a court of law but in corridors. Oh, you had failed us that when former white leaders built mansions and palaces from your tax money invested overseas u had no problem now when a black president does same we make loudest noise. So empty are our vessels you black people have failed us that you are becoming successful to the disappointment of many.
You black people failed us cause u now know ure worth and are not willing to settle for less. You black people have failed us for being courageous to say enough is enough: and got rid of a system which separated us in all levels education services, housing human rights and dignity this is how you failed us.   So please black people stop failing us and start messing up so we can feel we have been right all along, black people can't lead. So for all those angry black and white brothers who feel black leadership has failed South Africa well keep on barking, dogs never bark at a stationary locomotive they bark at one moving. So it's a sign that u barking cause we black people coloured people Indian people and transformed white people are moving South Africa forward.
We are proud South Africans who believe that change need to happen to liberate the masses. We are change makers and as long as change in the lives of those that matter is happening that old lady getting a pension which helps her through, that young man from squatter camps to a house built with mortar and brick for his family. That child that walks miles to school with the hope of a better future that family who had no running water or electricity now has it. Those children who thought education was the elite few, those young entrepreneurs giving jobs to many today. Those men and woman who thought they would die before they can live in Upmarket suburbs they worked kitchen floors and gardens today they own.
Oh yes, we have our mistakes, abetted problems but to say we can't lead, or have failed our country is only a farce, since the voters who have seen change say it all.The VOTE for change makers, not naysayers or corridor judges

Comments posted by visitors on the above story.
We have made huge strides, but we can do better

Yes under Mandela and Mbeki, now we're going backwards, but we just can't agree with the opposition so we'll keep going backwards of course.

Well, it's not about Mandela and Mbeki since even when they were in power they suffered the same criticism as Dr Zuma is suffering. Then when they were out, they got praised what has changed. Allegations of no merit, corruption which is being dealt with.If I recall there was corruption during Mandela Mbeki times as well. Remember the arms deal, the travel gate scam, the construction tender fixing and so sos many more. So what has changed all that has changed is the goal post. We no longer see the organisation, the team, we now only see the man. Mandela was subject to opposition criticism that is what opposition does, so was Mbeki he was even subject to a vote of no cofidenc3 by the DA. His issues with HIV-AIDS were also put on the light. Even Mandela and Mbeki were questioned for building of their homes for after they retire, so what has changed. We are playing the man not the ball

Saturday, May 30, 2015

South Africa Is a Peculiar Nation

South Africa Is a Peculiar Nation

South Africa

South Africa is a peculiar nation with the African National Congress (ANC) ruling party sneaking around carrying out various racist and communist activities. The politics and deception of the ANC by ascribing the disintegration of parliament protocol to the sick nation. The glaring nature of apartheid’s violent culture is the cause of a sickness spreading across South Africa. Not only are the ordinary people sick, but also the disease has crept into Parliament and according to Zuma, the country must be cured.
How totally and utterly stupid can the ordinary people of South Africa be? Looking back at how many times preferential treatment is given to criminals. A close friend of Zuma, Schabir Shaik was found guilty of corruption and fraud and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. After serving two years and four months prison term, mostly in a hospital, Shaik was granted medical parole in 2009 and lives in Durban. Former national police commissioner Jacki Selebi was found guilty of corruption in 2010 and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment. Selebi was released on medical parole in 2012 and died of a stroke in January 2015. There are other political prisoners in South Africa who have not received preferential treatment because there is no affiliation to the ANC.
How incredibly stupid are the ordinary people of South Africa to watch, Shaik get away with criminal activities. Repeatedly, it is like watching the same charade being played out with Selebi.A lie protects Shaik. Are the ordinary people deaf, dumb and downright stupid to allow the Zuma deceptions to go unnoticed?
Zuma is like a bent reed in the wind, pretending to give in, and exactly the same as former President Thabo Mbeki did. Flexible in the fact of the West, pretending to be decent, caring and leading a country with high potential. Giving only enough to get attention away from the devious, underhanded deeds and when all is under the blanket, continue with racism and communism.
Rest assured Zuma is a leftist communist and the ANC’s big move is to shut down mass media in an attempt to hide the real truth. Exposure of the filthy moves made is not something the Zuma led administration need. Closing down media is a shrewd move to stop the majority of the ANC voters from realising how dirty the ANC play. The biggest drawback to succeeding hinges on the many promises made to the electorate that they will not be able to fulfil.
A great deal of the ANC’s popularity stems from the fact of convincing people; the party would provide free housing, electricity and education. The majority voted for the ANC and still waiting for the promises to be fulfilled. The cold reality of fiscal discipline exploded the pipe dream, and the ANC have found a way out by blaming apartheid.
Opinion by Laura Oneale - Published today on the Guardian LV

South Africa a Time Bomb Ready to Explode

South Africa a Time Bomb Ready to Explode

South Africa

There are many stories comparing South Africa to a time bomb ready to explode from the deplorable conditions and slow genocide of the whites. The delicate situation of crime, corruption and poverty increasing throughout the land raises concern. Living under a communist government led by a president who rules over nepotism, lining his pockets and destroying everything the apartheid government built.There is the element of the South African Communist party affiliated to the governing African National Congress (ANC) who have not sidetracked from influencing the Zuma administration and turning South Africa into a one-party state.
Julius Malema kicked out of the ANC formed a new political party Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in an attempt to be voted into a position of power. Malema is surviving pretty well for a racist genocidal maniac who wants to shoot the Boer (White farmer). Encouraging racism, encouraging genocide, Malema was not in trouble for singing and inciting racial hatred that goes against the grain of the Constitution. Malema got off the hook completely for stirring up of black hate toward Afrikaners. The issue of racial hatred toward whites is not a big deal for the ruling ANC.

The violent offenders who engage in armed violence present the most danger to others. South Africa has experienced some of the bloodiest and cruelest crime scenes. The farm murders and current violent crime epidemic in South Africa saps the sanity of the people living under a communist threat.
Zuma, like Malema, just duck and dive to get away from negative attention, yet are still around to continue the mission of nationalization, communism, and land expropriation. In August 2013, Agang SA leader Mamphela Ramphele described Malema as South African’s own Hitler. Ramphele said Malema was making dangerous promises on land expropriation to desperate people.
The international community continues look away as South Africa degenerates into another race pit. There is coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against whites. Farm murders are not accidental; the massacres are not common crime especially because of the barbarity used against victims. Zuma denies that genocide is happening in South Africa and relates are farm attacks to a crime problem.
Black people are maturing, and the longer the country stays on the road of democracy, the more people will learn. The ANC, Malema, and Zuma will have a lot of contention. The clock is ticking, and while blaming the failures on whites might appeal to them, there will come a time when the West will not be too charmed with over racism. The future promises to be interesting, although Zuma and Malema have not changed. Both Zuma and Malema are more careful and quiet for now.
Opinion by Laura Oneale - published today on the GuardianLV


Friday, May 29, 2015

South Africa: A Good News Story According to Zuma

South Africa: A Good News Story According to Zuma

South Africa

President Jacob Zuma spoke about South Africa 400 years ago, and how the country had peace and joy before the others came, indeed a good news story or so it might seem to the 62 percent of uneducated voters. Words of a revolutionist with no claim to validate that historical claim. Yes, the story and the joy of the Zulu tribe killing and slaughtering innocent people until Jan Van Riebeeck arrived. The good news story ties into hate speech.
During the speech Zuma said South Africa was moving forward under his leadership and listed xenophobia crime as grave problems. Zuma said something was wrong with sections of society. Zuma has a good story one about no potential growth and corruption and crime, but the dribble that spews from his mouth is told to the poor, oppressed people who do not understand democracy.
When South Africa embarked on the post-apartheid, freedom journey, there was an intense and exhilarating excitement. For the majority of South Africa to start on a journey toward a cohesive society and unlock South Africa’s real potential. Steering the ship was Nelson Mandela, who partly succeeded in wooing the people to unite under the rainbow nation. Stepping down and handing over the reigns to Thabo Mbeki, the cracks began to appear. Crime began to increase, and the people remained ignorant. The ship faltered and began losing direction and along came Jacob Zuma and the ship sunk. The only purpose Zuma had was to secure a seat on the throne.
The problem with the masses remaining poor is due in large part to ignorance by placing the power into the hands of a corrupt government who in turn oppress the people. The citizens of South Africa are capable of succeeding but with the current government cannot make progress. Educating the masses is important to overcome and eliminate the poverty that threatens the lives of the poor people.
The leader of the Democratic Alliance Mmusi Maimane said that when applying the mind to the South African good news story, it is perhaps a realization that the country does not need Zuma and his no economic growth. It is a story of moving forward with crime, corruption and keeping the African National Congress (ANC) party in power. It is a story of remaining uneducated, living in fear and in squatter camps. Maimane likens Zuma to a jester rather than a leader.
Published today on the GuardianLV