Sunday, May 17, 2015

Malema Demands Action Against Marikana Killers

Malema Demands Action Against Marikana Killers


Julius Malema, the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Party, is demanding action against the Marikana killers. In a bold move, Malema called upon President Jacob Zuma to release the Farlam Commission report handed over on March 30. The document must be made public and bring closure to the devastating police action against striking miners. During the strike action in August 2012, 44 people were gunned down by South African Police, at Marikana near Rustenburg in the North West.
The Farlam Commission investigated the incident and handed a final report to Zuma at the end of March 2015. To date, the report has not been made public, and Zuma said careful consideration was needed to ensure this type of incident does not happen again. As South Africans wait for the release the report, impatience begins to force the government to take action by making the report public without delay.
In typical Malema style, and while addressing a rally at the beginning of May, in Port Elizabeth, Julius said the report will reveal the responsible person of the Marikana deaths. Malema wants to know who gave the instruction “shoot to kill”. Malema said that the Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa was behind the killings.
Malema said that when the released report was finally made public and evidence that Ramaphosa was not the one responsible, the EFF party would not accept the finding. The EFF want the report to state that Ramaphosa is guilty and be arrested for the murder of the Marikana massacre.
During the rally, Malema lambasted the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party and told the 7000 crowd to do some soul searching why the ANC party was voted into power. Malema said the ruling party was a murderous party.
Malema did not stop throwing insults at the ANC and compared the ruling party to the apartheid regime. Reminding the crowd of the Sharpeville massacre where 69 people were gunned down and over 180 arrested for protesting against apartheid.
On Thursday, this week, Malema once again stated that the report be made public and vowed to pursue private prosecution if Cyril Ramaphosa was not found responsible for the murders at Marikana. Addressing miners outside the Constitutional Court, Malema reminded the crowd about how the EFF party had pursued the Marikana issue and is seeking justice. The message delivered by Malema was aimed at the ANC government and the involvement of Ramaphosa, who gave the instruction to police to shoot the miners.
With delays in publishing the Marikana Commission report, it would not be surprising if the report indeed gave evidence of Cyril Ramaphosa of being guilty. The report according to Malema will find Ramaphosa guilty of killing the former Marikana workers who died when the South African police opened fire. The police action according to Malema was a direct instruction from Ramaphosa to shoot to kill.
The Marikana massacre has hurt the ANC government and compares to the Sharpeville murders when the apartheid government was condemned. The ANC government are delaying the findings by trying to deny the identical incident. During the Marikana killings in August 2012, there was sufficient evidence to know that the police opened fire at the protesting miners who were charging down the hill. It might be said the police acted in self-defense and comparison to Sharpeville, it was a clear intention of the police to shoot to kill.
Other political parties, including leaders of unions are calling upon President Zuma to release the report urgently. Residents and family members who lost loved ones during the massacre need closure in the terrible violence that changed lives. People believe that the report will tell the South African people who gave the order to shoot to kill. It is critical for South Africa’s constitution to know the truth. President Zuma knows the outcome and delaying the report to be made public indicates that the ANC government is in conflict.
Published today on Guardian LV


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mmusi Maimane New Leader a Man With a Plan

Mmusi Maimane New Leader a Man With a Plan

mmusi Maimane

Mmusi Maimane the newly elected leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA), is a man with a plan. The DA is the official opposition party to the governing African National Party (ANC) of South Africa. The election of Maimane as the leader of the DA is a new challenge and a new era for the opposition party.
Maimane is a diverse and energetic person born in the township of Soweto, South Africa, during the apartheid era. Maimane is also a preacher and joined the DA four years ago. As the elected parliamentary candidate, Maimane displayed dynamic and intelligent arguments always enforcing the truth during debate sessions. Raised in an era of hardship and inequality Maimane’s parents worked hard to give the children a decent life. Maimane went to a state school and excelled at university. Mmusi Maimane describes life as a mixture of good values and opportunities and hard work. Maimane elaborates on the importance of family love and support and remains grateful for the caring guidance received from the family.
Maimane is a good friend of Julies Malema the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), a radical political party of South Africa. Both Maimane and Malema were victims of apartheid, strived for a better future and displayed interest in the unity of a democratic South Africa.
In the first speech as leader of the DA party, Maimane said the party is genuinely democratic nd will strive to challenge the values because of that. The real enemies of democracy are poverty unemployment and inequality, and the DA will seek to grow the value of freedom fairness and opportunity. Maimane has a plan to remind South Africans that the dream of a united rainbow nation inspired by Nelson Mandela did not die and that the DA can bring unity among the people.
Freedom fairness and opportunity are the hope for a better future for all South Africans, and the DA will strive to provide the best way forward. Mmusi Maimane will launch the DA values charter in June this year, and will continue to travel across South Africa to meet leaders and dispel rumors about being a puppet of the predominately white Democratic Alliance.
South Africa is starved of real leaders, and the overwhelming majority who voted Maimane as a leader of a genuine democratic party are excepting real change. Mmusi Maimane is a man that inspires confidence The ideology of the DA will not change and as the new leader is committed to true democracy.
The public do not vote for leaders of parties, and the values of the DA should always be the first choice when selecting a political party. Maimane can grow the party and more importantly reach out to the public to realise the actual values of freedom, equality and good governance.
Mmusi Maimane is not a heavyweight politician but does have good political instincts. A new leader and new face and a fresh dose of enthusiasm for the DA. The growth and popularity of the DA have been a combination of good governance, determination and democracy. Maimane as a black man who is passionate loyal and committed has the stamina to lead the DA with great interest. Mmusi Maimane was elected to leadership position based on his incredible leadership qualities and spirit of endurance.
Article published on the Guardian LV


Sunday, May 10, 2015

South Africa Expectation and Entitlement

South Africa Expectation and Entitlement
South Africa

For the majority of South Africa, the attitude is one of expectation and entitlement. The African National Congress (ANC) government jargon is to defend the actions of Affirmative Action, and it is written in a manner that fashions the majority as the oppressed, and the minority the advantaged.
Taxes, resources, and farming skills, of the nine percent white and Indian minority, have for decades fed, educated, protected, and healed the majority of South Africa. Now the ANC government who voice the oppression of Apartheid upon the majority, want more and are forcing the minority to solitude.

Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) laws have once again been amended to empower the majority, the previously disadvantaged people with more entitlement. The BBBEE law is a deliberate confusion to strip the minority of assets and will have a devastating impact on the majority who are not equipped or skilled to grow an economy. The BBBEE is the national transformation program of South Africa aimed at redressing imbalances of the past. The BBBEE is a program of transferring ownership, to managing the financial and economic resources to the majority. According to the ANC, it is a law that will give unskilled people an opportunity to prosper.

As more expectations are forced upon the minority group, and skilled, professional people are unemployed, there is a rise in the number of people leaving South Africa. Unskilled and inappropriate people are placed into positions of expertise, and there is the rise in companies forced to close doors, contributing to higher unemployment. When a struggle begins to implement, the BBBEE and expectations are not met, there is a rise in promoting devious, corrupt means.

South Africa is the only country in the world where Affirmative action works for the majority. The Employment Equity law introduced in 1998 explicitly outlawed all forms of unfair discrimination in the workplace. Unfair discrimination would include all South Africans. The government stipulated that no economy could grow by excluding any part of its people. The BBBEE is an inclusive only program for blacks, and the elaboration of the exclusion in the past given to the majority, does not entitle the minority as an inclusion.

Published on the Guardian LV - read the entire story -

Boy's body found floating in dam

Cape Town - The body of a small child was found floating in a dam on the Nuutgewek farm in Kraaifontein on Saturday, Police have confirmed.
Spokesperson Colonel Tembinkosi  Kinana said an initial investigation at the scene revealed the clothes of the deceased child matches that reportedly worn by Bukho Mktyalwa, 4, who was last seen in a playground in Wallacedene on Wednesday afternoon.
The organisation The Pink Ladies at the time said Bukho was wearing a blue tracksuit top, red gumboots and white/red chequered pants.
"However, it cannot be confirmed at this stage if the deceased body is that of the reported missing boy," Kinana stressed.
"After a week long search for missing children in Hanover Park and Kraaifontein, the police were alerted to the body of an unidentified child found floating in Nuutgewek farm’s Dam on Botfontein road in Kraaifontein," the police said in the statement.
"At about 16.50, police were contacted by a member of the community who saw the body of a small child floating in the water.
"A further process of investigation will be conducted in order to determine if this body is in fact that of the reported 4-year-old boy in Wallacedene. At this stage the police do not want to speculate on the identity of the child, including the circumstances surrounding his death."
Kinana urged members of the public to allow the investigators to finalise their work without speculations, as this may jeopardise the processes as well as the outcome of the investigation. An inquest has been opened for investigation.
Meanwhile, the search still continues for 6-year -old Shasha-Lee November from Hanover Park, who disappeared last week Sunday from where she was playing around the corner from her home.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

South Africa: Who Is Navigating the Democracy?

South Africa: Who Is Navigating the Democracy?
 South Africa
The African National Congress (ANC) governing party of South Africa is not the only force navigating Democracy in the country. After years of the liberation struggle, the ANC finally won the first Democratic election in 1994. As the state of the country deteriorates after 21 years of freedom, questions arise about whether democracy is the ultimate goal of the ANC. The historical Freedom Charter document of the ANC party supports the Democratic freedom of the country and says the people shall govern. The vision of the document is to establish South Africa as a Democratic non-racial state whereby the people would be the guiding voice in government. The only guiding voice the people delegate toward government is in the form of strikes, violence, and crime.

Political stability is not guaranteed and the ANC government are not navigating toward Democracy, but rather toward a socialist society. The coalition government of the ANC receives piloting from the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), and ultimately, from the South African Communist Party, all with conflicting agendas. Tensions among the three partners grow, and there is the threat that the alliance will not stay committed forever.

Years of the liberation struggle for the ANC and alliances have not given the people of South Africa real freedom, but rather forced the country into a socialist state of poverty and crime. The major negative factor is the government corruption causing political instability.

The first ANC president to steer South Africa into a Democracy was Nelson Mandela. During the Mandela five-year term, it would appear that many of the countries problems were deferred or concealed under the cloud of goodwill and spirit of freedom. Thabo Mbeki, the second president, was not as vibrant as Mandela, and as the veil of euphoria lifted, the problems emerged. Under the circumstances, Mbeki did a respectable job even though government corruption and internal conflicts began to take a toll on good governance.

Jacob Zuma is currently serving a second term as the president of South Africa. The collapsing of Democracy grows stronger each year, and in six years under the Zuma rule, South Africa faces enormous problems that continue to intensify. The only voice the people have is through violent reaction to the increasing failing Democracy of South Africa.

The tripartite partnership of the ANC spilling over with political instability and the formation of powerful unions, coupled with unskilled expensive labor discourage foreign investment. The disgraceful health facilities, violent crime, and slow genocide of the minority white race diminish the willingness of foreign investors. Government officials have failed to curb the infiltration of the Nigerian Drug cartel into South Africa. Drug abuse is a monstrous problem linked to the HIV infection, raising the mortality rate in the population.

Perhaps the most destructive policy the ANC have implemented is the affirmative action plan. The policies of the black empowerment policies force companies to replace qualified people with unskilled labor, driving skilled people to emigrate. The affirmative action is a policy that is characteristic of racial discrimination.
The constitutional court of South Africa set up to safeguard and protect the citizens, ensuring that all is equal before the law. It is the Constitutional Court that has on many occasions told the ANC government to get its act together. The Constitutional Court is the only pride of the Democracy.

South Africa has a Public Protector, and this department have uncovered some serious crimes under the Democracy. Corruption and maladministration in government departments are discovered by this department, yet the effectiveness is missing. The independence of this office is critical to ensure fairness and curb the abuse of power. The Public Protector findings are ignored by the ruling party, and unfortunately, rules out constitutional Democracy.

It is said that South Africa has a vibrant parliament. A parliament filled with militant, communist ignorant, half asleep politicians, and the only vibrant entity is the red overalls worn by an opposition party. The robust measure of communism and secrecy is the navigator of the ANC Democracy.

Article published on the Guardian LV