Saturday, May 9, 2015

South African Shares a Story on Vaccinations

Getting inoculated, injected and vaccinated is as old as history.

It was Dr. Edward Jenner who lived at the end of 1700s who modernised it.
He inoculated Cow Pox, serum take from maids who got Cow Pox from milking cows, and inoculated that into people so they would not get Small Pox. Dr. Jenny noticed that those who had Cow Pox did not get Small Pox.
And so he did his research and experiments.
He ended up using live Small Pox to get people immune to Small Pox. It worked. However, some villages that never had Small Pox suddenly got Small Pox from the inoculations! Inoculations actually spread Small Pox! Even then.
It was not intended so cause new outbreaks, but it did.

This is the basis of modern medicine.

What people found in the middle-upper classes is that when people die, suddenly there is money and assets to be passed around. Even poor people who had no future to look forward to suddenly they found they inherited lots after close relatives died.
The bishops in the parishes also benefitted as the parish books balanced for the first time and they were able to build more cathedrals and churches. The Bishop's stipends were the reason the books didn't balance in the first place.
And so throughout society people benefitted during the plagues.

Actually people supported plagues as this helped the economy.

Fast forward to the present time.
Many modern vaccinations have live viruses and these, we are told, to enhance immunity.
Yes, the body immune systems recognise these invasive agents and so the body makes antibodies counteract the disease.
The person is immune and won't get the strains that person was vaccinated with.

After many shots and many new viruses, the body has many diseases inside the body. Too many to cope!
It just needs one instant of stress, another disease, accident etc. and the body can't keep up with the load it has to deal with.
All the live viruses in the body attack the victim all at once. It just takes ten seconds of a destroyed immune system and the virus collectively kill the victim!
There are so many symptoms showing at once the doctors and specialists give up hope on the patient. The patient is sent home to die or handed over to Hospice.
People in business and corporate society they come under lots of stress and this stress causes Yuppie Flu or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Also called M: E, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome.

To add to the weight of diseases many vaccines, which are called safe, have other hidden live viruses in them. This is criminal, but it happens!

Brucellosis called Contagious abortion, is one disease which standard medical doctors don't know the symptoms and are at a loss what is the matter with the patient. I know one victim of this and his GP and specialist told him to go home to die. Fortunately, another doctor found out and the patient's life was saved.

It was on SAfm radio during April 2015, "If you are old your immune system gets weak and can't cope with diseases even if you were vaccinated before. . .Go and get more vaccinations so you can get immune. . ." This is counter productive, as more life viruses will be introduced to the body and so add more burden to the what the body can handle.

And do you know what? It is legal!

And, you will end up going to the doctor and asking him to help you commit suicide. And that is now legal.

You know where the money goes to after you die!

Just avoid all kinds of vaccinations, as there are hidden things in them which the general public don't know about.

Find other ways to cure and counteract diseases. There ARE many options!

South African Farmer Tells a Story – Land Reform and Weapons

 A South African Farmer shares his views on Land Reform and Weapons. The farmer, posted the following letter.
I posted this to Sandy Le Marque CEO of KWANALU.

Dear Sandy,
I noted your contribution in Farmer's Weekly, 8 May 2015.

  'The ongoing battle for sustainable land reform in SA.'

I did not read much only to realize you are leading straight into a death trap.

My great uncle, RJP Otto, he built the railway line from Pietermaritzburg to Greytown and work was completed at the outbreak of Second Anglo/Boer War. He was the civil engineer working for Natal Government Railway. He did the surveying himself and the plans and getting the workers to lay the line.
He told just before he died in early 1965 what was going on. I now live on his farm. He saw from the center both sides of the conflict.

1989 was the nationwide municipality elections. Jan Strydom was standing for the National Party for the Mayor's Walk Constituency, Pietermaritzburg. He placed posters, "Own Areas", Own Voter's Roll", "Own Schools" and he won an 80% victory.
The day he was a city Councillor he opened Mayor's Walk to all races.
18 months later I asked him at his work in Mayor's Walk, "Why did you lie to the voters?"
"The National Party changed their policy" he replied.
18 months later he was gunned down in the same office where I spoke to him. His office is just across the road from the Police Station.

At the end of the 1990s, Lt. Carol Herbst ordered that I hand in my Army R1 Rifle. It was army property and I had to hand it in.
18 months later she was gunned down in her office at Oribi Village, which was Group 9 Commando Base.

She was ordered by members of the South African Communist Party, such as Boxer Pillay, Schabir Shaik and those representing Cuba.

18 July 1998 a minibus with four Asian Indians crashed deliberately into my bakkie. I was lucky that I am still alive as the bakkie caught fire and I ended in ICU and also nearly died in ICU.
No criminal case was allowed to be opened. Collision Case Number I could not find, even in the SAPS Collision Unit.

1 July 2004 the new Firearm Control Laws came into effect.
Most Whites in South Africa handed in their guns.

Schabir Shaik and his fellow travellers did not hand over any of the weapons they had from the time of the Cold War and at the time of Operation Vula.
These include mines, RPG rockets, SAM7 missiles, AKs, handguns and R5s from SAPS stocks and enormous quantities of ammo.

Chris Ball's Barclays bank has been looking after the MK veterans.
The farm Hardingsdale now has over 1000 squatters and most are MK. Guns have already been distributed to the MK veterans ready to be used as from about 15 May 2015.

SAP members in senior positions are the ones who plan and carry out all Farm Attacks across South Africa. They ordered that Robert Mcbride to place a bomb in Magoo's Bar during 1986, killing three Security Branch policemen and injuring other people.
And they ordered that Sipho Shabalala place a bomb at Mowbray Station, 1986, and no one was hurt when it exploded.
Sipho with his two brothers now lives on Hardingsdale.

When Beth Bucher's partner, Dan Knight, was brutally murdered near Underberg, at the trial, Beth said in court, "Not all the suspects are here in court standing trial . . ." Yet the local country newspapers wrote they are satisfied the way the police were able to bring suspects to trial and get a conviction. The trouble is, the primary suspect was spirited to Lesotho by the police. That is what I was told.

On the farm Ottosdale, next to Hardingsdale, the farmhouse is full of all kinds of weapons, as mentioned above.
The Mountain Rise police cover up what is going on.
Neighbours have hunting rifle bullets whizzing over their heads. Members from the farm go up and down district roads shooting game illegally day and night.
And AK automatics are heard being discharged at night.

I have met Afrikaners women who told me, "Our great great great. . . Grandmothers came from the East, such as India, Siam (Thailand), Sumatra, Java and Papua New Guinea, which was Dutch East Indies. The Dutch men did not have enough Dutch women to marry so they married local natives from the region. . . "

I am not anti-Afrikaner, not anti-Dutch as my forebears were Dutch and French.

However when my life is threatened, as it is now by police who refuse to prevent my cattle stock losses, and who actually make it happen, I need to point out a few things!
Friends and neighbours have been brutally murdered!!
Could it be that the police with the Schabir Shaiks and Robert McBrides are behind these killings!!
This is what Schabir Shaik posted on the Internet at Guardian Liberty Voice site in USA on 2 May 2015.
It has gone viral on FaceBook and Twitter.
"There are many many White South Africans like you who are not willing to accept that your days in this country have long ended. You are like a dying donkey in its last kicks and throngs of death."
<guardian liberty voice>

Read comment at the end.

The US President Obama has his hair cut short. It is said his father was African. No! His father was from Papua New Guinea, that is why he has short hair. He does not want to reveal that he has straight hair!
The US will give invasion from all Eastern Countries his full support. Even China will come in as Obama's half brother lives in China.

And, the Black Hawk helicopter was shot down in Somaliland during US President Clinton's term of office. That started a long series of events such as the Gateway Mall Kenyan massacre a few years ago.
The White Lady was given a South African passport by the Durban Home Affairs Office.
This brings in all the Islamist extremist groups, such as Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, al-Qaida and more.
These are also represented by the Ottosdale farm at this moment.

Lionel Peters (Asian Indian) ex-SAPS now is employed by NIA. He told me all Oscar Pistorius' phones and E-mails as tapped. Even the court findings and conviction was done by NIA involvement and his sentence before it was read out in court was known to the NIA.
And the agent of NIA posed as another boyfriend of Reeva and he placed an SMS onto her phone which Oscar saw, This led to that argument which resulted in Oscar shooting her. This aspect was never brought to the attention of the High Court, not even by the prosecution and defense. They would break the law if they did! (Criminal Procedure Act 25 (2A) for instance.)

Possession is 9/10 of the law.
Once handed over, Whites in this country will have lost complete control.

Henry Ford said, "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do."

This land reform has not happened. But the (illegal!) war weapons and groups are there! So please stop posting!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

South Africa Ruthless Murders Do Not Stop

South Africa Ruthless Murders Do Not Stop
South Africa

The ruthless murders happening in and around South Africa do not stop; everyday people are killed in a cold-hearted, unemotional manner. Today a woman was savagely raped and killed on the East Rand along with two men. The police reported that two of the suspects were apprehended, and the search for the other missing two would continue.

Reports described the murder of a Northern Cape Nurse in the Upington area as a satanic ritual. On Wednesday, Katrina Jagers aged 50 was brutally murdered by her attacker in a parking lot. The attacker has been dubbed the Gordonia butcher. A witness described the gruesome murder and said the attacker, while shouting out blasphemous remarks, chased the victim who was trying to run away. The attacker had a knife, ripped open Jagers stomach and pulled out the intestines. The attacker used the blood of the victim to write the number “35” on a flat door.

In KwaZulu-Natal, on April 30, eight males attacked a father and son, who were both stabbed in the face and head with broken bottles. The attackers fled in a car, and a police search is underway.
During the month of April, a Cape Town woman was found hacked to death by her grandson who had to gain entry through a window of her home. Reports indicate that the body of Sandra Malcolm a 74-year-old British ex-pat had been mutilated. The police have yet to confirm the details. In the same week as this senseless murder, a Dr. Meyer and his caregiver were tortured with a homemade weapon, a fence dropper full of nails on a farm near the Vaal water area. The attackers tied up the men who were left for dead. The police have arrested three men in connection with this incident.

In South Africa, there are daily reports of ruthless murders, and it would seem that the public are becoming accustomed to reading about the cruel, insensitive torture, attackers use on victims. Will the murders ever stop, and does the government give a damn? It would appear that the daily horrific deaths occurring throughout the land is a result of South Africa becoming a lawless country.

Do these attackers hunger for freedom or do they hunger for rape and blood? Thousands of people died in conflicting tribal wars during the 1980’s. A parallel between those and the current wave of ruthless murders, including the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa are striking. The horrendous “necklace” ritual of placing a burning tire around the victims’ neck or the brandishing of cultural weapons used to slash a victim in a ghastly manner.

South Africa is 21 years into a democratic country, and there are still people living in hostels. Hostels were the staging ground for the late apartheid tribalism. Perhaps the mutilating killings of the past have never stopped. Perhaps the barbaric manner used to kill people is an inherited cultural occurrence. On Mar 15, 1961 a group of terrorists from a communist camp across the Congo Republic massacred more than five hundred black and white people, including men, women and children in Angola. The living victims were bound to planks and passed through a sawmill. Four months after this obscenity, the leaders were interviewed in New York by M. Pierre de Vos of a leading Paris newspaper. De Vos confirmed that there was sufficient proof of the massacre and when asked about the sawmill killings, one of the leaders with a broad smile said the victims were sawed lengthwise.

The torture, maiming, and killing of victims is nothing new. The massacres have been happening for centuries across Africa. The attackers never appear to show remorse for the gruesome crimes. Is the mind of a criminal similar to that of a dictator? Dictators remain defiant until their last breath, and never accept any wrongdoing, neither offering an apology even when execution is imminent. Although the death penalty has been abolished in South Africa, bringing it back would not solve the problem. South Africa as a country should be honest enough to challenge the root causes of crime.

Article published on the Guardian LV

Friday, May 1, 2015

Right-to-Die in South Africa

Right-to-Die in South Africa

A court ruling paved the way for a terminally ill man to have the right-to-die in South Africa on Thursday, April 30. The High Court in Pretoria ruled in the case of Stransham-Ford that he could have a doctor assist to end the pain and suffering endured, and there would be protection from prosecution for the doctor. The judge said that Stransham-Ford was entitled to end his life with dignity.
Cape Town advocate Robin Stransham-Ford, age 65, suffered from prostate cancer and died peacefully in the presence of family members and friends on Thurdsay, April 30. It was not stated whether Stransham-Ford died before or after the court ruling granted the judgement.
The right-to-die campaigners, Dignity SA, said that medically assisted suicide in South Africa remained illegal, although there were growing calls for legalisation. The ruling in favor of allowing Stransham-Ford to die with dignity has paved the way to have the right-to-die law motion changed.
Assisted suicide is illegal in most countries around the world. In Switzerland, doctors may help patients with assisted suicide in an attempt to end the pain and suffering in terminally ill patients. In 2010, a South African doctor was found guilty of helping his mother die by administering a lethal dose of morphine. The doctor, Sean Davison, was placed under house arrest for five months by a New Zealand court.
The right-to-die with dignity would be a compassionate and caring gesture for anybody suffering from terminal illness. Life can be a burden, devoid of any good, for a person suffering. When a patient accepts that death would ease the pain and suffering, and when medical intervention cannot help, dying with dignity is a choice not only for the patient but also family members as well.
The ruling in favor of allowing Stransham-Ford to die with dignity is a welcome challenge for people who wish to exercise the right to end their life in South Africa. However, the ruling is not without challenge. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) have expressed disappointment with the decision allowing the terminally ill Stransham-Ford the right-to-die with the help of a medical doctor.
The NPA would appeal the decision based on future implications of the constitutional rights, the health perspective and the powers of the NPA. Euthanasia is not legal in South Africa, and the decision protects the doctor from prosecution thereby overriding the control of the NPA. The NPA will wait until Monday for the appeal outcome of having the ruling suspended, and in the meantime would probably have to deal with more than 100 assisted deaths that could occur over the weekend.
The focus of the NPA on the right-to-die ruling has attracted criticism, for taking action against the dignity of a dying person. The NPA do not prosecute mothers terminating the life of unborn babies aided by a nurse. However, the choice of a terminally ill adult to die with dignity is condoned. The valuable time wasted by the NPA seeking to end the right-to-die ruling and thereby smash future hopes of people wanting to die with dignity is ludicrous. The NPA should focus on more relevant cases that require urgent attention, such as the farm murders, rape, and xenophobia happening around the country.

Article published on the Guardian LV