Friday, May 1, 2015

South Africa Genocide Article Update

An article published on the Guardian LVSouth Africa White Genocide Escalates: International Groups Seek Solution has received numerous comments that expand the situation in South Africa. Although there are people that disagree, it would seem most South Africans agree that the slow genocide is a reality.  One of the comments said that it would not factually correct that 70 000 people had been killed since 1994. The Genocide Watch reports that 85000 people have been hacked to death.

Comments to the article published on the Guardian LV

liana April 30, 2015 at 11:02 pm
Bottom is……you don't feel safe when you go to town…or on national roads…..if something happens and you have to stop your car….you will be hurt..definitely….SA is a dangerous place at the moment..

Jan van Reibeck April 28, 2015 at 4:08 am
The whites are getting smashed , it’s racism by blacks , it’s not apartheid or immigrants it’s the very nature of South african blacks thats the problem , you can teach em send em to school or whatever but you ain’t gonna change the black dudes mind set , they are just as barbaric as what they were like 400 years ago , there is no tomorrow or thinking ahead history dictates that in any black controlled country in the world , if you disagree just name one country that’s successful then …… See ….South Africa needs a white state governed by whites , I guess the blacks would still want to get in again once the independent state becomes successful for work , food , clothes etc huh

Make a April 28, 2015 at 3:57 am
De Klerk made a big mistake
Ryan April 21, 2015 at 10:22 am
Crime is crime lady! you’re just racist because if you take into account the amount of black, coloured and Asian people that have been killed there is no comparison. What you’re endorsing here is black-on-black hate crime, in fact this is a form of hate speech. You’re delusional! We have a xenophobic problem as it is. STOP CAUSING KAK!!
Kobus Raath April 22, 2015 at 2:59 am
Ryan you are talking KAK. You logic leaves a lot to be desired. Probably work for the EFF.
ben April 20, 2015 at 5:30 am
I believe you are right John Mustart, It is not 70k it is more in the region of 85k

John Mustart April 20, 2015 at 11:00 am
Whatever it is, it’s bad enough.

francois April 19, 2015 at 1:24 pm
And when wil it stop and what about my boys that is 13?????????????
Leandre April 19, 2015 at 9:06 am
The only way to stop this. Is for America to evacuate all of us out of the country. . The hate against white people in SA will never end. Unfortunately that is a hard truth to swallow. I don’t love my Country anymore. If I could leave, I would.
John Mustart April 14, 2015 at 10:18 pm
Where does she get 70000 murders of whites since 1994. Not possible.
Tim boreing April 18, 2015 at 9:28 am
How many white’s have to be tortured and murdered before the World takes notice? When is enough?
John Mustart April 18, 2015 at 10:31 pm
That is true. I just feel that it is important that figures are accurate so all I am asking is for more source information. Otherwise I am on the same page. The more accurate the information the better it is for the cause.

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Has a Solution for the Country

South Africa President Jacob Zuma Has a Solution for the Country

South Africa

Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has a solution to reduce inequality by 2030. The National Development Plan (NDP) is set to be implemented and raise the awareness of social problems plaguing the country. In 2010, the National Planning Commission (NPC) was set up for a period of five years and will expire this month. The NPC earnestly set about drafting the NDP plan mainly defined by the government to eliminate poverty by uniting the people of South Africa.
The NDA plan is a new story for South Africa, whereby education, hard work and ability will ensure inequality is eliminated rather than the determination of birth. The plan is to focus on education and ensure job creation is maintained. The NDA plan will ensure that the goodwill, skills and resources of people will spark a cycle of development. The emphasis is to expand opportunities and to raise the living standards of South Africans.
The employment level in 2010 was marked by 13 million people, and the high-level expectation will increase this to 24 million by 2030. South Africa currently has a population of 53 million people. The plan includes ensuring the skilled, professional and technical posts reflect the country’s disability, racial and gender makeup.The scope is to broaden the ownership of assets to historically disadvantaged people. The Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) plan works in favor of the majority.
The NDA strategy focuses on providing quality healthcare facilities, enhancing the public transport system, producing sufficient energy to sustain the country and the industry. The plan covers a wide range of infrastructures to uplift and brings security to all citizens. The critical actions of the plan are to address the poverty and boost the accountability coordination and stop corruption, including methods to reduce crime and to strengthen the justice system in South Africa.
The NDA is a plan of action only, with 15 years to enforce the quality actions of the NDA might be impossible based on the past 21 years under the ANC administration. President Zuma said the project must start in earnest, and no delays should be forthcoming, even if elements of society remain critical of the intentions.
The plan is nothing more than an intention to correct the failing government structure of the past 21 years and highlight the problems incurred under the ANC administration. However noble the plan might appear, it is a whitewashing board of manipulating voters to keep the current government in office. In the past 21 years, there is little or no positive construction of positive change. The reported violence, crime, and racial discord flourishes within South Africa as the justice system weakens, and fundamental human rights violations intensify.
The entire NDA plan is a great quote for future generations, a South African story of what can be achieved. Based on the ANC’s track record over the past 21 years, it would seem any solution for positive change is an illusory story that is impossible to achieve. The long-term perspective of the plan will remain a long standing project, defining the faults of the past. Right now, all the citizens hear is about the intentions and commissioning of the NDA plan that is in a state of planning. South Africa needs to hear about the tangible progress that has been done in relation to the plan and not how the program is being developed by planners who are in the process of planning the ultimate solution for the country.
Article published on Guardian LV


South Africa a Failed State

South Africa a Failed State

South Africa

Zwelinzima Vavi, the expelled Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) general secretary, said South Africa had not implemented the freedom charter goals and was the most unequal place on earth, fast becoming a failed state. Vavi while addressing a meeting ahead of the public holiday on May 1 said issued of corruption and accountability need to be addressed.
In the 21 years of democracy, South Africa was fast becoming a failed state and Vavi said its citizens would head off to other countries in search of a better life. The public holiday on May 1 is a celebration of workers day and Vavi said the workers have little to celebrate under the difficult and strenuous conditions.
The ousted leader referred to Cosatu as a “sweetheart federation.” Cosatu has no independence and remains in constant turmoil. Vavi indicated that a real threat existed from intimidation, dirty money and smear campaigns by people in power if threatened. When questions were raised about the President of South Africa, Vavi declined to comment.
Workers According to Vavi remained divided and would hold separate May day rallies. The African National Congress (ANC) are directly to blame for the splintering between workers and youth. The youth movement of South Africa is fractured. Today South Africa has no accountability and moving toward a kleptocratic movement. Despite attempts to block the action from marching, the planned march in Durban, KwaZulu Natal would go ahead and nine unions were participating. Vavi urged other unions to join the march and said workers had the right to freedom.
Cosatu, the ANC youth league and the South African Communist Party (SACP) had a pact with President Zuma. Together the multilateral Alliance undertook to support the ANC party to gain votes to keep the deeply flawed Zuma in the highest position of South Africa, all in exchange seats in government. The plotters relationship soured and a fall-out followed that can be traced back to the ousted President Thabo Mbeki.
The government of South Africa and the unions have a distinct conflict of interest and should operate as separate organizations. Cosatu is nothing more than a convenient electoral cannon for the ANC. The growing social crisis coupled with the political insight of Cosatu, linked to government policies is undemocratic. The ANC are not the strong and might political party of the past, and cloaked with weakness, following the expulsions of Julius Malema, Numsa and Vavi indicate a possible realignment of leftist forces against the party.
The Freedom Charter has not been implemented by either the ANC or Cosatu and with over 20 million people under the local chiefs who control the land, culture, economy and politics, there will not be a shift in the inequality. Until the government and Cosatu distance the politics from the expensive mess of the traditional House of Leaders, no freedom charter progression will happen. The current state of affairs can be attributed to both the activities of Cosatu and the ANC government.
Vavi flippantly confirms the lack of accountability and corruption by the ANC government of South Africa. The failings to provide fundamental human rights stack up against the culprits, the ANC government and tripartite alliance. The plundering continues and the irrational, foolish actions over the past 21 years force South Africa into a dark and destructive country.
Article published on the Guardian LV 


Monday, April 27, 2015

South Africa Whites Only Oppression Is a Great Injustice

South Africa Whites Only Oppression Is a Great Injustice

South Africa

South Africa is a country known for deliberate acts of violence, yet the oppression directed at whites only is a great injustice. There is no end to the racial hatred actions and slow genocide of the white minority group. Genocide is a nasty word, and the meaning is the deliberate killing of a particular ethnic group or a large nation of people. The white minority group of South Africa have been victims of attacks for years. Not only are lives threatened, there are the continual implementation of new laws plotting to destroy the whites in South Africa.
Officially there will be no more bursaries for white only students. Discriminatory bursaries bequeathed to white only students violate the Constitution of South Africa, the Western Cape High Court declared. Several bequeaths stipulated that white only students may qualify for bursaries. The courts found this to be racist and not constitutional. Equality and prevention of unfair discrimination must be considered according to Universities benefiting from the funds bequeathed. Several universities do not associate itself with bursaries or loans that unfairly discriminate against individuals.
The Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) implemented to address restrictions existing within South Africa for black individuals to participate equitably in the economy is a mess. The BEE implementation is unconstitutional and racist. The BEE legislation is to secure the riches of South Africa for the majority. BEE perceives a person who has a job, a house, a car and a tertiary education as a previously advantaged person. The entire BEE legislation is about white and black and reverse apartheid. The status of BEE is often updated to ensure that whites have difficulty in obtaining work, eliminated from the economy and be placed in a disadvantaged position.
There are simply not enough white people in South Africa to take from and make a meaningful difference.The government presumes that if all white-owned assets were moved to the majority of South Africa, it would eliminate poverty. There are not enough white-owned assets in South Africa to defuse the poverty problem. Politicians use color to gain votes instead of solving problems of poverty. Only a small percentage of blacks have benefited from BEE deals and the majority still live in poverty and worse conditions than under the Apartheid government. The African National Congress (ANC) government are introducing laws to eliminate whites in the workplace, stop bursaries, donations, and force the minority into obliteration.
The attempt to destroy the spirit of the white minority group does not end with changing laws and implementing acts that discriminate against the minor group. Perhaps it is the horrific murders that silently claim the lives of innocent victims. Genocide is wrong and to kill people based on what ancestors did is immoral.
Farmers, the people that feed the nation, are brutally murdered because they are white. The murders are never without acts of heartless actions, like rape of elderly people, children and torturing the victims before killing. Barbaric acts against the minority have not stopped, and international groups carefully consider awareness of the slow genocide.
Article published on the GuardianLV - read the entire story -


Sunday, April 26, 2015

South Africa the Controversial Zulu King

South Africa the Controversial Zulu King
South Africa, the controversial Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini was installed as the eighth monarch of the Zulus. After the death of his father in 1968, Zwelithini feared an assassination attack and went into hiding for three years and returned to South Africa in 1971. The Zulu king has six wives and 27 children. The Zulu nation is the largest ethnic group in South Africa.
The king is known for extravagance, and the royal household expenditure is managed by the Royal Household Trust. Expenditure by the king and family are not public and a carefully guarded secret. Toward the end of 2014 local South African media reported that the King had splurged the ZAR54 million allocated for the year and seeking additional funding to meet other requirements. The report detailed expenditure on the King’s palaces, stipends for his six wives, traveling and education. The education bill covers tuition, private schools and boarding for some of the King’s children.
King Goodwill Zwelithini is no stranger to controversial statements. Speaking at a meeting during January 2012, Zwelithini said, “same-sex marriages were rotten.” The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) condemned the remarks, and President Jacob Zuma reprimanded the king for making this statement. After an uproar, the Royal Zulu Household said the King’s comments were incorrectly interpreted and that the King did not condemn same-sex marriages but raised a concern about the state of ethical deterioration in South Africa.
Perhaps the controversial statement the King made in March 2015 was by far the worst. The King said foreigners should go back to their country. The king acknowledged that African countries had helped the African National Congress (ANC) during the liberation struggle and that it should not be an excuse to create situations where locals are inconvenienced. A week later, President Jacob Zuma’s son advocated the King’s call for foreigners to leave South Africa.
Xenophobia attacks rocketed across South Africa, and several people lost lives through unnecessary violence. The government set up refugee camps and assisted with the repatriation of foreigners leaving South Africa. African countries condemned the attacks and eventually the government deployed the Army to help quell the violence.
At a meeting last week, the King denied the statement and again said it was a misrepresentation. The king called for peace and asked the South Africans to protect the foreigners.
The king’s speech was derogatory and words of incitement. President Zuma and the ANC government have laid the blame for xenophobic attacks everywhere expect at the real source the Zulu King. The political importance of the king is evident to the ANC government party.
A black Friday protest in Malawi by human activists forced South African shops to close down in protest of the recent xenophobic attacks. The aim of the protest was to illustrate the cold-blooded attacks against foreigners in South Africa.
Nigeria and South Africa are the two main powerhouses in Africa and as a result of the recent xenophobia attacks, tensions between the countries are brewing. The Nigerian Senate are calling for an investigation of King Zwelithini’s remarks by the International Criminal Court. It is believed that the remarks made by the King incited the recent violence in South Africa. Civil rights groups and social network activists are horrified by the graphic images of foreigners being attacked in a savage manner. The ANC government are criticized for the manner in which they dealt with the attacks and the lack of sincerity surrounding the attacks.
Most African countries condemn the outbreak of attacks. Somalians, Zimbabweans and Ethiopians foreigners were among those attacked during the xenophobia rage. Africans are outraged by the shameful and senseless violence. Have the South African Zulus gone completely insane ganging up on fellow Africans, butchering, burning and stealing.
Ethiopia was one of the first African countries to assist the ANC during the liberation period and offered support and protection. Africans across the continent are annoyed that the ANC government have forgotten the history and the fight against Apartheid. Africans are questioning if the violence reflects a failed system under a corrupt government controlled by whites.
The SAHRC are investigating the remarks made by King Zwelithini and have received a serious of violent threats. SAHRC have implemented stronger security measures in the wake of threats to burn down the offices. The group sending threatening messages want the SAHRC to stop investigating the King.
Africa and the rest of the world are angry with South Africa, and this does distress the tourism business. Jobs will be lost, diplomatic relationships can turn sour. Economy growth can be disturbed. After all of this, who will get the blame, Jan van Riebeeck, apartheid and whites will ultimately be the target of blame. Somebody must take the responsibility, it is not the Zulu King, it is not the son of President Jacob Zuma and it is not the ANC government.