Thursday, July 10, 2014

Inside South African Prisons Shocking Abuse Continues

Inside South African Prisons Shocking Abuse Continues

Money will buy protection from gang related rapes that is a damaging problem often occurring. Guards all for a price arrange rapes of young prisoners. Two guards will stand outside a cell door while up to eight people rape the victim and condoms are an absolute necessity in prison. Gang leaders have the option of buying a juvenile prisoner by negotiating with warders who will be transfer the selected person to his cell and where he will be used as a sex slave until he is discarded or sold to another prisoner. First time rape victims often are exposed to repeated rape abuse.

Why Criminal Syndicates Prefer to Operate in South Africa

Why Criminal Syndicates Prefer to Operate in South Africa

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Abused White Woman Survives a Week of Misery

After writing an article last week about Natasha and Chris, I honestly believed I would have some peace. Well, there was no peace; it is like being between heaven and hell and trying to find a solution to a problem that is a nightmare. The story ended with a glimmer of hope for Natasha as she finally received some help through a home for destitute and abused people. That was the only happy conclusion and sadly, to say Chris was adamant about not wanting help.

The week’s journey for both of them was terrible especially for Natasha, and it is with total anguish within my heart that I write an update.

A new week of Hell for Natasha

Last week on Saturday, Natasha arrived at a home for destitute people. She had all her earthly belongings with her. The people at the facility appeared caring and loving. When I left, I felt at peace and knew she would finally get the help she so desperately needed.

On Sunday, Natasha disappeared from the facility and walked aimlessly through the streets of Boksburg. Completely lost and afraid, she asked a security guard at Boksburg Civic Centre to phone. (My cell number was the only number she could remember). I asked him to take her back to the home, and he obliged.
Early Tuesday morning, I received a call from an unknown number; it was Natasha, and she told me she was in Kempton Park. I was horrified and asked her to go back to the home in Boksburg. She ended the call.

Wednesday, Natasha managed to arrive back at the room she and Chris shared in Kenilworth, south of Johannesburg. I received a message from the owner who appeared to be distraught with her returning and for the sake of peace, let her into the property. Within minutes of entering the backroom, she went berserk, broke everything in the room and threw it outside. Chris had a tarantula spider in a small glass tank that Natasha threw it outside and broke the glass. The spider has disappeared. (Scary). Natasha destroyed and broke everything they had owned, the computer and the refrigerator door was wrecked. Where she got, the strength to deliver such a violent act is unknown to me. The owner and tenants were afraid and annoyed; they called the police who arrived within an hour. She was shoved into the back of a police vehicle.

WhatsApp message from one of the neighbor's 
7/2/2014 8:44 PM: 1:+????: And Natasha was here this evening the police took her to jail she broke chris's fridge and the computer she through everything out of the house everything is laying outside
7/3/2014 5:37 AM: Dee: So sorry I will come on friday and give your money back. I hope the police don't let her out.
7/3/2014 6:23 AM: 1:+????: Morning ya its true I'm getting readyl for work now
7/3/2014 6:27 AM: 1:+????: Ok please let me know what time you will be here because I leave work at 1•00pm
7/3/2014 6:35 AM: Dee: I will do so, thanks again. Have a nice day.
7/3/2014 6:35 AM: 1:+????: You too mam
7/4/2014 6:15 PM: ‎Message History Disabled: no Media Card found
7/4/2014 6:15 PM: 1:+????: Hello aunty deloris aunty des said you coming tomorrow?
7/4/2014 6:18 PM: Dee: Yes, I am so sorry I can't come tonight, I'm at the hospital and will drop off the money tomorrow
7/4/2014 6:29 PM: 1:+????: Ok what time?
7/4/2014 6:30 PM: 1:+????: Plz don't let natasha back in this yard
7/4/2014 6:30 PM: 1:+????: We are not happy with her here
7/4/2014 6:31 PM: Dee: She must go back to the hospital. I understand and I told her to go to the hospital.

Another WhatApp message regarding the trauma with Natasha is placed at the end of the article.

After not hearing about her for the whole day, I phoned the police in the afternoon. I want to stress that it was frustrating dealing with the incompetent police services. I spoke to five different police officers, each time explaining that the police removed Natasha for property damage and I needed to know where she was. Each time, the officers would reply that there was no arrest, they had no records of taking her away, and there were no entries recorded by officers on duty when this happened. One officer had the audacity to ask me to prove and identify that it was, in fact, South African police who arrested her. When I told her I had witnesses and photos, she changed her attitude. The officer took my telephone number and said she would make inquiries.

I received a call from the station commander shortly afterwards and once again, I explained the entire ordeal. The officer also told me there was no recording of an arrest and said he would investigate. I thanked him and waited. Within the next hour, the officer phoned me back and said while patrolling they found a person resembling Natasha. He asked me to identify her and I SMS’d him a photo of Natasha. After he had received the photo, he called me and identified Natasha, and said she wanted to kill herself. The officer told me he was on his way to the Chris Hani Baragwaneth Hospital (CHB), in Soweto and would have her admitted. I thanked him for his assistance. (I still have doubts about his story and how the police found her walking the streets. I wonder what happened to her while in police custody or if I had not bothered to phone the police.)

Most South African public hospital facilities do not have perfect structures and are often referred to as dirty, lacking resources and understaffed. The CHB does have a reputation of attending to some of the worst traumatized and violence related injuries. This is a field they specialize in and are renowned for their good work. I was really happy Natasha was on her way to the CHB; their psychiatric department is known for their outstanding commitment to high-quality support.

A doctor at the CHB phoned me and asked me to describe Natasha’s background and give any information that would help to evaluate her condition. Willing I told him the entire story, and he promised to call me back once an assessment was completed. Several hours later, the doctor phoned me back and told me Natasha was not psychotic enough to be admitted, and he was going to discharge her. I asked him to keep her there until I could get her back to the home for destitute people. He agreed and in the morning, one of the Nursing staff phoned me and asked what she must do with Natasha. I asked her to take her back to the home in Boksburg. The nursing sister said she would try.

Believing that Natasha would be taken back to the Boksburg home, I was horrified when a government car stopped outside my house, with Natasha as a passenger. The official told me in an abrupt tone; that Natasha was not their responsibility, and it was not their duty to look after her. I pleaded with the officials to take her back to the home in Boksburg. They ignored my call and shoved her out of their car, driving away and leaving Natasha standing in the middle of the road, dressed in CHB psychiatric clothing, barefoot and clutching an official envelope.

The poor girl was incoherent and did not have a clue what was happening. I did not have transport and asked her if she knew where the South Rand Hospital was, she replied that she did. After ensuring that she indeed could find the hospital, she agreed to go there. I gave her money to pay for a cab and a pair of slippers, her feet were blue from the cold. I chatted with her and knew that she needed to get back into rehabilitation or the destitute shelter. I am praying that she finds a way.

Again, I have tried to find her mother but think it is time to quit; there is no response to my calls.
What am I to do with the woman who desperately needs help? I continually pray for her; she is confused and intellectually unable to work. There is no family who care enough about her and living alone in this dangerous place is an agony for me to bear. It is so difficult to find caring people who would be willing to help Natasha. I have tried and extended as much support as I possibly could, I have no knowledge in dealing with traumatized people. In addition, feel distraught knowing that everybody I ask to assist has other issues to deal with. Yes, I agree; Natasha is nobody’s problem, and it is not easy to give aid when one does not have the resources. I really believed there were some facilities for people like Natasha, but alas, in South Africa, I have yet to find one, that will be willing to help.

While Natasha is still trying to find some guidance and peace in her life, Chris finally relented and asked for help on Monday. Fortunately, there is medical insurance for Chris and having the cover helped to get him into a Clinic that will help him with his depression and emotional instability. Although he is still receiving treatment, his emotional ups and down have drained me to such a point that I want to run away.
It is no joke having a child under the influence of drugs; it is a nightmare that never ends. While Chris might get a chance to start over I am still concerned for Natasha who has to rely on the state facilities and it is obvious that being white is a hindrance to receiving any care from government departments.

Thoughts of why people need to suffer and struggle to get help bewilder my mind. The great commandment “Love thy neighbor as thyself” does not apply to Natasha or so it seems. I have searched for the real meaning of this commandment, and this is the best explanation I could find.

Brotherly love
Brotherly love in the biblical sense is an extension of the natural affection associated with near kin, toward the greater community of fellow believers, that goes beyond the mere duty in Leviticus 19:18 to "love thy neighbour as thyself", and shows itself as "unfeigned love" from a "pure heart", that extends an unconditional hand of friendship that loves when not loved back, that gives without getting, and that ever looks for what is best in others.
For the entire description of “Love thy neighbor as thyself – read Wikipedia article

While we continue to live our lives professing to be children of God, we selfishly forget the commandments of God Most High. The evil and destruction around us is frightening, and I wonder if as people who claim to be Christians can ignore the two vital commandments from God Most High.

WhatsApp Message between myself and the owner of the Property (spell check omitted)
6/14/2014 9:26 AM: D....: Diffenatley chris and her are out end of month my other tenants have given notice cause of tthem they are drinking now i am the moer in
6/14/2014 10:19 AM: Dee: Oh gosh, I don't know why he drinks. He is better when he is sober. Yes they will move because they are a nuisance. Sorry about all of this.
6/14/2014 10:21 AM: D....: The sooner the  better!
6/21/2014 12:37 PM: D....: D chris threw her clothes over the fence now she she  is terrorising us and chris is very very cross
6/21/2014 1:39 PM: D....: She even got the cops on us chris said its over for them  now sitting on pavement he is cross
6/21/2014 5:52 PM: D....: <video omitted>
6/21/2014 5:52 PM: D....: <audio omitted>

6/24/2014 11:16 AM: Dee: Hello Desire, I have found the most wonderful person to help both Chris and Natasha and will take them on Friday to see this person. I am begging you to please let Natasha stay with Chris until then. Please have some mercy I cannot do anything today and really would appreciate a little more time. Please let her into the room so that she does not wonder off into the streets. My heart is so broken and I believe that from Friday she will get the proper help and attention she needs. Please Desire, just a few days is all I am asking. Thank you.
6/24/2014 11:18 AM: D....: Ok but she has jumped over the gate again she is in the street somewhere
6/24/2014 11:21 AM: Dee: I will find her and tell her that you will open up for her. Thank you so much.
6/24/2014 11:22 AM: D....: I must go out just now
6/24/2014 11:23 AM: Dee: Ok I think she is outside, because the computer is on.
6/24/2014 11:35 AM: D....: Chris doesnot needto leave its her
6/24/2014 11:37 AM: Dee: Yes I know but on Friday I am taking her to Alberton and they might keep her there. Let us wait until then and after that we can make decisions. Thanks again.
6/24/2014 11:39 AM: D....: Ok D
6/24/2014 11:40 AM: Dee: Thanks so much
6/24/2014 1:43 PM: D....: Chris has been so good hey
6/24/2014 1:47 PM: Dee: I'm glad to hear that, at least some good news. I think the people I am taking Natasha to on Friday will help her to overcome her stupidity and teach her about life.
6/24/2014 4:17 PM: D....: You know she even sold chrises broom for 10.00 can you believe it
6/24/2014 4:24 PM: Dee: Unreal
6/24/2014 4:25 PM: D....: I think its disgusting
6/24/2014 4:26 PM: Dee: Yes it is what can I say I hope the people who take her on friday will help
6/24/2014 4:28 PM: D....: Yes hope so
6/29/2014 2:09 PM: D....: Hello D plsease dont pick on chris he is heart sore he never made trouble
6/29/2014 2:14 PM: Dee: I'm not its just I can't help any more. I'm tired and don't have the energy
6/29/2014 2:17 PM: D....: Ok all we do is try I dont know i am going to a braai my friend is singing today yipeeeee
6/29/2014 2:40 PM: Dee: You go and enjoy
6/29/2014 2:42 PM: D....: I am here with chtis he is very depressed
6/29/2014 2:44 PM: Dee: Well tell him to go sleep and get back to work.
6/29/2014 2:47 PM: D....: Yes hus talking th biggest lot of shit
6/29/2014 2:49 PM: Dee: Always does.
6/29/2014 2:51 PM: D....: Niw he said he wants to comit suisde and end his life i rab away
6/29/2014 2:56 PM: D....: The more i say chris natasha is not dead she went for help . He wont accept it now i am worried he is a good person.
6/29/2014 2:57 PM: Dee: Well you know if he continues to live like he is, he will eventually die and that is if the Nigerians don't kill him first.
6/29/2014 2:59 PM: D....: Oh fuck oeps ?
6/29/2014 3:01 PM: Dee: I don't know what to say anymore. I have tried to help him for 20 years.
6/29/2014 3:08 PM: D....: His ok
6/29/2014 3:11 PM: Dee: That's fine now go and party, enjoy
6/30/2014 12:12 PM: D....: Qk my garden mam is there and i not .LOL
7/1/2014 6:16 PM: Dee: Hi Desire, Chris is in hospital for a few days. I left his room key with the neighbor. Also some cat food.please feed the bird and cat. Chris said there is some food he made, can you take it out of the room. I will visit him tomorrow and let you know how he is.
7/1/2014 6:19 PM: D....: I am  ok
7/1/2014 6:19 PM: Dee: Glad to hear that, gosh I think Chris will be ok now after his last stint
7/1/2014 6:20 PM: D....: Is he coming back to me
7/1/2014 6:21 PM: Dee: Yes he is in for a few days. I have his bank card and will get some of his money on Friday and bring to you.
7/1/2014 6:24 PM: D....: Thanl you tell him gry better
7/1/2014 6:24 PM: Dee: Sure and will see you friday
7/1/2014 6:26 PM: D....: Ok  friemd
7/2/2014 10:02 AM: D....: Hello natasha is back what shell@ i do she even tried to jump the gate
7/2/2014 10:13 AM: Dee: I don't want Chris to know, we must phone an ambulance and send her to JHB gen. Tell them she is homelss and insane ran away from clinic
7/2/2014 10:16 AM: D....: Can you phone for me  she is tossed
7/2/2014 10:16 AM: Dee: Don't tell her about Chris, he has to get his treatment its for the best. Ok
7/2/2014 10:42 AM: Dee: Tell the police to take her back to New Beginnings 212 commissioner street boksburg
7/2/2014 10:43 AM: D....: You phone cops
7/2/2014 10:44 AM: Dee: Is she still there and what is your address
7/2/2014 10:46 AM: D....: Yes *********** kenilworth jhb
7/2/2014 10:47 AM: Dee: Cool will do so now.
7/2/2014 4:16 PM: Dee: Did they fetch her
7/2/2014 4:17 PM: D....: No
7/2/2014 4:29 PM: Dee: Where is she now
7/2/2014 4:31 PM: D....: In her room
7/2/2014 4:31 PM: Dee: Oh gosh I hope she does not sell his computer
7/2/2014 4:32 PM: D....: I hope so too
7/2/2014 4:33 PM: Dee: Well I will come and see you friday and will try and phone them again
7/2/2014 8:27 PM: D....: I phoned she thru everything thing in the the spider cage she broke the place is bad even chris computer the same cops were here and took her away
7/3/2014 5:35 AM: Dee: Sorry to hear that, I hope they keep her locked up.
7/3/2014 5:38 AM: Dee: Take a photo of the damage for evidence.
7/3/2014 12:47 PM: Dee: Please try and take a photo of the damage.
7/3/2014 3:07 PM: Dee: Did you get the airtime
7/3/2014 3:17 PM: D....: Thank you lots  i will try
7/3/2014 3:20 PM: Dee: Cool
7/3/2014 4:48 PM: ‎Message History Disabled: no Media Card found
7/3/2014 4:48 PM: Dee: I phoned the police and they did not know where Natasha was, so I caused a scene but now all of a sudden they have found her again. Liars they are taking her to hospital. What a disaster.
7/3/2014 5:16 PM: D....: Did you get the pics
7/3/2014 5:17 PM: Dee: Yes thanks. I hope nobody will steal the little bit that is left
7/3/2014 5:19 PM: D....: No never
7/3/2014 5:19 PM: Dee: Thanks my friend
7/3/2014 5:20 PM: D....: See you
7/3/2014 7:11 PM: D....: Hi i am now at the club relaxing
7/3/2014 7:22 PM: Dee: You enjoy and have fun. Sometimes we all need to.
7/3/2014 7:23 PM: D....: Your right

7/4/2014 5:48 PM: Dee: Ok I will come and see you tomorrow.
7/4/2014 5:50 PM: D....: What time about its horses
7/4/2014 5:51 PM: Dee: I will try to get there early
7/4/2014 5:53 PM: D....: Thanks hey
7/4/2014 6:11 PM: D....: She is at my gate i must go please come here now if i go she will jump the gate . .FUCk THIS!
7/4/2014 6:20 PM: Dee: I can't I'm at the hospital,
7/4/2014 6:22 PM: D....: I am actually crying my sister is by kirby and frnny  in the yard
7/4/2014 6:24 PM: Dee: I am so sorry the girl is traumatised and I have tried all week to get her help, can she sleep there and I will try and get her to the hospital tomorrow. She has a referral letter to go to rehab.
7/4/2014 6:29 PM: D....: Never ever she is not allowed on my property again . That is police orders
7/4/2014 6:30 PM: Dee: Well tell her to go to the south rand hospital and give them the letter
7/4/2014 7:24 PM: D....: But will i still see you in the morning i want you and yourfamily to see the mess
7/4/2014 7:32 PM: Dee: Yes I will be there early
7/4/2014 7:37 PM: D....: Thats great she must not be seen near me
7/4/2014 8:02 PM: Dee: Has she left to go to the hospital. Please don't stress, I am praying for God to intervene and help. Since several state institutions are refusing to help, I realize that we need to pray for help. Natasha is incoherent at the moment, and lost. It is a difficulty for people to help her as she needs professional help. Chris is trying to overcome and remains emotionally unbalanced with mood swings from happy to sad and it changes all the time. It is quite draining on me. I am going to meditate and pray for the resources, strength and love of God to help us all through this trauma. I am sending you and your entire household loving blessings. Thank you for your support.

Zulu Nation Determined to claim more South African Land

The Zulu Nation wants more land and plans to launch massive land claim. 

In a speech to Parliament, Jacob Zuma said, We shall dismantle the apartheid landscape, which dictated where people should live and work on the basis of the color of their skin. To this day, we are still working to reverse this legacy, hence the review of the ‘willing buyer, willing seller’ principle in order to accelerate the equitable distribution of land. You will recall as well that the education system was also used as an instrument to ensure perpetual subjugation as stated by Hendrik Verwoerd…’ 

Therefore, his plan is now in action, the Zulu Nation wants all the land. Tribal leaders and the Zulu king are planning to submit an extensive land claim. Their claim will include land in Eastern Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga. Their claim will include land taken from the year 1838 onwards, although legislation states that land claims from 1913 are only permitted. 

The Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal is almost the same size as Portugal and measures 57,228 square miles. The Ingonyama Trust administered by the Zulu King and eight members of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform own thirty two percent of the area. The trustees are responsible for the land record and manage the mineral rights of the region.

The Ingonyama Trust will eventually be the beneficiary of the upgrades to Nkandla as the land held by a trust cannot be sold. Jacob Zuma can be forced off the land if the trust decides that he no longer needs to live there. The land according to the trust is communally owned, and the legislation set up in the trust was to be remedied by the Communal Lands Act. An Act providing for traditional land to be transferred to its occupants and in 2010, this was declared unconstitutional. At that time, this process was placed on hold. The leases for the land can be registered at the deeds office and then sold to its occupants. Presently Jacob Zuma does not have a title deed registered in his name at the deeds office.
The trust is excluded from paying over taxes to the local municipality and officials have studied a Supreme Court Appeal (SCA), prior to 2005 ruling, which barred it from collecting rates from the Ingonyama Trust. The trust is considered state property under this former ruling and exempt from taxes.

Read the full article 

Controversial Nkandla Jacob Zuma and the History of Its Owner

Land claims are needed Nkandla is expanding rapidly 

A Google earth view of Nkandla taken in 2006 shows the barren land with a few buildings. Jacob Zuma was during this time the Deputy President under the reign of Thabo Mbeki.

The private residence of Jacob Zuma is situated on land owned by the Ingonyama Trust, the legal entity that owns the traditional land and administered by the Zulu King, Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, on behalf of the state for the benefit, material welfare and social well-being of the Zulu nation.

A Google Earth view of Nkandla during 2010 when Jacob Zuma was the president of South Africa shows a considerable increase in structure to the property.

The 2013 Google Earth view of Nkandla shows the extensive growth and development to Nkandla.