Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Julius Malema Standing Tall With Mindset Firmly on Nationalization

Julius Malema Standing Tall With Mindset Firmly on Nationalization

South Africa: Sarcasm Socialism and Strategies

South Africa continues to yield stories of sarcasm, socialism and strategies for land reform, nationalization and racism. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and in South Africa people still remain bewildered when given a sarcastic answer, eyes will roll, facials expressions change, heads are scratched while trying to understand the sarcasm thrown at them. Most people have difficulty understanding sarcasm. Yet sometimes the irony attached to a response is meant as a sincere and open answer.

South Africa, the beautiful country, boasting some of the world’s finest landscapes, white sandy beaches, and trending holiday locations attract many international visitors who thoroughly enjoy their stay. Expect for the few visitors that face the horrible site of the crime, hardship and suffering of millions of people. Tourism generously funds the economic growth of the country. Is there a strategy to keep the international visitors rolling into South Africa while the country slowly disintegrates into a third world socialist country?

The African National Congress (ANC) continues to dominate the leadership of South Africa and over the past twenty years, the slow death of South Africa unfolds daily in the media. What was once a beautiful country is slowly turning from a promised democracy to socialism and untold suffering among its citizens.

The President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, is serving his second term of governing the country that has shown a drastic decline during his first five year reign. There are countless stories about corruption that gets bigger, stronger more demanding every day, and only a few are leaked out. The stories of self-enrichment, security, protection and modern jets table the media. Yet the stories of crime, murders, white genocide, land grab, farm attacks, rapes, robberies and gruesome terrorism are few and often not published.

People are frustrated, at the end of reasoning, without solutions, living in fear and slowly losing their last little
remaining dignity by the onslaught of crime, injustices and victimization. The land expropriation plan to redistribute land owned by whites who accordingly, stole the land under apartheid is a burning issue.
The new kid on the block Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), remains very fixated on land redistribution without compensation. Now that he is part of the government and has a small voice in parliament has confirmed his collaboration with the ANC to amend the constitution to achieve this revolutionary directive. It is called land grab, take the land, live on the land, ravage the land and let it waste away into a land of no use. Let the land lay barren and impossible to utilize.

What a dark and disheartening future for South Africa. The ANC and the EFF have abundance now, and live in extreme luxury, building mansions, eating the best, wearing only designer labels and entertaining on a non-stop basis. What will they tell their grandchildren, when the food is scarce, the land is barren, the resources are exhausted and electricity is no more.

South Africa takes a long time to embrace change, and twenty years is not enough, perhaps another twenty years might lead the country toward a turning point and people will recognize the promised democracy from 1994 is nothing more than a socialist strategy for survival. Who will survive the relentless barrage of poverty, increase in crime, starvation, and the combined decline in health?

DEMOCRACY - Form of government in which supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodic free elections. In a direct democracy, the public participates in government directly (as in some ancient Greek city-states, some New England town meetings, and some cantons in modern Switzerland). Most democracies today are representative. The concept of representative democracy arose largely from ideas and institutions that developed during the European Middle Ages and the Enlightenment and in the American and French Revolutions. Democracy has come to imply universal suffrage, competition for office, freedom of speech and the press, and the rule of law.

South Africa is a democratic country, and the ANC is the elected party voted for by the majority of its people, to represent and ultimately make the decisions that affect the entire country. Democracy is freedom of speech, and the South African democracy is declining into a socialist government inauspiciously hidden under the term democracy.

The South African democracy is connected to certain individuals who accepted the votes of the majority and continue to plunder everything while remaining disconnected with the people. Only certain persons connected to the governing body have access to self enrichment schemes while the rural areas remain in squalor conditions and have nothing to prove from their choice of freedom.

Is it democratic to change the employment structure and
implement strategies that can adversely affect the economic growth of a country? Why would Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) make a difference? The new enforcement of the BEE law can destroy the occupation of white people and give rise to jobs for the black people. This will not only affect the mainstream of workers, but top positions of shareholding, directors and senior managers will face the removal of white people. In South Africa, the majority of people are black, and it is their democratic vote given to the ruling party to implement a change as drastic as this. Is democracy just, no not in the employment sector, the qualified, experienced and skilled worker should be considered to fulfill a role irrespective of his color, creed or race.

It is only in South Africa, we experience the hopeless bizarre changes performed by a government who have the authority based on the votes of the ignorant, uninformed and foolish people. These are the people who after twenty, years do not want to move away from deplorable living conditions, thrive on poverty and continue to die from lack of adequate health facilities. These are the people that have strategically placed the ANC government into powerful positions and allowed the elected few to seize; self enrich and destroy the once beautiful country, South Africa.

You tell me!!!!!