I have decided to write another book in the series and take Sipho and the hybrid children on another journey. I am not sure if I will change the title at this stage, probably will. I will introduce new characters and most of the original characters will be part of the story. I have completed Chapters 1 to 6 and will share chapter 1 with you. Remember this is the first draft and there could be some changes, not sure yet.
Chapter 1 - God's Future
The bright moon shone down the pathway, emitting a heavenly light. Zanu stood at the top of the stairway, and wondered why he was summoned so urgently to the holy temple. Doubtful thoughts clouded his head and trying to apply reason to the disturbed thoughts, Zanu continued to doubt his ability as a leader. Conflicting thoughts ran through his mind, and he could not understand his anxiety.
He knew God Most High was pleased with him, and he knew he was fortunate to be the governor of this magnificent planet. His brisk walk was short, and soon he stood outside the huge door, hesitant to enter. He opened the door and immediately felt an overwhelming peace flow into his heart and then he knew God Most high had a plan.
Zanu began to feel more comfortable and at ease as he walked up the aisle to the front of the temple, listening to the soft soothing music that filled the whole building. He breathed in deeply and expecting to wait a few minutes was surprised to hear an angel greet him.
"Ah good morning to you," he said.
"Zanu, I'm not going to waste time, God Most High wants you to embark on another journey."
"I thought as much, so what country will we be visiting this time?" He inquired.
"Its different this time, the journey is not to earth." The angel replied.
"Not to earth, then I am confused, surely we are not expected to travel through space and visit unknown planets." Shocked at the news he had received Zanu asked.
"Oh no, its not outer space, its will be under the ocean."
"What, that's impossible we cannot venture into the depths of the sea, we are spirit aliens shaped in the form of humans, and will not survive in water." Still shocked from the plan.
"God Most High is thoroughly annoyed with the selfish human race and how destructive they have become. We are talking about God's future, not yours." The angel reminded him.
Zanu terribly confused listened to the angel explain how GMH in His mysterious nature had devised a plan to outsmart Satan for the last time. While listening to the angel, Zanu almost fell over when he heard the commanding voice of GMH say.
"It is my intention to unite. I have the final authority over the chaotic world of danger and despair."
"Zanu, please remain vigilant and enthusiastic to do the bidding of GMH," the angel said as he noticed how fragile Zanu looked.
Zanu did not have time to answer, it was only the second time in his entire life that GMH had addressed him directly. He remembered the first time, just before their first departure to earth, and that was an extraordinary event. The angel reminded him of how zealous GMH was about the force of evil on earth and the division of death and misery.
Zanu wiped his brow and gained his composure.
"I'm here to do the bidding of GMH and will endeavor to work through the plan you have." Zanu said, his voice still ringing out fear.
"Good, now we will get together again and discuss finer details, but in the meantime I have left a scroll at the entrance which you might like to read." The angel told him.
"Thank you, I will do as told." He said and turned around to leave.
Zanu walked down the luminous passage more frightened than when he arrived. He picked up the scroll and left the temple.
It was still dark outside and the full moon started waning before the new daybreak. He walked home and realized the reason for the urgent request was not to instill fear into the Anglurians.
At home, he quietly went into his office and switched on the lamp. He sat down and placed the scroll on the desk.
He breathed a sigh of relief and got up from the chair and walked over to the drinks counter and poured a glass of water. He took a large gulp and looked at the unopened scroll.
Almost hesitant to go back to the desk he stared vacantly at his desk. He felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.
This he knew were the guiding angels prompting him to get on with the work ahead of him. Zanu sat down and sipped on his water, staring at the unopened scroll. He took a deep breath and reached out to open the scroll. Untying the gold cord, he envisaged a journey of immense danger.
He read the beginning of GMH's plan and sighed. Continuing to read the contents, he felt a hot flush moving over his body and he lifted his hand and wiped his brow.
"This is impossible," he told himself.
Zanu put the scroll down, stood up, and walked toward the window. He drew the curtain and looked outside, the sky was beginning to light up, and he could see the bright red and pink colors of the sunrise edging up slowing over the planet.
Not sure how long he was staring at the colors change in the sky, he did not hear the door open. Randia, his wife walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. Zanu got a terrible fright, turned around with a fast speed, and almost knocked Randia off her feet.
"Zanu, what is the matter, you have been up most of the night." She asked.
"Randia, I was called to the temple and received instruction on a new mission."
"Come on now, you have succeed in the past and will again." Assuring she said.
He walked back to the desk and picked up the scroll and holding it closely he told her that this new mission was actually dangerous. Randia saw the fear in his face, walked up to him, and hugged him, trying to reassure him. She left the office, within minutes returned with steaming hot coffee, and freshly baked muffins. Pouring his coffee, she questioned him about the mission.
"Randia, we execute the mission from here and delve into the fearsome Devils Triangle deep within the sea. It is even more disturbing than the last trip in Israel." He said.
"I'm not sure I understand the entire concept, but I am confident that GMH has complete confidence in your ability to overcome the worst."
"Randia, always so positive and encouraging." He smiled at her.
Zanu spent most of his morning in the office pondering the task presented to him. Zerydo entered and greeted him.
"Randia said I would find you here, what's happening?" He asked.
"Well we have a new mission to fulfill and I consider this one the most dangerous so far."
"So far - are there more?" Puzzled Zerydo asked.
"We had the difficult Hades one, the tense Israel one among the smaller dangerous ones and now we have a massive one to complete."
"Do tell."
Zanu told him that they would enter Hades from the bottom of the sea. Satan had kidnapped GMH's faithful servant, King Nepulus, and it was up to them to free him. Zerydo displayed shock and folded his arms while Zanu continued to tell him about the potential dangers they could meet.
"Zerydo we will start the mission from here and I think the Aquarium will be the perfect place to learn to deep sea dive and swim under water."
"It is impossible, these kids cannot swim, and we should first teach them the basics."
"Well I will delegate that responsibility to you and a word of caution, be cautious don't let Lindiwe know that we will embark on another mission."
The two brothers drank coffee and extensively discussed the best way forward with the instructions received. They knew there would have to be a certain element of surprise presented to the family before confessing the complete responsibility.
Zerydo left the office and went outside. It was a warm day, and he was grateful the weather was still warm enough to manage swimming lessons. Pondering how to stimulate the children his head drew in the entrance to Hades and a meeting with Satan the master deceiver of all times. He thought about how the devil had managed to capture King Nepulus the warrior of the deep sea. He shook his head and wondered how such a misfortune took place. Questions raced through his mind, and he was lost in the madness of his thoughts.
Sipho, Emma and Olomos all came running up the stairs and greeted him. Still lost in his thoughts he glanced over to the children and nodded his head.
"Zerydo, where are you?" Asked Emma.
"I apologize, I was thinking of applying a new activity to keep the youngsters entertained." He said walking up to her and hugged her. He greeted the others, moved toward the top of the stairway, and sat down.
"Come sit with me and let me throw some of my ideas at you."
The children sat beside Zerydo, and he questioned them about their swimming skills. Eager to let him know both Sipho and Olomos told him how talented they were. They even told him they were thinking of joining the school's team.
Cheerio and take care.

Your friend,
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