Hello Everybody,
Trusting all is well.
Sharing another article I wrote and had published by the Guardian Express. Hope you enjoy.
Today South Africa is at a disadvantage because of its high crime rates, escalating poverty and racial conflict. What can this country learn from the history of Germany? Is there a solution that can make a difference to this country tied into the shackles of apartheid?
We cannot compare all the history of both countries. Both countries have a different history and both plagued by problems of racial hatred. Yet Germany has succeeded to overcome the racial hatred for the Jewish race and moved away from the terrible history of its deadly genocide practices.
In South Africa, and after twenty years of democracy, the majority of its citizens still blames apartheid for their pathetic lives and refuses to let go of the past. Instead, they clutch to the word 'apartheid' like a lifeline waiting to be compensated for the injustices they suffered.
Apartheid ended twenty years ago, and after two, decades, it is still an extensively used term with no foresight of disappearing. Are the people of this country conditioned into believing that apartheid is the cause of their misery?
World War 2 ended in the past 1940's and with the end of the war, so did the massacre of the Jewish people end. How did Germany succeed to build a prosperous country and defeat the painful history of their actions? Although Germany did not have the distinct cultures as South Africa does, it still moved away from a horrible past.
Today, Germany is a global market leader, has a strong economic system, with established policies and ethics in place. The infrastructure, education and medical systems work. The citizens live in a country that controls crime and corruption. What is the answer and how did they overcome the past to become such a strong leader today?
Germany dealt with its past, the government of that time was determined to overcome the issues of war and move forward and restore their vast country. Hard work, integrity and focus on a future to provide a safe environment for its citizens. Today Germany still compensates the Jewish families who survived the destruction. Germany has succeeded because of sheer hard work and determination.
South Africa will not succeed simply because there is no substance, no direction and no control. The current government has not overcome their past, and this has spiraled down to its citizens. The people still live in the past, and allow the country to deteriorate into a jungle again.
The South African government needs to focus and lead the nation in a democratic way. There must be respectable strong work ethics from the top leaders, and this must be enforced throughout the land.
Honesty, sheer hard work, determination and focus are the key to rebuilding a democratic South Africa. The government and citizens must take responsibility for their actions and move forward with a renewed vigor of developing this country into a first world one.
Apartheid is not the enemy of South Africans, their history started way before the implementation of that bad system. The people need to overcome their issues and move forward in confidence. The government must stop their corruption and govern this country with moral ethics.
Your friend,

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