Trusting all is well.
It is another glorious day here in Johanesburg, South Africa. Enjoying the wonderful hot summer weather.
Here is a copy of my article published in the Guardian Express during May this year. I thought it would be good to share.
South Africa –Capitalism is the real enemy
The capitalist system is the real enemy of South Africa. The Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu) general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi recently told members at a seminar hosted in Johannesburg.
He said the three biggest demons were unemployment, poverty and inequality, which provides a breeding ground for corruption, xenophobia, substance abuse and other crime related issues.
A serious indication of this situation from the recently released statistics of the unemployment figures of the country does not reflect the full extent of the entire problem. A lack of motivation and breeding of a more discouraged society raises concerns for the government. The unemployed people haphazardly refrain from seeking employment and instead commit to self-employment of tedious tasks.
Vavi believes that the government should urgently address the problems of unemployment and stated that South Africa is the most unequal society in the world. He cautions the urgency of attending to this problem before the demons are unleashed. Dismissing concerns from businesses for a national minimum wage leading to job losses as propaganda and lies. He believes this would be a step toward securing greater social unity, and clearly defines the capitalist system as the real enemy.
The problem is definitely not capitalism. The United States embrace capitalism. The Soviet Union a former communist country where their citizens lived like peasants and caused a total collapse from a socialist government, now embraces capitalism. It is working for them, and South Africa can learn from the two superpowers that capitalism works. Capitalism is freedom from communism and socialism.
The world eyes South Africa as a historically backward country. The ideology of the government and their perception of freedom are to target the same principles as Zimbabwe. Their vision over the last 19 years has seen an increase of wealth, and an luxurious lifestyle. This new life enjoyed by government members, civil servants and union bosses, while the workers become poorer and their living conditions become unbearable.
Private enterprises created thousands of jobs within their industries over the past years, with food giants, Checkers and Pick and Pay leading a successful campaign to stabilize the unemployment situation in this country. That is capitalism working for us. With the strong unionized support for the present government, the working situation remains volatile, and it is about time we realize that unions do not create a stable economy with the continuation of strikes in all sectors constantly happening. This action can only cause more harm than good.
Capitalism although still not perfect does highlight the distribution of wealth to the majority of people without corruption, and creating opportunities of honest pay for work can be undertaken.
When the government talks of redistribution of wealth it is fundamentally communism by taking away the existing capitalism and causing inequality. There is no exceptions communism kills productivity.
We need to embrace the future and learn from the superpowers, we need to let go of the past and free our minds from mental slavery. We need education, and that should remain the most dominant factor for South Africa. Education will set the people free, education that will generate a democratic country and education that will bring stability and growth to this violent country.
Mr. Vavi should refrain from making such statements, the union members might see this as militant and start taking up arms to kill people.
Well that is the article and I think we will still hear a lot more about the unions.
Take care and have a great week.

Your friend,
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