Does playing chess make you smarter? A look at the evidence
The stereotype of the chess player is someone who is smart,
logical and good at maths. This is why so many parents around the world
are keen to get their children playing chess – in the hope that the game
might help to boost their son or daughter’s intelligence levels and
help them succeed in a wide variety of subjects.
But apart from chess being a great game, its history rooted in eastern India military, is there actually any evidence to show that playing chess can make you smarter?
In a previous article, we showed that chess players exhibit, on average, superior cognitive ability compared to non-chess players.
And the skills needed to play chess have also been shown to correlate with several measures of intelligence – such as fluid reasoning, memory, and processing speed.
But while the existence of a relationship between general cognitive
ability and chess-skill is clear, is this simply because intelligent
people are more likely to engage in the game of chess, or does engaging
in chess make people smarter?
Brain game
The notion that playing chess makes you smarter goes something like
this: chess requires concentration and intelligence, and as mathematics
and literacy require the same general skills, then practising chess must
also improve one’s academic achievement.
With this idea in mind, the Institute of Education
conducted a large investigation to test the effects of chess
instruction on the academic skills of nearly 4,000 British children. School chess club.Pexels.The recently released results were disappointing – it seemed chess played no effect on children’s attainment levels in mathematics, literacy, or science.
Promptly, the chess community questioned the reliability of the results, particularly given that other studies offer a more optimistic picture about the academic benefits of chess instruction.
Assessing the evidence
The chess community is probably right in criticising the recent study, as it suffers from several methodological shortcomings that probably invalidate the results.
Before the results were published, we carried out a review
of all the studies in the field. Our results showed some moderate
effects of chess instruction on cognitive ability and academic
achievement – especially mathematics. Does chess need intelligence?Shutterstock
And yet, we still need to be cautious in interpreting these results
as a positive indication of the power of chess on cognitive or academic
skills. This is because most of the reviewed studies compared the effect
of chess with groups doing no alternative activities.
This is a problem because research has shown that the excitement and fun induced by novel activities can cause a positive temporal effect on test scores – a placebo effect.
Crucially, when compared to an alternative activity – such as
checkers or sports – chess did not show any significant effect on
children’s skills. So, it could well just be that the observed positive
effects of chess instruction are merely due to placebo effects.
Chess notes
What all this shows is that it is unlikely chess has a significant
impact on overall cognitive ability. So while it might sound like a
quick win – that a game of chess can improve a broad range of skills –
unfortunately this is not the case.
The failure of generalisation of a particular skill, in fact, happens to occur in many other areas beyond chess – such as music training, which has been shown to have no effect on non-music cognitive or academic abilities. The same applies to video game training, brain training, and working memory training, among others. Ancient intelligence or just a good game?Pexels.
The fact that skills learned by training do not transfer across
different domains seems to be a universal in human cognition. In other
words, you get better, at best, at what you train in – which may just
sound just like good old fashioned common sense.
But although expecting chess to enhance children’s cognitive ability
and overall academic achievement is just wishful thinking, this doesn’t
mean it can’t still add value to a child’s education.
Clearly, playing chess involves some level of arithmetical and
geometrical skill, and designing mathematical games or exercises with
chess material can still be a simple and fun way to help children to
Published on The Conversation
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