Saturday, April 4, 2015

Who Really Wants Africa or South Africa

The DA is adamant that the American agriculture big business come to Africa to take over like in Brazil.

It is pure greed that USA and China decided to share Africa.
It might have to be explained that a USA company like Monsanto is just a front. And kind words coming from China is just a front. The Chinese want to sent boatloads to Africa. They just enter and occupy.
Google the name Gavin Menzies to get the names of his books.

 Here is the article  - 

In Farmer's Weekly and other publications, mention is made of Monsanto and the Chinese. Somethings need to be explained.
I am descended from two prominent English sea captains.

I have two recently published books saying that China discovered American before any European nation. The author of both books, Gavin Menzies, quotes dates, names and events. He writes 1421 the year China discovered the world. It is too long to quote the things he mentioned. I find he embellishes things and makes statements that are unfounded. It's needs more investigation.

The Vikings from the Scandinavian countries had reached North America long before 1000AD.
I will go back further.

In the Old Testament Esau and Jacob, sons of Isaac, quarrelled. Eventually, Jacob went to Egypt. Esau stayed in the Middle East and did not follow his brother going into Egypt.
Esau and his descendants did hunting, agriculture, mining and building.
The descendants of Jacob came back from Eygpt to live in the Middle East again.
Antipater, an Adomite, descended from Esau, gained power in Judaea by making himself useful to the Romans. Julius Caesar favoured Antipater and conferred Roman citizenship on him.
Mark Antony and Octavian both stabbed Julius Caesar. After Julius Caesar's death, Octavian ruled Western Europe and Mark Antony ruled the Eastern territories.
Herod the Great (72BC -1BC) the son of Antipater was made captive in Babylon. Babylon was the capital of Iran and Mesopotamia. He managed to escape to Rome where he persuaded Octavian and the Senate, who ordered Mark Antony to restore him as ruler in Middle East.
Then Mark Antony met Cleopatra in Egypt and eloped with her.
Mark Antony divorced Octavian's sister to marry Cleopatra. Octavian was furious and people in Rome also angry because Mark Antony married a foreigner. Octavian claimed that Cleopatra was attempting to gain control of Rome by marrying Mark Antony. Cleopatra replied that their son Caesarian and not Octavian was Julius Caesar's true heir. This ended with a decisive confrontation and sea Battle of Actium in the Ionian Sea near Greece. Octavian beat the combined fleet of Mark Antony and Cleopatra. They both fled to Egypt where Mark Antony committed suicide by stabbing himself, 30BC. And Cleopatra later committed suicide.
Octavian became the undisputed ruler of Rome and territories ruled by Rome. He became Caesar Augustus the first Roman Emperor.
Herod switched allegiance from Mark Antony to Octavian.

It came to pass that John the Baptist was thrown into jail. Then at a birthday party of Herod Antipas, Salome, daughter of Herodias danced before Herod and it pleased him. Herod promised her anything she wanted. Salome asked her mother, Herodias, who told her to ask for John the Baptist's head be brought on a platter, and John was beheaded with a sword.
It was said Salome was of African descent from the line of Queen of Sheba. Matthew and Luke mentions, "The Queen of the South. . ."
John the Baptist was eating locusts and wild honey and was not after riches and wealth, instead to obey God's law.
In Matthew 12:14 The queen of the south shall rise up in judgement of this generation, and shall condemn it, for she came from he uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold a greater than Solomon is here.
This is in the Gospels and the end of Old Testament teachings.
The beheading of John te Baptist was a request of a complete foreigner. Salome got John beheaded.
The dominate spirituality then was irrevocably changed with John's beheading as Salome replaced Kind David as the head of things to come.

This was where the map of Africa came from. "From uttermost parts of the earth" goes as far south as Cape Point!

There were older maps of Africa since  before the time of Noah's Flood.
Piri Rais, a Greek Christian, was beheaded 1554AD. The same year Islam was founded. He had maps that showed the Antarctic's ice had not yet covered the area of Queen Maud Land. Maps that showed the earth's curvature. Maps of North and South America with great accuracy. These were copies dating to original dating back to Carthage a Phoenician seaport on North Africa's coast.
Christopher Columbus used these maps.

Ingredients found in Egyptian mummies, the herbs came only from Central America. How long ago was that? China was not mentioned.

Evangelist churches are based on the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

During the time of Crusaders (1095 to end of 1200s) a myth was circulated of Prestor John who was the Apostle who was the caretaker of the riches of hidden jewels and elixir of life & the fountain of youth.

Marko Polo went East and to China in the mid-1200s to find Prester John and his riches.
Bartholomew Diaz went south and reached Cape of Storms (Cape of Good Hope) 1488.
Then Christopher Columbus went West and discovered America at the end of 1400s and beginning of 1500s.
1307 Knight Templar, de Maloy crucified in France.
1308 Arrival of Templar fleet in America.
19 March 1314 Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake by Philip IV of France.

Notice that the Templars arriving in North America was long before Gavin Menzies said China discovered America in 1421.

At the time of the Massacre of St. Batholomew's Day, the Roman Pope was saying the Sun revolved around the Earth and the Universe revolved around the Pope.  And that the Earth was flat.
Galileo, who was educated in places like Austria and Hungary and other Balkan countries, proved that the Earth revolved around the Sun and the Earth was round and the Pope was NOT the centre of the Universe.
Of course, the Pope knew what Galileo knew all alone and Galileo was right. The Rome Pagans were observing the planets before the Christian era. And knew the movements of the heavenly bodies. The Pope wanted all the attention so he told a lie.

Those in England under Queen Elizabeth, I went to those universities in Eastern Europe and Balkans and that is where they found the maps of the world which the Elizabethian fleet used.  As mentioned above, there were maps predated Noah's Flood. And they did not get them from the Chinese.
Yes, when traveling the Sevens Seas they did come across and use the maps the Chinese had.
Sir Frances Drake on his trip of circumnavigation rounded the Cape of Good Hope 1580, and he named it the Fairest Cape in all the whole world.
Cape Horn, south of South America, was far more dangerous to sail around at any time of the year.
Getting closer to present day.
Lady Emma Hamilton was married to Lord Hamilton, who was English ambassador at Naples, Italy, during the reign of King George III of Britain. She found out where Napoleon's fleet was hiding in the Mediterranean and she told Admiral Nelson. He went and found the fleet and engaged it as soon as he came across the fleet and destroyed it at the Battle of the Nile, August 1798.
It was then that the British decided to start the Second Occupation of the Cape. This occupation began January 1806.
On the ships coming to the Cape soon after the Royal Navy had occupied the Cape, were those intent to find the hidden minerals that King Solomon was told about by the Queen of Sheba. The rest is history with David Livingstone discovering the Victoria Falls. He came with the London Missionary Society and later supported by the London Geographic Society.
It all started from the Four Gospels and the quest for gold and precious minerals that were sort after as found in the last chapters in Book of Revelation.
Revelation 21:19 & 20. and the foundation of the wall of the city was garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald. The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chroprasus; the length, a lacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.

None of us living in South Africa have to give our birthright away, such as paying land tax and giving our farms and guns away.

We can live without the intrusion of American Monsanto and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the Chinese who want to colonize Africa under some pretext. This text is not anti-Chinese, instead about not giving away your things we have.
I use glyphosate and know its hidden dangers and only use it occasionally. I use other methods to control the weeds most of the time.
And I avoid eating foods that are GMO.

Thank you. That is all I have to say.


My father's forebears are of German, French and Dutch stock,

I am not after jewelry of any kind, I don't own any jewels, and don't want any.
I am not saying owning precious stones & jewelry is wrong. Friends (non-Jewish) of mine are into these things and they have their reasons.

I am painfully aware that while in Peking the Chinese got USA President Gerald Ford drunk and he signed most of Africa to the Chinese, 3 December 1975.

And also aware Desmond Tutu and the one who followed him to be Archbishop of the Anglican Church and Winnie Mandela invented the death by necklacing and supplied the petrol for the petrol bombs used on and after 16 June 1976. They sent the pupils onto the streets holding petrol bombs to throw so they get shot by the military and police.

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