Trusting you, are all doing well?
I think I will quietly go crazy and soon be banished to a mental institution. All of this is from the vast amount of people wanting to know why the Mandela story has stopped. It is simple the man is dead let him rest in peace.
Common sense should prevail, according to reports he was sent home to recuperate in a comfortable environment and that the house had been rebuilt to provide an Intensive care unit. That is the story, we must accept, it is the version given by the government and the Mandela family.

On September 1, Mandela was discharged from the hospital and sent home. It was on September 5, Zuma told the nation Mandela was doing fine and made another announcement on September 25, saying that Mandela was responding well to treatment. Not a word from him since then, I wonder why.
October 6 Winnie said he was doing fine. After than nothing, so in two months, we have been told he is doing fine, and by saying that they are telling us, he is well, okay, excellent, satisfactory, and that is from the only people who are allowed to see him.
Well like Zuma said this week, when addressing a meeting in Johannesburg regarding e-tolling "we must not think like Africans," then let us believe him, he is our president, the man who tells the truth and after all the Mandela people are an honest bunch of people who would never harm this country. If they want to keep the man alive, let them, it is their life, their choice and their decision. Who are we to question the truth?
I don’t want to think like an African but with respect to the Mandela story, can anybody tell me how I should think. I thought my mind would consider rational thoughts based on my level of intelligence, and now I am beginning to question my own thoughts. I thought getting lost inside my imagination was for the ability to use those thoughts in creative writing. I thought in English only. I never thought like an African, I don’t know how to.
My mind tells me that based on all the available information to the public since Mandela was admitted to hospital on June 8 that he has passed on. Mandela has not uttered a word to the world since his hospital admission in December last year, following what I think was a botched operation. My thoughts on the Mandela photo published in April this year, displayed a person probably heavily drugged from medication, or brain dead.

The media presence outside his Houghton home have diminished, and if there still are media there, then what are they doing, playing chess, not a whimper of a story has been published. In my mind, it is the magical Zuma move. Like all the headlines, the public love to know about, it starts with a frenzy of media attention and then disappears, nothing, gone, swept under the carpet. There are lots of those stories that just disappear, I've lost count.
Now let me get on with my insanity.

Have a great week, all the best.
Your 'sane' friend,
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