Thursday, February 25, 2016

The English Language is Evil

According to some people the English language is evil.  

Sometimes people publish stupid posts on social media.  This post about the English language caught my eye and I wondered what South Africa would be like if English and Afrikaans were abolished. How would investors and visitors communicate with the eleven or so African languages? I am sure people from all over the world would not be interested in learning one of these complex words, I live here and it has never appealed to me to try and learn one of the African languages.  What is the use, I would not be able to use this if I travelled abroad, I could not use this in the workplace and so, in my opinion, would be a waste of time for me. Maybe others do enjoy speak different languages but that remains their choice.

The point of these posts is to incite racial tension again.  We all know that there are people in South Africa who will continue to inflame violence, hatred and antagonize the already delicate situation.  Given the fact that there is now freedom for all, it is a group of individuals who are not satisfied to step out of the past and move forward. 

These people hate the English language, yet continue to post their silly remarks using English. I fail to understand the logic.

Johannesburg A place to avoid

Johannesburg city yesterday, a place to avoid. Rioting, burning and vandalizing taking place. There is absolutely no excuse for the behavior of these people.  What do these people want, it seems to be a new past time, every day, there are some destruction, riots, and protests happening.  

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) party don’t seem to take much notice about the wild hooligans romping up and down the streets, causing more damage along the way. Why are these thugs not being arrested, oh I forgot, the police are taking a nap or probably caught up in some grimy crime scene. 
These people have no consideration for the few that want to live in peace.  What about the cost, who will be footing all the repair bills. The taxpayers as usual.  

Photos courtesy of Intelligence Bureau SA

Freedom in South Africa

 South Africa the Free Country for all proudly given to the people by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party. These pictures depict the freedom in South Africa.  Free to burn down buildings, statues and anything you don’t like. Freedom to steal and free to do whatever you please.

This is democracy in South Africa. Not all blame is placed on the ruling party, of course, other political parties instigate violence, then they do not have the controlling interest. So who is behind all the hooliganism and crime escalating in this free land.

Look at how beautiful South Africa is

South Africa a beautiful country.  Don't you just love the striking piles of trash and feces scattered all over the streets.?

These pictures were taken in Buffalo city situated on the east coast of Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

A metropolitan city going down the drain for all voters eyes.  Yet the voters will keep casting their votes for the ruling African National Congress Party (ANC). 

With the municipal elections taking place soon, this is a real chance for people (the voters) to vote for change.  The question is do people want change. Perhaps living in filth is what they prefer.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Burn down the Universities

They cry for free education, they riot, protest, and destroy the education facilities. What do these protesting students want?  In my opinion, its not free education, it is the natural instinct of destroying property that does not belong to them. Soon there will be no facilities to offer these students an education.  There is no money, South Africa can be downgraded to junk status and the recent drought has affected the economy. South Africa does not have money to rebuild universities. Students should attend classes and get an education.

University of North-West..Science Center Set Alight..