Thursday, February 25, 2016

The English Language is Evil

According to some people the English language is evil.  

Sometimes people publish stupid posts on social media.  This post about the English language caught my eye and I wondered what South Africa would be like if English and Afrikaans were abolished. How would investors and visitors communicate with the eleven or so African languages? I am sure people from all over the world would not be interested in learning one of these complex words, I live here and it has never appealed to me to try and learn one of the African languages.  What is the use, I would not be able to use this if I travelled abroad, I could not use this in the workplace and so, in my opinion, would be a waste of time for me. Maybe others do enjoy speak different languages but that remains their choice.

The point of these posts is to incite racial tension again.  We all know that there are people in South Africa who will continue to inflame violence, hatred and antagonize the already delicate situation.  Given the fact that there is now freedom for all, it is a group of individuals who are not satisfied to step out of the past and move forward. 

These people hate the English language, yet continue to post their silly remarks using English. I fail to understand the logic.

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