Friday, November 18, 2016

Revenge, Jealousy, Envy and White Flight in South Africa

If you are a Soldier, sometimes you have to run and live to fight another day. Poor whites are stuck in a land that has turned on them; South Africa is no longer safe for minority race.

Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela preached equality and justice, did they lie to the world. Now the majority preach justice until it’s time for them to be “just”, except for their tribes. Where not the majority deluded in Zimbabwe when they forced white farmers off their land and replaced these whites with blacks? So where is the justice Tutu and Mandela preached? Zimbabwe has not been successful in feeding themselves and millions are starving. The same destruction is happening in South Africa today, as thousands of farmers are hacked to death. Land invasion is happening now, and the whites are living in fear. 
Is this the only business the majority can perceive, to destroy the white minority, it is impossible to expect justice from the majority. The majority have identified that it is appropriate to fight back the white “savages” because they are considered a race that viciously came to destroy other tribes. A visionary belief that whites came to the country and stole all the land, therefore these white people are not the owners but thieves and have overstayed their welcome. The majority believe that Africa is their home, a place with soul, conscience and integrity and not a place for “white vipers and thieves”.
Whites must leave and return to their colder climate so that the majority can get rid of the epidemic of white slavery and capitalism. The majority have woken up and regaining their strength, recovering from their afflictions and will fight for “their” land.

Where does this racial hatred and intimidation leave the white minority population of South Africa? Several political parties are calling for “self-determination” based on different cultural and traditional believes. For as long as the majority hold onto the injustices of the past, there will never be peace and the white genocide will carry on.

Published on South Africa Today - Please use THIS LINK to watch the video. It is worth it. 

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