Sunday, October 11, 2015

South Africa forging ahead with dictatorship

Apparently the ANC NGC has resolved to recommend to the ANC National Conference (remember, the NGC cannot adopt any new policies) that South Africa's membership of the International Criminal Court is withdrawn. 
If this is true, such a policy can only be ratified by the National Conference in 2017 before it can be referred to the government for implementation.
But the implication of the withdrawal to you as an ordinary black South African is that, while you can go and complain to the African Court for being called a kaffir, you're going to have no legal recourse whatsoever should the ANC unleash its so-called MK Military Veterans on you and they commit crimes against humanity, war crimes and even genocide against you. This for the simple reason that the so-called African Court's mandate is limited only to human rights abuses and has no jurisdiction to try crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide cases.

Don't say you have not been warned. A murderous dictatorship is being built on your watch. The above article is written by Claus Tlhapane


South Africa is doomed for sure, and yet the voters of the ANC see nothing wrong with the withdrawal from the ICC, in fact, the majority are rejoicing.  Judging by the social media comments the majority are blinded to the truth or fail to understand the implications of having a dictatorship government. I guess, the majority will soon realize the difficulties of when starvation is a reality. They will understand the consequences of war and famine. It is Africa, and South Africa is slowly escaping democracy in favor of a third world slum country. 

Published article link 

ANC wants SA to withdraw from ICC

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