Friday, September 11, 2015

Peggy's Story

I have finished another short story for you to read.  Please note, this is not suitable for children, contains adult content, the story is based on a true-life drama.

Peggy’s Story
            Peggy with flowing golden locks and big blue eyes was the drama queen of the family who loved life. It was fantastic, to be alive during the 1980's. Her brothers had moved out, and her parents doted on their only daughter. Peggy was outgoing with a bubbly personality and they gave her their unconditional love and support throughout her life. It was year-end holidays, and after finishing her school term, she managed to find a holiday job while she waited to return to university to study law.
            She had a summer job, at one of the clothing stores in the center of town. The city a crowded place and with the buses running on time it was easy access for her to get to and from work. It was Friday, and she left the store a few minutes after five o'clock. Peggy had plans to meet two of her girlfriends for coffee before going home.
            She went into the bright colored café two blocks away from the bus stop and looked around for her friends. Yes, they were there, seated near the back and drinking a soft drink. She walked over to them and greeted her friends. Sitting down the girls soon babbled on about their holidays. Feeling a tad jealous for not being able to enjoy the benefits of summer because of her job, she promised them she would spend the whole of Sunday with them. They had coffee and muffins and chatted for hours. Peggy looked at her watch and realized it was late and that the last bus would be leaving in fifteen minutes. She took out some money left it on the table and said goodbye to her friends.
            The sun disappeared and the twilight of nightfall emerged. Pegged walked briskly toward the bus terminus, and saw a white car stop with a rather dashing fellow inside, he asked her if she wanted a lift, she ignored him and continued walking. At the bus terminus, she was alone while waiting for the bus to come by. She looked around and noticed a few cars parked in the street behind her and darned few people around at that time.
            Then she felt the cold steel jab her side and a hand covered her mouth.
            "I have a gun pointed at you and don’t try make a sound, come with me." A rugged broken English voice said.
            Shocked into silence, she proceeded with this man as he escorted her to his car. He opened the door and shoved her in. As he moved to walk to the driver's side, she tried to make a dash, but he was too fast and locked the door. He held onto the gun, started the engine of the car, and moved slowly down the dark road. Turning down a dark, desolate road, he drove along; going around in circles and up and down different roads and Peggy knew he was doing this to confuse her. She was right, but not stupid, he ventured into in a quiet suburb not too far from the city center, and Peggy did not recognize this part of town and wondered what her fate would be. He drove down a dark garage parking and stopped the car. It was dimly lit, and he got out of the car, closed the door and walked to her side of the car. He opened up and told her he would not hesitate to shoot if she made a sound. She was petrified and obediently obeyed him and climbed out of the car. Holding onto her arm, they waited in the dark garage for the elevator. It stopped, and the automatic doors opened up, and he pushed her inside, there was a mirror on one side and Peggy had a proper look at her abductor. A dark haired man, close to forty with an overgrown mustache and dark brown eyes, which seemed to squint more inwards. He was dressed in beige flannel pants and a white shirt half-unbuttoned, exposing his tanned hairy chest.
The elevator stopped on the fifth level, she saw as the doors opened. He pushed her out, holding onto her tightly, and escorted her down a well light passage. They paused outside apartment number seventy-five and with his free hand fumbled for keys in his pockets. It was dark, inside, and he did not bother to put a light on. Peggy felt the steel metal of the gun barrel against her face as he moved her toward a large bed. He put on the lamp, and she noticed it was a bachelor apartment with nothing more than a double bed and a small table. The smell of moldy air and body odor filled the small flat. Barely able to breathe she knew her life would end that night. He pulled his pants down to reveal a grossly oversized penis ready for action.
"Please don’t," she begged, He smirked and he slapped her across the face.
He pulled her short mini dress up, ripped her nylon stocking off her, and mounted her. In total disgust, she screamed as he penetrated her. He was heavy and smelled of stale smoke and brandy. She tried to hit him and he held onto her arms tightly, spitting in her face calling her a white whore. She felt a rush of warm semen enter her body and felt the vomit come into her mouth. She opened her mouth emitting the flow of muffin and old coffee, down her neck and onto his hands the flow of vomit ran. He slapped her again and got off her.
            Disgusted that she had vomited during his sexual performance, he pointed the gun at her and said would kill her.
            "Please don’t, I will just go, and you won’t see me again." She pleaded.
            "Do you think I am stupid," He angrily shouted at her.

            He grabbed a bottle of brandy and forced her to drink from it, almost choking from the strong taste she managed to swallow some. He wanted her drunk, and she fought with all her might not to drink the vile tasting brandy. Then like a light bulb going on, her mind told her to pretend to be drunk and get out of this place. She was a fighter and survivor, she could do this, she told herself.


There are several other books published as well, go and have a peek.

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