Friday, February 13, 2015

Zuma Has No Intuitive Spark like Goofy

Zuma is the clumsy, dimwitted Goofy leader of South Africa. (No offense to the cartoon character, who occasionally did spring a clever, intuitive spark in his own eccentric way). No Zuma would never be able to have the uniqueness of Goofy the Walt Disney character.  Zuma, I think is more like the dumb cartoon character Spongebob Squarepants. You know that feeling when he is so stupid and
irritating that you want to throw something at him, yes that is who I think Zuma reminds me of.

Zuma and the entire African National Congress (ANC) party should start behaving themselves and end the charade of superiority. After-all change can come and it can happen in the blink of an eye.

Zuma failed miserably as a president, leader and Zulu warrior. The SONA2015 was a total disaster and lacked the leadership of a president who could rise above distractions. Instead Zuma stood back, handed the reigns to the speaker of the house Baleka Mbete and grinned profusely throughout the entire chaos.

Insulting the constitution by allowing the police into Parliament, sent a message to the citizens of South Africa that the Zuma clan WILL do whatever it takes to stay in power.  Scrambling cell phone signals, dissing the opposition parties and who knows what else was on their secret hidden agenda. 
The world does not give a S*&# about what happens to South Africa, and there is not much patriotic people who care about the land can do. The world has stood back and watched Zimbabwe crumble into a pile of dust, under the dictatorship rule of Robert Mugabe. Sanctions, of course, do not help end the unjust suffering of people who do not deserve to be treated worse than animals. So does the world care about South Africa, no, when it is abundantly clear that South Africa is ruled by a dictator who does not give a fig about the people.  It is greed, money and more money and the ongoing pilfering of the resources until the land lays barren and forgotten.

The Zulu nation have forgotten that it was the European that brought money and set up an economy for growth. The natives were living in primitive subsistence economy. Barely able to survive.  


A Commission appointed by the Governor-General of the Union of South Africa in June 1930, submitted their final report in 1932. The report is lengthy and well-documented finding of the Europeans who arrived in South Africa and the natives living in the country. The culture, the economic factor and many other issues surrounding the unity of the country.

Yeah alright Zuma is the Zoomer of Zumas!

1 comment:

  1. How racist can a person be? Why do you stay in South Africa if it is so terrible?
