Thursday, May 26, 2016

South Africa is oppressed - Donald Trump

According to Donald Trump, “African leaders oppress their people without anyone asking them a question”. Does this sound like South Africa? Trump went on to say African leaders are all greedy and do not care about the people. Leaders cannot lead by example and are only interested in accumulating wealth from the poor taxpayers. Trump’s criticism of African leaders was direct and truthful considering the state of many African countries.  

It is true African leaders are selfish. Unfortunately, it is going to take a long time before there is real change in Africa. Trump believes Africans are still under slavery yet claim to be independent. With leaders who change constitutions in their favor so that they can be life presidents and keep Africa a dark continent.

People are being slaughtered in South Africa and other African countries. Nobody cares about the high death toll or believe that the country is in a critical state. South Africa was built up from nothing and considered a first world country. Now the world watches as it is torn down and destroyed. Senior citizens are abused, babies are killed, women are raped, and farmers are murdered. Buildings are destroyed, universities and schools are burned, and chaos erupts into violence in and around townships.  

The sense of entitlement is real, and government treats state resources as if they were the sole owners, giving no thought for the poor.  Every day we read about the abuse of state resources by ministers and government officials. Recently the Minister of Defense used the Defense Force resources at a cost of millions to the taxpayers to airlift a young lady out of the DRC. When questioned the minister said she did nothing wrong.

How often do we hear those words, “we did n't do anything wrong.” President Jacob Zuma and members of the African National Congress (ANC) say it all the time.  As usual, the ANC’s bandits rally around and exonerate exposed members from any crime or responsibility. 

What does Africa and South Africa want? Striving for African unity or black supremacy. With the aim of ousting all white people and to some degree, the Indian people as well. There is the firm belief that white people are destroying the country economically, socially culturally and politically.  The endeavor to exclude whites from everything, by passing laws and restricting white people from participating in economic growth. Forcing unemployment of whites to escalate due to affirmative action and thereby destroying the minority group. 

When Trump calls Africans oppressors, he is telling the truth. When we see the oppression of their people, how can we not believe Trump? What government will demolish homes and leave their people stranded because the shacks were illegally erected on land earmarked for some development? Throw the people into the cold, let them starve and turn to crime in a battle of survival. If the government and leaders stopped stripping state resources and used the money to develop the land, we would say Trump was wrong. But alas, Africa is an oppressed continent with leaders who are like hyenas charging forth as scavengers, turning the land into a desolate place. 

Laura Oneale - Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

No Mercy for Land Owners

The overseas corporations finance both sides. Present day land owners against the Black land claimants and the Black land claimants against the present day land owners, under the heading, "Done in the public interest".  Divide and rule and the winners are the overseas investors who take the spoils for themselves, only. 
This what they do to White owned farm animals. They show no mercy and no one ever is brought to any court for the serious crime done. The cow was killed by a microwave gun and left to die. Unfortunately the owner could not save the animal.

Where did it all start, in about 1962 Magnus Malan attended Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA military academy. He came back to be the Chief of South African Defense Force fighting the communists in Angola and ensuring White survival before 1994. 

At the end of the 1960s, Mariam Mengistu attended Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, USA and went back to Ethiopia and caused a Marxist-led regime that resulted in a blood bath. 

It is reported that newspaper reports say that Derek Hanekom infiltrated the South African Defense Force and found its secret code and handed it over to the ANC. This aspect needs to be confirmed. However where there is smoke, there is fire. Derek Hanekom has been awarded high posts by the ANC government since 1994. 

Haile Selassie was one of those using Radio Addis Ababa to broadcast that, "Africa for the Africans". In spite of his pro-Black African agenda he was deemed not fit for office by the Marxist juntas, and he was killed. Ethiopians are not entirely black with the skin color. It was due to racial discrimination while at military colleges in the USA that Mariam Mengistu decided to join the communists in Ethiopia. He was supported by Cuba and the Soviet Union. Cuba supported the Freedom Fighters in Anglo from 1975 until 1989. The South African Defense Force were fighting the Cubans and their Angolan counterparts. 

Oil was one reason why Angola was so important. The British Royal Family have significant shares in the different oil companies. During the Cold War, the Royal Family with the Duke of Edinburgh supported both sides, according to the Bibliotecapleyades website
From 1961 on, Rowland was the chief financier for the gangs whose genocidal wars have devastated Africa. He often financed both sides of a struggle at the same time, beginning with the Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia and its black opposition around Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, continuing into his financing both the Frelimo government and its Renamo opposition in Mozambique, and both the MPLA government and its Unita opposition in Angola.
 In the 1980s, as the SWAPO guerilla force of Sam Nujoma waged war against the South African-backed, white-dominated government of the country, South African Special Forces trained the notorious "Koevoet," Afrikaans for "crowbar," black special warfare units, whose savagery was well-known. Crooke and his crew retrained the Koevoet men as "anti-poaching units." Simultaneously, they set up a liaison with the then-minuscule "stock theft unit" of the South African  Police.

In late June 1992, shortly after the notorious Boipatong massacre of June 18, in which 39 were killed and much more injured by mysterious "third force" assassins, a joint task force of ANC intelligence, the Goldstone Commission (an inquiry into violence). A special police unit raided the premises of the British-owned Gold Fields firm. There, to their surprise, they discovered a "stock theft unit" of 40 men, mainly re-trained Koevoet veterans from Namibia.
Laura Oneale - Posted today on SA Today - South African News

Real Concern as more lions are hacked to death

It is outrageous, another three lions killed. Once again the heads and paws were hacked off and removed. The shocking incident happened in Grobbersdale where one lion was poisoned and two lines a male and female were shot n, Bela Bela. After the unlawful killing, the heads and paws were removed. The lions body parts are presumably destined for the traditional muti market.
Should anybody have any information, please contact Captain Dave Retief, Limpopo Provincial Stock Theft on – 082-319-9460

Once is an event and twice a coincidence; now there is real concern that these are the first occurrences of what could be a rash of lion killings. Is poaching coming to the domain of the lion?

South Africa Today reported on an incident last week about two white lions found poisoned and heads and paws removed on a farm near Stockpoort, Limpopo and that the police had detained two suspects. An investigation into this occurrence is still underway. Now another brutal killing of white lions. It would seem that witchcraft is on the rise in South Africa. The first killing of the white lions was a nightmare, and now that another case has been reported it is a cause of great concern. 
In the last article, it was said that the killing of animals can be used for witchcraft. The killing of animals are often brutal and use sharp rocks, knives, glass and machetes to hack off heads and body parts. In this second instance, it must have been a ritual as there is the belief that body parts of animals and humans have a potent, powerful effect. When an animal is hacked to death, the louder the agonizing screams before the animal surrender to death makes the potion more powerful.
Is there a rise in witchcraft activities in South Africa? The majority of South Africans believe in witchcraft, a culture rooted in the past. The horrific evidence is often linked to the continued kidnapping and murder of children and animals. The use of body parts for traditional medicine.
There has never been an accurate reflection of how many missing people in South Africa have been murdered for their body parts. There have been cases of where mortuaries attendants have been prosecuted for selling body parts of dead people.

There is the belief that body parts make medicine stronger, and individuals who receive the parts do not care where they come from.  Traditional medicine and witchcraft are a lucrative trade. Do the authorities play down the total number of witchcraft-related murders that significant pales against the 60 murders a day current committed in South Africa? 

Witchcraft raises a dark image for South Africa and not only are the lions killed, but humans are at a risk of being slaughtered for the insanity of an evil deed. Does government intervene, perhaps not as the president openly admitted to participating in these activities? 

Laura Oneale - Published today on  - South Africa Today – South Africa News