Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Petitioning SAHRC, UN HRC to recognise hate speech by Malema against minorities in South Africa

Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) habitually incites violence and hate speech against the white minority group of South Africa. Farm attacks and the brutal killing of white people can be directly linked to the incitement of hate speech and the ongoing slaughter of whites keeps escalating.

Ingrid de J. from The Netherlands has contacted the Donald Trump administration regarding the hate speech and violence against the minority. Ingrid de J. has received confirmation from the Trump administration acknowledging their request and a promise to look into the matter.

Every South African who wants hate speech and racism to end now have an opportunity to sign a petition. The petition is to force the SAHRC and UN HRC to recognize the hate speech and incitement to violence against the whites and to take action against Julius Malema.

Click here to sign the petition
South Africa Today – South Africa News

ANC what have you done? – Warning graphic photos

Most people expect to see scenes like this during a full scale war but in fact this is an extremely common reality in the modern day South Africa.
South-Africa-is-burningA plotted map of violent protests around South Africa.
Protest-Map-for-South-AfricaSouth Africa, where it is a regular occurrence to burn people in the communities, and frequently some victims are set alight while still alive
Xenophobia-South-AfricaA place where the police are vilified because they shot dead a group of charging armed protesters who were told by their witch doctor “bullets won’t hurt you”…
Marikana-massacreUnder the ANC’s “genius” leadership – South Africa has not only become the rape capital of the world but also the murder capital of the world.

Brutal scenes in South Africa. On a farm in Randfontein, an entire family was killed in the middle of March, including a nine -year-old girl Kayla . Four uneaten sandwiches in the sink (not in picture) testifies that the attack came unexpected and sudden. Photo: Nya Tider / Free West Media
South Africa has become a horrible place to live for an alienated and forgotten white minority. Farm murders are rife and the white people are attacked regularly young and old.

Farmer beaten during a land invasion crisis – Loteni area – Image – S A Rural
EFFAhh the South African Rand. Truly turned into toilet paper by the ANC.
zuma-junkSo what good has become of South Africa under the controversial ANC? Madness? Democracy? Freedom? A rainbow nation?
That all is BS. There is no democracy when your president has hundreds of corruption charges against him.

There is absolutely no freedom whatsoever when over 50 people are murdered each day, forcing people to turn their homes into a prison.

There is no rainbow nation because black and white are not in the rainbow.

So, ANC, we thank you for painting a new undesirable flag and turning South Africa from a first class world country into a third world dump.

The ruling party is dragging South Africa into a pit of horror and until the current supporters and leader are replaced all hope is lost. It is the personal ambitions that drive the ANC, and members are there for self-enrichment, and this is the price of greed. President Zuma is a real embarrassment to South Africa.

In the near future a crisis is approaching that is unnerving and causes one to tremble for the safety of our country.

Published on South Africa Today

Bad behavior of SA students abroad

South African students who are educated overseas were arrested and locked up.

As announced by the Minister of Higher Education and Communist Blade Nzimande.

Students are described as noisy, unpatriotic, and rebellious. Thousands of so-called disadvantaged students study abroad at state expense, especially in Cuba.

Medical students behavior has also come under scrutiny. According to SACP spokesman, he was shocked to learn that students urinate in public and leave streets messy. He described it as typical “location behavior” especially over weekends.

South Africa Today – South Africa News

Monday, December 12, 2016

Woman slaps child in public - Video

Woman recorded hitting child at a restaurant at Fourways, Johannesburg.

There is outrage over the incident and people are shocked that a mother, who apparently was overwhelmed did not know how to respond to her disabled child’s special needs and slapped him.

Patrons intervened and the mother lost her temper and swore at the people and hit the child again. She then overturned one of the tables causing the plates to break.

At that stage, the manager of the restaurant went outside to intervene, and a security guard helped to calm the child.

The woman apologized for your public rant and offered to pay for the damages caused.

Trump's leadership traits are bad news for democrats in Africa

African governments are understandably concerned about how Donald Trump’s surprise election as the 45th president of the United States might affect their interests.

Thus far Trump has given no sign that he will accord Africa any higher priority than his predecessors. His promises to expand and escalate America’s so-called war on terror, however, are raising fears of US military intervention in Africa. Beyond that he has offered no policy views on Africa and his campaign had only a tiny team of foreign policy advisers.

Unlike his opponent, Hillary Clinton, and all previous US presidents Trump has had no previous government or military service. His temperament and personal behaviour, however, have been on public display for most of his 70 years.

These too mark a sharp departure from past standards of presidential behaviour. At this stage, Africans might benefit more from an assessment of Trump the man we already know. His most distinctive personal attributes are not so foreign.

Consider the following leadership traits evident during Trump’s contentious campaign and current transition to his presidency.

Traits that will give demagogues comfort

Favouring strongmen over strong institutions:

His accusations questioning the integrity of the US electoral process and governing institutions were unprecedented in modern US presidential politics. And promises that he alone could save the nation sounded more autocratic than democratic. This will surely reassure the strongman in the Kremlin (Russian President Vladimir Putin) as well as those who still rule many African states and chafed at US President Barack Obama’s call for institutional reforms to limit executive powers.

Crony capitalism:

The bane of many African countries, this risks becoming endemic to the new administration. Trump has demonstrated a disregard for conflicts of interest. In fact, he claims that he is legally exempt from such constraints. If America’s president can profit from public service, why should Africa’s strongmen not seize such opportunities?


Trump’s refusal to disclose his US tax returns is also unprecedented among modern major party presidential candidates. It is also a warning that his administration will lack transparency. Trump, no less than Africa’s strongmen, said whatever he felt served his selfish interests, with little regard for the public good.

Trump is tribal:

His campaign to “Make America Great” became a motto primarily for a return to an America dominated by white, Christian men. This appeal to ethnic rather than civic nationalism has a long history in Africa’s failed democratic experiments. Trump’s appeal to white nationalism may not spur a renewal of African tribalism but it is definitely an example Africa’s democrats will not welcome.

Dignity and equality for women:

Trump’s disregard for dignity and equality of women rivals the most orthodox behaviour of traditional African leaders. His glamourising of male dominance with a modern gloss is likely to resonate perniciously in Africa’s media and society.


This is another self-righteous trait Trump shares with African autocrats such as Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe. It means never accepting responsibility and always blaming others. While Trump cannot ascribe his failures to American imperialism, his so far successful conjuring of conspiracies and excuses for his self-inflicted shortcomings may reassure his like-minded peers in Africa.

Freedom of expression: One of America’s most revered constitutional principles, this was repeatedly challenged by Trump’s extreme campaign rhetoric. And his recent call to make flag-burning a criminal offense suggests he is either ignorant of the constitution he will soon swear to uphold, or considers himself above the law. This is an all too familiar affliction of African autocrats, and even some duly elected.


Trump doesn’t accept criticism, whether in the media or from human rights and other civil society organisations. Repression of both groups has a long history in Africa and has recently been shown to be resurgent. Trump’s example that should alarm those in Africa who advocate for greater government transparency and accountability.

“Fact-free” world:

Trump’s “fact-free” emotional appeals during his campaign contained hundreds of easily verifiable falsehoods that appeared not to trouble his supporters. This new “post-truth” politics has continued with wrongful post-election claims of voter fraud. Such practices are not unknown in Africa.

Climate change denialism:

Trump’s disregard for facts and scientific evidence could undermine African governments and harm millions of their citizens imperilled by the effects of climate change. His likely failure to honour America’s commitments will deny badly needed relief to African countries, exacerbating local conflicts, imposition of emergency powers and suppression of dissent.

If aspects of Trump’s character and temperament appear as familiar threats to Africa’s democrats, this may be a timely reminder that no democracy is ever secure, including the country that was until recently the continent’s democratic champion, South Africa.

The Conversation

John J Stremlau, Visiting Professor of International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand

This article was originally published on The Conversation.