Thursday, July 21, 2016

R59 Meyerton protest flares up again

The protest on the R59 Meyerton area has gone violent. The South African Police are firing teargas and rubber bullets. Police are using corrugated iron as shields against the protesters. The protestors are violent and the police are being chased away.

R59 Meyerton protest flares up again
R59 Meyerton protest flares up again

Meyer Str southbound between R59 and Johan Le Roux Rd, traffic is heavily congested and motorists should seek alternative routes as traffic is being diverted.
There have been several protests in this area of the last few weeks, and it would seem that no matter how much the government try and quell the disruptive action, the people will not back down. Laura Oneale - published today on South Africa Today – South Africa News

This article refers to the protest happening now.  Yesterday we posted another article about the R59 protests, it seems that this area is under severe stress with protests flaring up all the time.
Here are the links to the previous few articles regarding protests in this area.

Protest in Meyerton Gauteng – UPDATE -published July 15

‘Zombies’ strike again R59 protest - published July 5

 Check out the posts, there are images of the protests.

Malema incites violence against farmers and praises idol Mugabe

Last night Julius Malema leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) remarked about how Zimbabweans are “better off” than their South African Counterparts. While addressing thousands of people in Limpopo Malema praised the way his mentor Robert Mugabe seized the land from white farmers. Malema admitted that although the economy was left in tatters, the people of Zimbabwe are free and potentially in a stronger position.
What Malema is doing is describing his hatred of white farmers. Last year during September 2015 Malema delivered a speech at a press club in Cape Town and sharply criticized the past attempts and failures of the African National Congress (ANC) on land reform.

At this meeting, Malema recited the song about how white people stole the land and said no compensation would be forthcoming. Malema told his audience that the White people did not pay for the land but committed black genocide and that the black people who survived the onslaught were transformed into slaves. Malema again told the white people to hand over the land.

In November last year The Pan-Africanists and Black Consciousness movement slated Malema and the ANC as selling out their people. In a statement, this group said Malema openly engaged leaders of the white agricultural sector in the Western Cape and had assured the whites that their interests in the land would be secured and intact.

At another meeting held at Oxford University, Malema referred to the Freedom Charter as the bible of the South African revolution and that there would be no deviation from that. At that meeting, Malema openly rejected the revolutionary process of land reform in Zimbabwe.
Since Malema is hoping to achieve a resounding success in the upcoming local elections to be held on August 3, his speeches are lacking consistency. By proclaiming the manner in which Zimbabwe seized the land is setting the stage for anarchy and inciting violence against South African Farmers.


There is a link on South Africa Today, referring to the entire speech by Malema on how Zimbabwe is better off than South Africa - Worth the read.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The ANC claim to be chosen by God, but it’s only desperation

Must the people of South Africa have sympathy for the African National Congress (ANC) ruling party who are desperate to win the local government elections? Women’s league deputy president Sisi Ntombela said that Danny Jordaan the mayoral candidate for the Nelson Mandela Bay was handpicked by God at a meeting in Port Elizabeth. 
Ntombela warned that if the Nelson Mandela Bay metro fell into the hands of the “enemy”, there would be suffering on a biblical scale. Bishop John Bolana spoke to the followers and said that “Nelson Mandela Bay metro would not be taken by opposition parties, thieves and deceivers.” The bishop had nothing good to say about opposition parties; they are the enemy, and the ANC would fight to retain the Nelson Mandela Bay metro, and told the people to heed the warning. The Bishop then told the crowd that they would experience the same hardships as the Israelite's experienced in Egypt. On closing, the meeting Ntombela said, “This place has Nelson Mandela’s name. And we will never give it to anyone else while we are still alive. The ANC shall rule, forever.”

It is desperation and an act of indoctrinating the minds of the ignorant masses, it is placing fear into the hearts of people who have no idea what the truth is. It is a shame that the ANC government who are charged with upholding the law are not acquainted with the law. How many officials in the ANC seek personal gain rather than trying to administer the law. There are some who know the law but are ignorant of the facts and ignore the need of the people. Responsibility and no concern to investigate the causes for which they are to uphold are not what the ANC do. It is wicked when the sacredness of the position of a leader is ignored. Many leaders love popularity and money rather than the truth. When leaders leave the path of righteousness and walk in the ways of darkness, then they will pay a hefty price.

Perhaps the ANC need to be reminded of what the word of God says about corrupt leaders.

They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
Psalms 82:5 KJV

But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days…
Psalms 55:23 KJV

Laura Oneale - published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Let the city burn Johannesburg turns into a slum (VIDEO)

Once upon a time, South Africa had the ability to make nuclear weapons, had advanced medical technology and a country with beautiful, clean cities. Now everything is gone, after 22 years South Africa is turning into townships and slums. Johannesburg is a dirty, crime infested, overcrowded city that has been destroyed. 
South Africa is a lesson to the world that the “democratic” African National Government (ANC) cannot be trusted to run a prosperous, fair and technologically advancing society where people are safe. In the video, there is no evidence that the majority can run a modern advanced country, no matter how much time is given. The decay, misery, destruction are proof of the failing ANC government.

What remains is the ignorant followers of a corrupt government, rapists, criminals, murderers, who let the country burn. This is what happens when people do not care; this is what happens when a government decides to ignore the needs of the vast majority.

The video illustrates the collapse and physical destruction of Johannesburg, in the “new” South Africa. It is what the tourists never see; it is the reality of what a government allowed and a problem they continue to ignore.

Laura Oneale  - published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

#67 Minutes - kill 67 white people

'Sinazo Bambeni calls Publicly for Necklacing of House Negros and the systematic killing of Whites.'

I am thankful to my numerous followers for bringing to light the hate speech from black extremist groups in South Africa - thank you for defending me.

I am appalled at the 'Mmasekepe Matsebane's', and 'Sinazo Kwakhanya Bambeni's' of our current day South Africa, who simply because they are black, are allowed to spew hatred & vitriol completely unfettered by our government and constitutional court.

They are allowed to bully and threaten anyone who they deem is a threat to their ideology - even their own people.

Wake up South Africa - our battle is here and now!

As a black man with dreams for a free country where our rights are protected as citizens, I feel we are at a dangerous impasse where our bumbling government is silently sponsoring extremism as their support at the polls starts to wane... whether it is this year, next or five years from now, it is eminent!
We are on the brink of being run by a terrorist organization using terrorist techniques to secure the votes of our people

Menzi Solomon Shange
Published on South Africa Today