Monday, November 2, 2015

Is the white man in South Africa Doomed?

A photo was posted on Facebook with this comment -
 I think the words of Chris Hani that say 'we must drive them to the sea' must be put in action now (Posted by an African National Congress (ANC) member – today.)
Here are some of the comments to this post:

It doesn't end here ---------,please check this website . Its disturbing. Its need serious attention

Freedom of expression is a right for everyone as long it does not entrenches on others rights. Let them use the votes to attain that government and I think he will only see it through his asshole

Serious leadership. .....

Let them go to the voting poll and see who will concure...They think we are stupid and that they have ownership in Africa. Let them go back from where they come from.

One word....pfutsek...descendants of van rebieek

This is bull sh****t

thsini madoda !!!!bloody cheek mxm sick grandchildren of Hendrick Verwoed! they must fokof to holland and start their own government. We dont allow nonsense here, majority rule waya waya ! #OraniaMustFall

 this white chap should stop smoking what he is smoking because it is not good for his health, hence this crap statement
The above comments (not edited) were from black people and I did not share comments that were posted in Zulu or Xhosa. I think there is a profound dislike of white people in South Africa. I think the following quote truly  describes South Africa today. Is the white man in South Africa Doomed?


Statement by Juju Mkize SRC president of University Cape Town –
How the hell can we believe you, Mr. President
" South Africans are psychologically sick as a result of the violence inflicted upon the majority of the country’s people during the apartheid era," President Jacob Zuma said.
This lie is getting really old! The history of black South Africans has always been that of violence, death, and destruction - NOT inflicted upon them by white people in this country.
Shaka Zulu, during his 10-year reign, butchered more than 2 million black people in South Africa, not counting the deaths during mass tribal migrations to escape his armies. He had his warriors clubbed to death upon the merest sign of weakness. He neither took a legal wife nor fathered a son, for fear that his heir would plot against him and had his concubines executed if he discovered they were pregnant. When his mother died, he massacred thousands of his subjects so their families would mourn along with him. Shaka retained his throne through the worst kind of sheer terror, vast mass executions, torture and mindless butchery.
His brother, Dingane, was no better. He took power after the assassination of Shaka and started his reign by butchering those loyal to Shaka.
THAT, amongst many other horror stories of black-on-black violence, is the history of Black South Africa.
During the Apartheid years, it was not better. Factional fighting and tribal conflict was again the main cause of violence and death amongst black South Africans.
During the Apartheid era, from 1948 to 1994, the average life expectancy of black South Africans had risen to 64 years, on par with Europe's average life expectancy. Infant death rates had been reduced from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand, higher than Europe's, but considerably lower than the rest of the African continent. The African population in South Africa increased by 50%.
Deaths due to political violence during apartheid:
21 000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid of whom 14 000 died during the transition process from 1990 to 1994.
This includes SA Defence Force actions, for instance, the 600 deaths at Kassinga in Angola during the war in 1978.
Of those deaths, the vast majority, 92%, have been primarily due to Africans killing Africans, such as the inter-tribal battles for territory.
During the period June 1990 to July 1993 a total of 8580 (92%) of the 9 325 violent deaths during the period June 1990 to July 1993 were caused by Africans killing Africans, or as the news media often calls it, "Black on Black" violence - hostel killings, Inkatha Freedom Party versus ANC killings and taxi and turf war violence.
The security forces caused 518 deaths (5.6%) throughout this period.
During the transitional period, the primary causes of deaths were not security forces nor white right-wing violence against blacks, but due to "black-on-black necklace murders", the tribal conflict between the ANC-IFP, bombs by the ANC and PAC's military wings in shopping centers, landmines on farm roads, etc.
In this country TODAY (under the black rule), as many as 18 000 people are murdered EVERY year. ...and those are the official statistics. More than 400 000 people have been murdered in South Africa under ANC rule. The past 20 years have been the most violent in the history of this country since the death of Shaka Zulu
...and NONE of it has anything to do with WHITE people or APARTHEID... but I guess if you repeat the lie often enough foreigners actually start believing the drivel coming from your mouth, Mr. Uneducated President !!!
Unfortunately, people from all over the world believe the lies you have spread and wrongly blame the Whites for Racism!!

Note: I did not contribute toward this article, I only added a few photos. 

Who is poisoning who

A South African shares a story -
Somewhere in South Africa.
 A man approaching retirement age plays golf against another man a few years younger than himself.
The old man plays a shocking game and the younger wins by a significant margin. This game was played in the morning before lunch. Both get a shower, get into new clothes and go to the clubhouse for lunch.
Since the younger won, he, according to tradition, has to pay for the lunch. As the waiter brings the food, the young has to turn his back to the old man, to get the plates. As the younger is doing that the old man quickly slips something into the food of the younger.
Both enjoy the meal, and after it is paid for, both go home to their wives.
At about 4 in the afternoon, the phone rings and the wife of the younger tells the old man, the younger is dead. He died suddenly and unexpectedly in the house.
After the funeral and will is read the old man is employed to finalize the estate. The old man is an accountant.
The younger has a vast amount of money stored in investments. The old man knew this for a long time. The old man issues his account that runs into six figures, close to R1million in fees.
He brings this home, and his wife is pleased.
At the end of the year the old man retires.
In his spare time, he finds a box that his father gave him and it has rows of squares where little glass bottles are put with securely tight lids.
"This is what my father had for special occasions. . ." he tells his wife and shows her where he keeps it.
The old man notices that the lock is old and out of date. He takes all the glass bottles out, locks them in a safe, and goes to City Locksmith and asks him to put in a new lock that can't be opened such as those on bedroom cupboards. No one can open his little box now.
He tells the locksmith not to smell the box as it could be dangerous.
The locksmith is no fool; he knows what that box holds. Locksmiths have been doing their trade since the dawn of time. Secrets are passed down through the generations.
The locksmith puts in a new sturdy lock, and no else can open.
The old man takes it home. He puts it in a hidden place. His wife was shown the place.
While sitting at home in his retirement, his wife starts to get tired of him because he got lazy and did not go out.
One day she goes to Church on Sunday and after Holy Communion and the congregation are outside the Church talking, the locksmith gives her a key to the old man's little box. The locksmith made duplicates.
"Use this when you want to,"   he tells the old man's wife.
A year later the daughter of the old couple gets a phone call at nine at night.
"Your father is dead. I found him in the passage dead on the ground. Come quickly and help me. . ." the widow tells her daughter.

After the funeral and after the will is read, the widow gets an awful amount of money. She sells the old house. Sells the two old cars. Buys a new smaller house and a new car that suits her.
She plays golf, tennis and bridge during the week and a highly paid house carer is employed.

The daughter did not get much, nor did her older brother.
The daughter notices how rich her mother is. The daughter has three kids going to high school, and she cannot cope with the expenses.

One day she goes to town, and the locksmith meets her. He produces a key and says to her, "This is the key to your mother's little box. The one that your father uses on special occasions. . ."
It is not two weeks, and she visits her mother at the new place. At four in the afternoon, she leaves and goes to her home.
She gets a phone call the next morning. The house carer found her mother dead in the bedroom.
After the funeral and after the will is read she and her older brother get the whole estate.
This time, the brother inherits the little box with rows of glass bottles.
Then he turns to her, "I have the box. Listen to me in all things. If you do not listen you know what will happen to you and your husband and kids. . ."

This box is over 500 years old and has been passed down to each generation and kept the family wealthy.
You can work out what was in those little bottles that are locked inside the box with a special key.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Diet Programs do not Result in Long-term Success

Diet programs do not result in long-term success
A recent survey concluded that commercial diet programs do not result in long-term success. It is all false claims.
The gigantic diet industry advertises new products on a regular basis. Open up a newspaper, magazine, or browse the internet, advertisements publicizing some new diet product, a magic diet pill, or slimming tea, will guarantee the loss of excess weight, effortlessly and permanently. It is all hype; billions of dollars are spent annually on diet programs and products. The survey concluded that the majority of people using an advertised diet program or products do lose some weight, but almost all regain the lost weight over less time than the time spent losing it.

When we realize that we are overweight, we are inclined to reduce our food intake, skip meals, and eat smaller portions of food. We think by doing so our body will burn off excess fat, but it is not true. Eating less can make losing weight more difficult.

We need to consider the human body took shape millions of years ago and at that time diets were nonexistent. Starvation was the diet that existed. The people of that era learned to live with lesser quantities of food. It was the people who managed to control their food intake that survived. The structure of our human bodies has developed a method to ensure we survive with a reduced food intake.

A recent research study done between overwieight and thin people, confirmed they ate the same number of calories, but it was the amount of fat eaten that triggered the weight gain. It was concluded during the research that thin people tend to eat less fat and more compound carbohydrates or fiber. Perhaps that is the key to a successful weight loss program.

We need to remember that losing weight is not an overnight occurrence. Common sense and sensible guidelines need to be planned, and carefully considered before implementing a diet program or plan. Millions of desperate people are misinformed and easily fleeced of their money by diet programs or plans claiming to be the ultimate tried and tested one.

Obesity we must remember is not only caused from incorrect eating habits, there is a possibility that serious overweight is the cause of an illness or serious health problem. An excessive calorie intake will turn the excess into saturated fat and that is the cause of the weight gain.

The amount of calories consumed is considered to be the cause of excess weight. Yet it is not the calorie count that causes obesity in America today. Americans consume fewer calories each day than they did at the beginning of the century. Consider this – if calories alone were the cause of excessive weight gain, we would all be thin. We are not all thin, we are overweight. The American diet has dramatically changed over the years, we are more inactive, and that is the actual cause of the increase in obesity.

Dieting without exercise will generally lead to weight gain over time. Initially you will experience a decline in your weight while dieting, and that weight loss consists only of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. Your metabolism must be increased and therefore exercise combined with a healthy eating plan is the only real way to lose weight permanently.

Long-term diets do not work; instead choose a healthier eating plan, implement a three meal per day eating plan, and try to avoid snacking in between. If you do snack, do so with healthier goodies such as fruit or nuts. Implement an exercise routine that you can maintain, and consider walking more often, as this is the easiest exercise for controlling your weight, toning your muscles, and strengthening your bones.

No, diet programs do not result in long-term successful weight loss, but a change in lifestyle will.

Written by Laura Oneale