A recent survey concluded that commercial diet programs do not result in long-term success. It is all false claims.
The gigantic diet industry advertises new products on a regular basis. Open up a newspaper, magazine, or browse the internet, advertisements publicizing some new diet product, a magic diet pill, or slimming tea, will guarantee the loss of excess weight, effortlessly and permanently. It is all hype; billions of dollars are spent annually on diet programs and products. The survey concluded that the majority of people using an advertised diet program or products do lose some weight, but almost all regain the lost weight over less time than the time spent losing it.
When we realize that we are overweight, we are inclined to reduce our food intake, skip meals, and eat smaller portions of food. We think by doing so our body will burn off excess fat, but it is not true. Eating less can make losing weight more difficult.
We need to consider the human body took shape millions of years ago and at that time diets were nonexistent. Starvation was the diet that existed. The people of that era learned to live with lesser quantities of food. It was the people who managed to control their food intake that survived. The structure of our human bodies has developed a method to ensure we survive with a reduced food intake.
A recent research study done between overwieight and thin people, confirmed they ate the same number of calories, but it was the amount of fat eaten that triggered the weight gain. It was concluded during the research that thin people tend to eat less fat and more compound carbohydrates or fiber. Perhaps that is the key to a successful weight loss program.
We need to remember that losing weight is not an overnight occurrence. Common sense and sensible guidelines need to be planned, and carefully considered before implementing a diet program or plan. Millions of desperate people are misinformed and easily fleeced of their money by diet programs or plans claiming to be the ultimate tried and tested one.
Obesity we must remember is not only caused from incorrect eating habits, there is a possibility that serious overweight is the cause of an illness or serious health problem. An excessive calorie intake will turn the excess into saturated fat and that is the cause of the weight gain.
The amount of calories consumed is considered to be the cause of excess weight. Yet it is not the calorie count that causes obesity in America today. Americans consume fewer calories each day than they did at the beginning of the century. Consider this – if calories alone were the cause of excessive weight gain, we would all be thin. We are not all thin, we are overweight. The American diet has dramatically changed over the years, we are more inactive, and that is the actual cause of the increase in obesity.
Dieting without exercise will generally lead to weight gain over time. Initially you will experience a decline in your weight while dieting, and that weight loss consists only of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it comes back as fat. Your metabolism must be increased and therefore exercise combined with a healthy eating plan is the only real way to lose weight permanently.
Long-term diets do not work; instead choose a healthier eating plan, implement a three meal per day eating plan, and try to avoid snacking in between. If you do snack, do so with healthier goodies such as fruit or nuts. Implement an exercise routine that you can maintain, and consider walking more often, as this is the easiest exercise for controlling your weight, toning your muscles, and strengthening your bones.
No, diet programs do not result in long-term successful weight loss, but a change in lifestyle will.
Written by
Laura Oneale