Seeing Whites As They Truly Collectively Are.
The collective White psyche is rarely, if ever examined in particular regarding their predisposition for racism and greed of power. From their positions of power, whites examine and label all other races as they see fit, but rarely, if ever do they evaluate themselves or are evaluated by others.
While labeling all other races as being savages they have in fact been the most brutally savage throughout history.
Within the collective white psyche their exist an entrenched predisposition for racism that is matched only by their proclivity for deceit, greed and hunger for power.
They alone are the most arrogant and the race most predisposed to racism; all other races have been their enemies or their victims. Their subjugation, murder and exploitation of all other races are unparalleled.
Their history is consumed by unrivaled racism, as well as unjustifiable wars and crimes against humanity.
Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristic of the psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior.
"This characteristic has led to a misunderstanding of the psychopath, i.e., a belief that they do not know the difference between right and wrong . It is untrue -- psychopaths simply ignore the concept. By ignoring this trait in the White race Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement on moral persuasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral persuasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable." ~ Bobby E. Wright
We Black people have been deliberately brainwashed to believe that whites are genetically superior.
Forget all the lies that white media controllers have inundated you with in an attempt to infuse the myth of white superiority into your minds. Well come to the truth about the white race. No I'm not being a racist I'm showing you what they're hiding.
Do you know the real reason white people perform laboratory experiments on white lab rats is because those white lab rats share the same genetic code as they share? They share two common factors—the albino factor.
Those white rats are bred for their albinism and are deliberately inbred to mimic the genealogy of so-called “Caucasians.” White people perform experiments on white rats to see how experiments potentially go over in the human Caucasoid population.
If they want to know how something will impact the normal population, the benchmark used is a normally colored rat. In the human world, if they want to know how something will impact the normal human population, their benchmark is a black human being. Black humans contain the fully dominant developed genes and genealogy is the benchmark for normalcy. Whites genetics have far less genetic diversity than black genetic .
White people are far more prone to various genetic defects, malfunctions and disorders. White people also have thinner skins that ages more rapidly than the skin of black people. The bone density of white people are also less dense than those of black people.
Ever notice why white people have far more tolerance for milk? (they're the most lactose tolerant)
Since white people reflect sunlight with white skin, they do not synthesize vitamin D like normal people, and this automatically decreases calcium levels in the blood.
(This is why white
people-particularly white women--are at greatest risk for osteoporosis.) Their bodies always need calcium because it is always robbed from their bodies.
To compensate, they have to have calcium depleted from their bones, leaving their bones porous and weak and leaving whites susceptible to osteoporosis.
Normal people, after reaching a certain age, no longer need milk and should be waned off of it. In the wild, when was the last time you saw a full grown animal still suckling its mother?
Most Black adults do not require the need for milk as whites do. Black people are able to absorb Vitamin D they need from sunshine. Caucasians need supplements to help them make up for the Vitamin D deficiency.
This is why most people who are lactose intolerant are black people. White people are not only the most lactose tolerant, but most needy. In the supermarket, notice how many products have calcium added in them from orange juice and other fruit juices to breakfast cereal? All that extra calcium fortification is to aid whites in their inability to maintain healthy vitamin D levels in their bodies because of the genetic defect. This is the governments way of “leveling the playing field” if you will.
The genetic characteristic of Black people are formed by the dominant (original) gene while the genetic characteristic of whites are formed of the recessive (mutated) gene.
Dark brown eyes are the dominant original gene while blue eyes are a recessive genetic defect caused by ocular albinism.
The brown in the eye is a melanin compound that allows you to absorb sunlight better and is beneficial in other ways as well. When you see blue eyes, what your seeing is the absence of this melanin, so all that's showing is the blue veins inside.
In the science of genetic research the recessive gene is the inferior one while the dominant gene is the superior. This is a scientific fact of the science of genetics. A fact that whites deliberately hide because it scientifically refutes the perpetuated myth of their racial superiority.
Through powerful propaganda and indoctrination we
black people have been brainwashed into desiring the recessive mutated traits of whites.
The white media controllers have skillfully misled us--through many years of conditioning-- to believe that the white race is mankind’s anthropological model and should be yearn.
However, the genetic research paints a picture of the white race that is the direct opposite of what we have been brainwashed to believe.
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