Sunday, August 23, 2015

Economic Freedom Fighters Have a Plan

I wonder if point number Seven will be achievable....

EFF National Financial Accountant

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Black Self Hatred

Black Self Hatred

The condition of Black self hatred refers to those types of Black people that have internalized every negative Black stereotype and are seething with self-hatred and low self-esteem. These types of Black individuals have been psychologically conditioned to believe that whites are inherently better.
Even when provided with evidence to the contrary these types will still insist that white is better.

Even when one tries to apply logic, reason, or refer to documented history when dealing with these types, it will only enrage them and make them defend Whites more aggressively and attack Black more ruthlessly. They have been totally brainwashed to hate themselves and love and adore white people and white culture.

 They also usually believe that the only path to success and true happiness is to marry or assimilate into White culture, hoping to escape the sins of being born Black.
These types are sometimes easy to recognize because they often speak in a exaggerated white vernacular or pursues the white standards of beauty by wearing blonde weaves, blue contact lens and bleaching their skins.

They are also the types of Black people that feels obligated to speak in behalf of and or defend Whites, even when Whites are not present to do so for themselves.
These are the types of Black people that often make comments such as or similar to the following:

 -" I trust Whites more than I do Blacks"
-"All White people ain't bad."
-"If we speak negatively of whites we are no better than them."
-"We sold each other into Slavery."
-"If America is so bad why are so many immigrates coming here?"
-"Whites have treated me better than Blacks ever have!
To rescue these types of self hating Black people we must learn to understand precisely what has happened to them.

There are many of the culturally strong groups of Black people that shares the opinion (usually kidding)that this self hating condition has been some how genetically passed down from the trusted "House Slaves" from the ole Southern Plantations days. But this is untrue. There is actually nothing genetic about this condition. This way of thinking requires constant reapplying with each generation.
The reason of why we have so many sufferers of black self-hatred is because Black people are presently the victims of a massive covert psychological Warfare Program.

The self hating negative  perceptions held by many Black people in regards to their race collectively is a flawed perceptions that  have been indoctrinated into their minds.

Their perceptions have been made flawed by the white washed educational curriculum that revises history to conceals most Black achievements and world contributions from their educational development. Therefore it miseducates them to believe that their Black race have no significant history.

Their perceptions have also been flawed by the white controlled national media’s distorted portrayals of Black people that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality.

 Therefore it misleads them to believe that it is themselves that is their own worse enemy.
For as long as Black people are being miseducated about their past history and degradingly misinformed about their present collective state Black self hatred will therefore continue to be a problem within our community

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

South Africa a New Evil Lurks in the Form of Nyaope, Snakes and Rats

A new evil is flowing through South Africa, which has young people hooked on a drug named Nyaope, and false prophets instructing people to eat snakes, rats, and grass. Controversial churches are springing up around the country, and pastors are instigating weird and demonic practices. Naive people are conned into believing the charismatic prophets who tell congregants to eat snakes and commit other detestable, unnatural acts in an attempt to glorify the Lord. Blasphemy and devil worship is the new order of the day. Gullible people are hoodwinked into the silliness of false prophets who claim that new worshiping techniques will deliver lost souls, bring prosperity and healing.
The majority of the congregation is sane people and willing participants to the foolish, dangerous stunts. The pastor would never be blamed if a member died from eating a poisonous snake. It is all done in the name of faith and conning the people for the sake of self-enrichment. In South Africa people travel for miles to visit these new churches and pay enormous sums of money to participate in the pathetic satanic rituals. It is gullible and uneducated people led astray by con artists. Nobody benefits from the criminal activities instigated by false prophets, yet the people are desperate and needy, thereby falling for the lies of con artists.
Pastors are seen as the permanent voice of reason and sanity, and the congregates do not associate evil with the purity of a church. Pastors have knowledge of this trust and abuse the situation. While most people understand the difference between right and wrong, dangerous and acceptable, there is the forgetfulness of sound reasoning when under the spell of a satanic prophet.
Bluffing people into believing that snakes taste like chocolate and allowing pastors to jump on women is nothing more than witchcraft and demonic spells, practiced by false prophets conning the trusting people. There is the rumor that drugs are a cause of the lunatic actions and by getting people hooked onto addictive substances, this will enrich the drug lords. As drugs are a problem in South Africa and an increasing nightmare for parents trying to prevent, children being swirled into the evil world of narcotics. Drugs are readily available in South Africa, and children are influenced from an early age to take illegal substances. Peer pressure, social inabilities and poor living conditions contribute to the children becoming involved in the dark world of drugs.
The biggest problem in townships throughout South Africa is not the bogus pastors but Nyaope, and it is traders. At every stop street and traffic light, there is a stinky, sleeping boy selling what looks like cigarettes, yet it is the evil Nyaope drug. Homes are shut and parents live in fear of becoming a victim of crime from children who steal to support the addictive habit. The highly addictive drug is devastating communities all over South Africa.
Nyaope drug that is destroying the youth of South Africa is forcefully given to children of all ages. The drug consists of rat poison mixed with heroin – dagga and antiretroviral drugs. The Nyaope drug can include detergent powder, milk powder, and pool cleaner leading to many social ills. HIV-positive people who use the drug are at risk because treatment is stopped, and Nyaope contributes to the spread of TB and HIV.
Most victims are too poor to afford the drug causing addicts turn to crime to support the habit. Children as young as 14-years-old become school dropouts and work for drug lords just to get a free hit. Young girls work as prostitutes to pay for drugs. The addiction is highly risky and withdrawal symptoms are painful. Thus, the addict remains hooked in an attempt to avoid the excruciating withdrawal symptoms. There are reports of an increase of thieving gangs robbing HIV-AIDS clinics to obtain ARVs, an essential substance for making Nyaope. Nigerians dominate the drug trade and distribute toxic concoctions to children all for monetary gain. It is a terrible situation, and the government has ignored the plight of the spiraling drug problem that is ravaging the youth of today.
No human being with a sound mind would eat snakes, rats or grass; the satanic acts are not miracles and are bordering satanic worship. The actions performed by prophets are publicly making a mockery of the Christian faith. These prophets are not helping the lost souls of South Africa. The biggest difference the prophets could make is by helping communities and children whose lives are being destroyed by the Nyaope drug.
Opinion by Laura Oneale

Photo Courtesy of Shubert Ciencia Flickr Page – Public Domain License

South Africa Government Deceiving the Majority

The African National Congress (ANC) government of South Africa is consistently deceiving the majority into believing that democracy is freedom. Indeed, the people are free from the shackles of apartheid, yet have not earned respect and remain enslaved. The government and individual black South Africans continue to commit a despicable crime since the advent of political freedom in 1994. It is a self-inflicted crime of remaining economically dependent on the small, white minority group. There has been little or no progress by the black majority in extricating themselves from the race of laborers and consumers. The black majority have failed to become producers.
It is the selfish actions of the majority that keep them a begging race that fails to fill the needs of progress and earn respect. Future generations have no hope of advancing into an independent, productive race if the current generation cannot create respect.
In 1994, the majority gained a black government, freedom from a struggle and the notion that everything would be free, and that destroyed the spirit of entrepreneurship. The people are not to blame, as it was the ANC government that perpetuated this notion and made unrealistic promises to the masses. These promises would keep the people dependent on government and, in return, the voters would ensure that the ruling party remain in power.
The minority had no choice but to stand back and watch as the masses ran around looking for handouts from a government. The behavior of both the government of South Africa and the masses demonstrated the problem of being ready to govern South Africa in a manner of indigence. The average person remains dependent on politicians’ statements and has lost the process of moving forward. There is no doubt many people have worked hard and have deviated from government dependence, yet the stigma of poverty is prominent throughout South Africa.
There is an evident social distance between the first and second economy, and the majority need interconnected networks of trust, moral obligations and a sense of belonging. The majority need to change the mindset of dependency on the government in order to liberate the current generation. The masses should move away from the illusion of freedom.
By creating a public sphere and creating wealth; producing food for communities; and participating in children’s early childhood development, change can occur. Food is a necessity of life and, for this reason, the majority need to start producing and stop depending on the government to supply. It is time to wake up and move away from the tamed life the ANC government has generated.
With change, the social distance can be eradicated, but it will have to start with taking responsibility, understanding the art of creating and stopping the complaining. This could change the way the mindset has been programmed by a government that abuses the goodwill of its people.
The current era is, sadly, a divided one, between class, gender, and other African foreigners. Mental slavery can only be removed when individuals have open minds, embrace education and follow the path of redemption. There are close to 40 million black people in South Africa, and they no doubt have the power to make a radical change from social division and poverty. By staying bound by false promises of the ANC government, there is no awareness of how powerful the masses stand as they consciously remain frightened to reach out to genuine democracy. The majority need to cast away the fear of the unknown and move away from the comfort zone.
The fear of reprisals and exclusions should remain in the past. The majority need to blow the whistle on looting and corruption in South Africa and the ANC government. They must take a new direction, and use the community media, youth, and church groups to start a new democracy by encouraging truth, liberty and prosperity. Procrastination must stop, and the fear of the unknown should be embraced with dignity in order to move away from the mental status that keeps the majority in chains.
African history is written in the blood of heroes, and now is the time to make history, become dominant and break away from the code of history to write a new story. New ways must be found of progressing so that a future free from poverty, crime, and corruption and be embraced. The journey is long, the freedom is real and expectations begin with taking a small step to move away from white dependency, and dependency on the political largess of South Africa. South Africa is a rich country with a poor population.
Opinion by Laura Oneale
Edited by Jennifer Pfalz
Southafricatoday: ANC Deception of Wanting Peaceful Reconciliation and Rebuilding
Interview with Menzi Solomon Shange

Photo Courtesy of Dorena-wm’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

South Africa Tribalism Is a Threat to Democracy

South Africa
South Africa became a democratic country in 1994, but the threat of tribalism is no longer an old village myth. Tribalism is big. Kings are born and rule over entire villages, instituting laws and procedures and ignoring issues of national interest. People need to abandon the village mentality and move away from tribe rule. Otherwise, the political formation of South Africa will remain stagnant.
There is no other practice that has such devastating effects on the democracy of South Africa than the evils, extremes and venom of tribalism. Nobody has the bravery to challenge the monster of tribalism. Tribalism has crept into government departments, and the roots of corruption, theft, and nepotism are causing the destruction of real democratic values.
From 1994 until 2008, both President Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki gave preference to the Xhosa people and allowed the Zulu group to occupy second place in top positions. Other ethnic groups were given lesser roles in state enterprises. The favoritism of Xhosa and Zulu created a dominant force in all cabinets, national departments and state entities. It was expected that Jacob Zuma would turn away from primitive building tendencies and practices, and move toward a deployment to represent all South African ethnic groups. Instead, Zuma replaced the dominant Xhosa ethnic group with cadre deployment by giving preference to the Zulu people and, in turn, placing the Xhosa group into second position.
The practice and tendencies of tribalism are implemented by people who represent the highest position of the liberation struggle and who profess to be custodians of the majority. Tribalism is a social-cultural belief system; a psychological make-up of an ethnic group. It is often premised on unfounded and mythical attributes conferring superior qualities and values of a tribe, while at the same time, denigrating and deprecating other ethnic groups. Tribalism is not a facilitator of progress in African history; rather, tribalism played an extremely reactionary role and was responsible for humiliating defeats African people suffered at the hands of foreign invaders and colonialists.
Throughout all of the trials and errors and victories and defeats endured in an attempt to drive Africa into a process of consolidation and progress, tribes united into one nation, either voluntarily or by force, and combined to protect and expand the nation’s livelihood. While battling invaders for decades, there was unity to withstand the onslaught, and each independent chiefdom was nothing more than an invitation to the aggressors and a means for the domination of all. The African failed to take the truth from history.
The upsurge in tribalism in South Africa is driven by the appalling and weak political leadership. To secure a job or tender in either public or private sector does not depend on talent, but rather on who one knows, which fuels tribalism instead of a patronage-based society. The ANC deployment policies have flaws which affect democracy and leave it open to abuse for opportunistic, factional and tribal ends. Nepotism is big, and ethnic community deployment of friends into key positions does not take into account skills and capability.
Public sector corruption and failing service deliveries are rampant in state departments, and the distrust of government officials does not stop corrupt officials from lobbying ethnic compatriots into senior ANC positions. There is a perception that Zuma is looking after his own and not using the skills or talents within the ANC or South Africas to create wealth for all, rather than for a few. Race and ethnic identity matter and people are placed in elite positions based on tribal identity and race.
Zuma began to dig deep into cultural and religious roots by displaying traits that threaten democracy, such as by offering up prayers to ancestors, denouncing same-sex marriage as a disgrace, condemning political rivals as witches and snakes, and defending polygamy as an African trend. Zuma uses a deadly combination of religion, politics, and ethnicity in a quest to remain in power. Can South Africa move forward when primitive ideologies are trusted by the mindless people who delight in each word the charismatic Zuma spits out?  Zuma has unleashed the demon of tribalism.
Opinion by Laura Oneale
Edited by Jennifer Pfalz
SABC: Netshitenzhe warns against tribalism and racialism
Interview with Menzi Solomon Shange


Photo Courtesy of retlaw snellac’s Flickr Page – Creative Commons License