Monday, July 28, 2014

Zuma Empire and Threats by Malema Echo Through South Africa

Zuma Empire and Threats by Malema Echo Through South Africa

Homeless in South Africa

Homeless in South Africa
Working to bring change 
Homeless People and the Employment Equity Laws

In South Africa, there are millions of homeless people and over the past twenty years, from the dawn of freedom, many white South Africans have been adversely affected. New laws to strategize the employment structure have dealt a blow to ordinary people who once had a life, home and work. The employment equity bill introduced during democracy favors companies to employ black, or other colored groups as opposed to white people.
Please follow the link to read the rest of the story and visit FaceBook links for the people who work so desperately to help the needy.

Thank you for your support.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

South Africa – Cleanup or Die

A South African shares yet another story about the SUPER-BUGS oozing through hospital wards, sparking unnecessary deaths. Although the one incident relates back to 2012, it has once again reared its dreadful head and how nothing is done to curb the germs floating about the hospitals.

 The letter was written during 2012.
The list of tinctures that I posted to you a few weeks ago is the cure for these new generation diseases.

In the news this week. Carla Serfontein died on Monday, 6 September 2012, at 7am.
I have been given conflicting reports. Some reports are on the Internet. However, I spoke to her stepfather who told me the following.

Carla had flu-like symptoms and was admitted to hospital.
She was cured then got bronchial pneumonia. That too was cured. Then, unexpectedly and suddenly, she got a "super-bug”. She developed symptoms that the doctors could not cure.
At some stage, she was put into induced coma. I do not exactly know why. She had to receive blood. Lots of it. Many people donated blood to her.

The "super-bug" comes from the hospital systems, such as air conditioning, many ill patients in the wards and nurses not able to cope with the cleaning. It costs a lot to do a proper job, as in the private hospital staffs are paid very well. Under new labor legislation, it costs a lot to employ cleaners. Why should the hospital pay more? In addition, those costs, the patients, their families and insurance companies have to pay. Therefore, there is a gap in the cleaning of the hospital at some critical points. The hospital is spic & span and looks clean until one looks at some places...
Carla's parents got a phone call. "Come quickly to the hospital, things are not looking good..."
Therefore, both parents went. Carla's condition had deteriorated.

It was within a few hours; the "super-bug" had reduced her lungs to only 20% of their normal size. It attacked and destroyed lung tissue. It was called necrotic pneumonia. It was decided to switch off the machines as Carla's condition had gone beyond being able to save her life. She died, and was not even able to say good-bye.. .!

Her stepfather told me; the doctors had given her 23 different kinds of antibiotics. To no avail!  She was
given  countless pints of blood, to no avail. I explained to him that I used alternative medicine when I was dealing with sicknesses. He told me, to stay clear of those as one has to ensure the best for patients. Alternative remedies cost less, but does not do the right job, he said. “Better fork out money, so the patient gets the proper treatment and medication from professionals.”
Divide by 12 to convert Rands to Pounds Sterling.
It cost Carla's stepfather R15,000 per hour in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

He had a son with cancer, and that had cost over one and half million Rands to get him to have proper treatment. He had the cancer cured; now he has to get over the effects of the treatment. I told him that the pharmaceutical companies made money out of him. He replied to say the hospital made the most money. 

Where did it all go?

I told him about the book Dr. Mary's Monkey written by Edward Haslam. He did not know about it. He will get a copy.
All these very new and strange diseases come from the United States of America. Read this book to find out.

On the Internet someone mentioned, this disease (Carla's) came from the Congo. The borders at the Congo, anyone, can go in and out. It was people entering and leaving the Congo that brings these diseases to the rest of Africa!

That makes sense. As the USA have since 1960 used the Congo to spread diseases to the rest of the African continent.

I no longer believe the myth that people "just catch" a sickness or disease. It is deliberately given to them.
They knew Carla's parents had lots of money, so someone arranged that his children got sick!

My alternative health doctor told me that another patient who was sick about a month ago; was cured of the same disease that Carla had, and within two days of the remedy been given to the patient.

It did not even cost R1,000 to get that cure!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

South African stories – Farm Murders to Black Economic Empowerment

A South African shares his stories about two-farm murders and why Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) fails to stop the horrendous terror attacks. Farmers in particular are vulnerable to shocking terror, humiliating horror and unforgivable methods of violence. The questions asked is whether the farmers of South Africa are attacked, humiliated, crushed and threatened as a scare tactic to force them to sell their land and seek asylum in another country. Who wants the land, and who is behind the terror of farm murders?

Rita Gladys Burdette was working on the administration staff at a Missionary school in Natal Midlands. She raised a black child, putting him through this school and paying his fees.

This boy was about 17-years-old when he did it. He had access to her house and he cut her throat and loaded her into her car and drove away. The blood coming out from the boot gave it away. They found her dead body... 26 January 2007.

I phoned her best friend, similar age.

She said, "She was old, and now is in heaven... she had to die..." I threw the phone down. Never talked to her friend again.

Andy Main agreed to sell his farm to B-BBEE  and he arrived home at about midnight after visiting his daughter. He was gunned down by AK47 at his front door... 23 September 2007.

When I phoned Andy's number the next day. His recorded-voice spoke. It was eerie.

I have a long list of other names, which agreed willing to sell and/or had friends with blacks.. All murdered because of that relationship!

My schoolteacher often said. "Go and teach your grandmother to suck eggs..."

There are far more underlying things than just, 'handing over.' 'Letting go,' 'moving on,' 'forgetting the past,' 'get over it,,' etc.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment.

This article was first written early 1960s by Prof. W. E. (Eckard) Kassier. The name still has to be confirmed, but Kassier and his document did happen.
He was an agriculture economic lecture at Cedara Agricultural College during the late 1950s. He lectured at Boschetto Agriculture College for young women, run by Miss Norah Miller. She died during July 1959 holidays and the staff and Board of Governors completed the year-end. The College was closed down at the end of that year.

Boschetto was at Rosette near Nottingham Road in Natal Midlands.

This B-BBEE document is upgraded every five years, done as things change university professors.

The following is taken from.

A Fine Band of Farmers Are We by Bill Guest.

'In 1961, he was succeeded by W. E. (Eckard) Kassier, who was the first student in that Department to complete an M Sc Agric (1959, on the economics of wattle farming) and went on to acquire a D Sc Agrar at Stuttgart-Hohenheim. He initiated a farm management scheme and, after being promoted to senior lecturer, in 1965 assumed the chair at Stellenbosch.'
(That Department was "AgFac" aka Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Natal.)

His first paper he wrote on B-BBEE was so black empowerment would up-set agriculture so that overseas investors could buy land cheaply and so grow crops in the interests of Monsanto and GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) companies and for other Agriculture chemical companies.

“ It is cheaper to undermine and farmer, pay him a little for his land, than it is to pay him full price."

As of August 2013, The Craig Rattray family have agreed to accept R1billion from Government for his Mala Mala Game Reserve, near Kruger National Park. Nevertheless, the government is NOT prepared to pay such large amounts to the other farmers whose land they want to take.